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Everything posted by Sandra

  1. I can't believe the Connection between Spook and Dalinar. Capital C on purpose? Yes! Also loved the second part of this episode especially, eye-opening really.
  2. Well I can imagine that if there is an Aon for speaking, you could maybe tweak it enough to get from curse to poetry. Maybe change its Intent from resentment to art. However I don't know enough about Aons to be sure that could work.
  3. Well, how can you underestimate Hoid, that was foolishness I think there is still a lot to learn about Selish magic and Aons. As far as I remember, in the Elantris novel About the logogram, it could be that the Aon used has just been changed slightly and now has that different meaning but translated to English it "rhymes".
  4. I just wanted to post a question, but I think you might help me. please can you explain how Hoid's and Charlie's curses were broken? I am a non-native English speaker and didn't really get it... thanks! Also the part about Hoid becoming an Elantrian confused me too. Was it really just a bet between him and the Sorceress?
  5. the men of Gold and Red seem interesting. Is Odium joining forces with Autonomy?
  6. My dear German-speaking Stormlight fans! Gibt's hier ein paar deutschsprachige LeserInnen? Ich habe die Bücher (leider?) in der englischen Originalversion gelesen und mich würde es interessieren, wie ein paar Begriffe übersetzt werden. z.B. Namen (ich nehme aber an hier wurde nichts verändert), die ganzen magischen Begriffe usw. Falls jemand hier was beitragen kann, würde ich mich freuen.
  7. Thanks for putting all the work into this probably very out-of-schedule content. It's highly appreciated!
  8. The Silence Divine is a working title for Brandon's maybe-one-day-to-happen Ashyn novel. So we'll possibly get a similar title, just not for Stormlight
  9. my guesses: 1. no idea what world, for the magic, I think the woman is doing something to the water with the left hand and having a focus on a cup of water with the right hand. 2. non Cosmere, looks like a Halloween sci-fi crossover. looks fun 3. this looks like a love story to me and I'm excited for that, because I liked Warbreaker a lot. maybe they're from different families with a feud... Romeo Juliet like 4. this could be Ashyn. Mr. Bald holding a sphere of Voidlight maybe... edit: Brandon mentioned this is a character we've seen before sooooo my guess is it could be Nale's back story on Ashyn.
  10. So, I started Cytonic about 2 weeks ago and somehow don't progress as fast as I thought I would. It's a bit boring for me, this constant jumping from fragment to fragment, searching for the Path and trivial conversation between MBot, Spensa and Chet. Can someone cheer me up and tell me it gets better (I'm at about 25% on my Kindle)...
  11. Stormlight: Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonnet as Dalinar and Navani Freya Allan as Shallan Ezra Miller as Kaladin Julia Jones as Jasnah The Rock as Rock Cumberbatch as Hoid Kiernan Shipka as Rysn
  12. Unofficial title: How to Train your Slug. I quite liked it, but after all, it's just a novella and can only have that much plot. I guess I'm getting used to Brandon's 1000 pages books. I'm excited for the other novellas and Skyward 3 though.
  13. Austrian here, I've only read all of the Cosmere books in English, so that topic is quite fun for me ranked from "like it" to "WTF": Ruin, Gabe, Mut, Gnade, Ehrgeiz, Bewahrung: like all of them, honestly. Ehr: well an E is missing at the end, that's weird. but everyone will get what it means. sounds a bit more like a name so I understand the choice of the translator Odium: I've never heard that word in German before, nor do i like the -ium ending (but I have that some complaint for the English name), I think Verachtung would fit quite nicely. Invention: Fantasie or Erfindergeist would sound nicer, depending on what the actual shard's Intent will be like. Invention sounds very unusual in German. Dominium: don't linke the -ium ending, -ium endings are very unusual in German but we have the verb dominieren so I guess that fits nicely. Schrulle: hate this one. doesn't sound epic at all. What about Willkür? That's a much nicer word Bebauerin: that must be a mistake right? the biggest problem for me (as @Elegy also mentioned) is the gender here. that's not consistent with shard names at all. why not use Kultivierung? don't get it. that made me smile. I do wonder if we get an interaction of Cultivation, Honor and/or Odium somewhere in the Stormlight Archive books. I would love that.
  14. The reason was Ba-Ado-Mishram, as far as I remember, she messed with their Connection. Try checking the WoBs for her and you might find some more information.
  15. It is out now, EUR7.99 for my fellow European sharders!
  16. Taravangian sounds very interesting to me. He is also kind of on Odium's side now so that makes sense.
  17. These two are my favourites so far, they look really epic and I like the dynamic in the depictions.
  18. I don't think it will be someone unknown to Shallan, how could she possibly "know what to do" (as Mraize put it) ?
  19. I agree, I don't think the plan will be carried out the way she planned it either
  20. I can imagine that their history is more in oral form, meaning songs. From what we've seen so far, their culture has a focus on those.
  21. Knowing Brandon Sanderson, I would expect the plan of Raboniel to be carried out in the first or second arc of this book.
  22. As far as we know, each brand only has one surge.
  23. That sounds like the ending of a good horror movie... Shallan is a construct/persona. She even says so several times herself.
  24. Who knows... Hoid did it too. But I don't like that possibility. It's just that the word formless reminded me a lot of Kandra.
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