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  1. Hello and welcome! I am @Wondercat. Well, obviously, since you see my nametag on the side. Anyways, I agree with you. Vin is awesome!
  2. As the clown screamed, he jumped up and down creating a fit. A fire started from his whining.
  3. He soon found a thread that was named "The longest thread (misadventures)" and got totally weirded out that it told of the past and the present. Then he saw this post, and screamed.
  4. Kelsier cried, upset that someone finally rejected him. I post at 10 cause I can. Wait, that rhymed...
  5. While Kelsier was thanking himself, a Thank You card fell from the sky. Apparently, it had been sent from the God of Words.
  6. Then, a group of magical pandas gathered around the pool, and wished the best of luck in heaven.
  7. As Butt flew upward, he screamed, "Holy Macaroni gods!" before he flew back down and belly flopped into a random pool.
  8. Feeling crazy, Kelsier ate the peanut in his hand and smacked Butt. "I shall speak any way I wish. Now, let me serve your death day on a dish."
  9. The Pickles were quite poisonous, and only found in hidden regions called Pickle Swamp.
  10. Butt could sense the new evil awakening, but laid aside for the celebration.
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