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  1. This is possible if the humans were initially from sel.
  2. Kaladin meets riino in shadesmar and views him as a shin. But riino says on page 913 "No something else. MERCIFUL DOMI..." That is a saying for someone from Sel. Do you guys think riino is really selish and just is mistaken by Kaladin to be a shin?
  3. I just read chapter 51 in WoR, in it is a quote "it had taken a lengthy explanation from Dalinar to even get the horse to allow Adolin to hold the reins, let alone climb into the saddle" (B.Sanderson 707, WoR) My question is what level of intelligence do you believe Rhysadium have, is it on par with humans, slightly below, on par with horses?
  4. Shardblades are spiritual as the sever a soul. the cognitive realm is where an object such as a table has pride in being a table, but its not where the table gets life. (I beleive this is right) So i believe your assesment is on point. Though, after thinking about it more I believe i was trying to make a connection where there was none.
  5. Are the aimians considered humans? Nevermind i see it was answered already
  6. Is it possible each shard has a power that manifests itself differently based on what realm is affecting it. All worlds seem to have investiture that is used internally, externally or bringing a inanimate objects to life. Am i missing any other ways investiture is being used. If I had to put a realm to each type of investiture. External-normal realm Cognitive-internal use Spiritual-bring life to objects. Taladain I know the least about so not sure if the above theory holds true. Roshar seems to turn this theory on its head. Though shardblades are described to have a soul by a adolin in WoR (can't find the quote) Stormlight is the real world power And the surgebindings are used by ingesting(best word I could think of) stormlight Maybe the realms aren't connected at all and its just that each investiture has 3 modalities.
  7. Yes it does thank you. Do you think each shards powers are able to be manipulated in the 3 realms. Most seem to be used internally, externally and then bringing non-living objects to "life". Maybe I'm looking into it to deeply and trying to connect something thats not there
  8. Awesome thanks, I noticed it after I put up my post :), should i close my thread?
  9. I could see this happening closer to the end of the cosmere books, but i agree it would be an awesome Novella, jumping from worlds we have read about throughout the cosmere experience.
  10. Rysn was my first choice, but now that she has the larkin I think her story drastically changes, that's why I chose Vstim, I agree though either would be an amazing novella to read. The different parts of Roshar and the People they visit and trade with would be great.
  11. One of my favorite parts if the stormlight archives are the short stories in the interludes. I wanted to know if you could have Brandon write a novella for any non-main story character (eshonai,szeth,lift) featured in the interludes who would it be. As of now prior to oathbringer I would love to see a novella about YM or Vstim, I think Vstim's backstory and his exploits as a warrior and trader would be amazing to read. I'd also like to learn more about the one and YM's exploits as a beggar.
  12. Under Current Projects on Brandon's website we now have a mystery project at 1%....he was supposed to write all 3 apocalypse guard books in "one sitting" but that maybe has changed. I was trying to speculate what the mystery project is. Is it elantris 2 or just a novella of some sort, maybe a non cosmere book like rithmatist 2. What do you all think? Listener Thude
  13. So as I read more Sanderson books I've seem to notice a trend. Each world has seem to split their investiture into 3 "powers" for the world. I was theorising that each of these powers is based of the 3 realms. The real world (not sure it's actual name), cognitive and spiritual. I've tried to list each worlds power based of the realm i feel it fits best. I'd like to know if you think this works or am I reading to much into it. Scadrial-Allomancy real world Feurchemy-cognitive (put into metal) Hemalurgy- spiritual Nalthisis-breath real world Nightblood-cognitive world Spiritual world not yet shown? Or the Gods reborn Sel-dar kor real world Aon dor-cognitive (a splinter object) Forgery-Spiritual (messing with the soul of an item/person) Roshar- surgebindings Cognitve-spren Spiritual-shard blades Roshar I had some trouble with. I haven't read ars arcanum yet so don't have the smaller worlds.
  14. So as I read the OPs comment it made me think that you have the 3 realms, the real world, cognitive and spiritual. It seems that every world has 3 different investitures possible based of the 3 realms. Scadrial-Allomancy real world Feurchemy-cognitive (put into metal) Hemalurgy- spiritual Nalthisis-breath real world Nightblood-cognitive world Spiritual world not yet shown? Sel-dar real world Aon dor-cognitive Forgery-Spiritual Roshar- surgebindings Cognitve-spren Spiritual-shard blades Let me know what you guys think. Just a theory that came into my mind when reading your guys posts
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