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  1. Thanks Scyora! That does help. Looking on amazon I keep seeing things that say Roman with the book title. Any idea what this means?
  2. Hi friends! So I have a friend that lived in Germany for a few years and loves it. For his birthday I wanted to get him the cosmere books in german....only problem is ...I don't read german so I'm not sure which books are which. Anyone mind helping me out by translating which books are which so I can order them =) The ones I want to get are Mistborn Trilogy Stormlight Archive Elantris Warbreaker
  3. Hey Everyone! I had to join the forum for this one specific purpose. What do you think the essence of the Bondsmith ideals are? Like the actual meaning of the oath that helps define what they will swear as their own oath? We know from the Windrunner oaths that they are similar but not quite the same. Almost like they are personal to each person but have an "Ideal" behind them. Hence calling them an Ideal. So what about the bondsmith oaths that Dalinar has already swore. "I will unite instead of divide. I will bring men together." -This almost feels straight forward that it is about bonding. Bringing things together and being solid in your ideals and position. But i could be wrong. "I will take responsibility for what I have done. If I must fall, I will rise each time a better man." -I wanted to say Progression. Improvement. Or even Repentant. Accepting responsibility and becoming better indicates a need to continuously improve. Recognizing that you make mistakes and move forward. So what are you thoughts on this? I would love to understand what the essence of the bondsmith oaths are.
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