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  1. One year later, yet here I am. This blood oath passive you have reminds me of a book series I used to read called Zeroes by Deborah Biancotti, Margo Lanagan, and Scott Westerfeld. They had 2 people with similar abilities to the passive. Bellwether(Nate) and Anonymous(Thibault). They could see lines of connection. Nate could create connections to him making him extremely charismatic and having people listen to what he had to say. Thibault was the opposite. He was practically memory-proof. Anyone who did not focus on keeping their attention on him forgot him easily. He had the opposite of Nate's ability he could snap connection lines making people forget him. Don't know if this helps especially 1 year later but I just felt like mentioning it.
  2. Hello everyone! It's me again with another extremely confusing question for you or maybe I'm just dumb and it has been mentioned before but meh. You might remember me from my previous question where I confused people by asking how duralumin interacts with higher metals? Now I'm asking a different type of question. Namely about the magic systems instead. We know that what we call 'magic' is known as investiture in the cosmere. We also know that the way investiture manifests itself depends on the influence of shards. However, we also know that one of the most intriguing characters and coincidentally, my favourite character, has acquired numerous artifacts. As in the title, I mean Hoid. Check it out here https://coppermind.net/wiki/Hoid#Abilities Back to my point. We have seen him use certain abilities that are not native to Roshar. However, remember me earlier saying that magic systems manifest themselves depending on the shard native to that world? In that case, how is Hoid able to use non-native magic? Ponder on in confusion and let me know what you think because honestly, this confuses the heck out of me. Cheers!
  3. I mean TBH they can't exactly be killed only splintered(IIRC). That being said, You saying this isn't correct as the shards didn't splinter or 'die', merely their vessels did. We know this because Sazed gained the abilities of the shards as Harmony.
  4. Firstly, compounding is a Scadrial term used when a Twinborn/ Mistborn and Feruchemist burns one of their metal minds, creating a multiplied release of the stored attribute. Secondly, to address your question, I personally feel that it would not be possible to become a vessel for infinite shards as there are only sixteen. Ha taking advantage of your question. But seriously though Wouldn't that pretty much just be reviving Adonalsium. In which case, why exactly was he shattered in the first place?
  5. What happens when you burn duralumin with higher metals? We know for most of the basic ones but what about some higher metals, Copper, and Bronze? Steel/Iron/Pewter/Tin/Brass/Zinc It's not really super relevant as in Wax and Wayne, there aren't anymore mistborn(unless you count the Bands of Mourning) and in og series only some of the higher metals have been discovered but it would be interesting to see how duralumin would affect: Gold, Electrum, Cadmium and Bendalloy(though why someone would burn this I don't know), Nicrosil and Chromium.
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