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Mauve Crocodile

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  1. What do you do when your enemies must be your friends and your friends are friends of enemies?
  2. I was hoping Falcon would die and the game would keep going. Threads are so much easier to read when they're sans sheriff. Good game, all! Especially the elims who carried on without me. We nearly achieved our goal. And besides stealing Meerkat's salmon we also nearly won the game! But that's secondary. Thanks to the GMs, IM. I had fun.
  3. I don't understand what's happening and I'm worried that a reaction test left unrevealed too long will lead to my accidental exe, so I request that the plan be disclosed now. I feel like I've left it long enough to attract the votes we need to analyze. If I am exed accidentally, I blame the alleged Seeker. If I should die for inane reasons, I guess this is see you later. -Obligator
  4. In other news, we have a new Tineye! It looks like three three letter words, but the part I've highlighted is throwing me. I'm guessing this is a Mistborn, and suspect Meerkat would have written something more verbose. Praise The Lord Ruler!
  5. My question would be, why not go buzzsaw mode if you have two kills available as an elim team? Meerkat would have died far earlier if the Spiked had that much ability to sieze control of the thread. I can't remember if this is a game where mistborns reroll repeats or not, but I think the likelihood of rolling Thug twice in a row is low. Praise The Lord Ruler!
  6. You let Cham off really easily. And then abandoned the results of your data collection, which sunk cost fallacy would usually prevent. You then said Lion would be a good info flip, which is weak reasoning. These insights are courtesy of The Lord Ruler and his infinite wisdom!
  7. Subjects of The Lord Ruler, we're playing the game wrong. We can only exe Smokers. If we don't exe Smokers, they refuse to die and we lose At the risk of exposing my well-guarded identity, I just finished watching an excellent hockey game and intend to revel in that for a bit. I'd like to question Weasel's comments from that because they seemed weird. But I'll get to that later. You've been warned!
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