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About bronzecompounder

  • Birthday 04/06/1994

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    MISTBORN! Also Pokémon.

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  1. oh man that is a really good question, 50 points to whatever hogwarts house you're in well... feruchemy is end-neutral so i can't see the charge just dissipating or being destroyed... so i have to conclude that the charge would remain in the metal. on top of that, remember how nicrosilminds work? (correct me if i'm wrong!) you can place a store of, say, weight from an ironmind, in it and then take it out again as, say, an equal charge of health and put it into a goldmind. so maybe the mental speed charge in the zincmind that gets alloyed into some brass gets transformed into a charge of warmth? WOW THIS IS A REALLY INTERESTING IDEA *ROLLS AROUND ON THE FLOOR*
  2. i gotta agree with Reader here. the other suggestions are EXCELLENT, but at the same time, i can't see mere copper compounding giving you access to new information. alas. although compounding a memory and remembering everything you smelled and heard (even faintly) and even tasted would be pretty cool. i would revisit favourite meals SO OFTEN, you don't even know. :3
  3. THAT'S RIGHT! thank you so much. i will go looking yeah, this is what i was thinking. :3 but now i'm wondering... what if a feruchemist made a bracer out of a metal alloy of two (or more) feruchemical metals? HMM..................
  4. hi folks! because i am a terrible, terrible fanboy, i've been toying with the idea of buying some metal bracers/cuffs to be my "metalminds". obviously this isn't totally possible in some cases, as the contact with your skin would cause some of the metals to degrade (if they're pure, that is). my question is this: does feruchemical purity matter as much as allomantic purity? i seem to remember someone (possibly sazed) saying something like "the metal was close enough to feruchemical purity to store a charge" or something to that effect. am i dreaming this, or what? tl;dr- can i get stainless steel bracers/cuffs and still store speed? (lol) :3
  5. GOOD GRIEF I LOVE ALL OF YOU SO MUCH. <3 king of nowhere, i hadn't even THOUGHT about that atium/age/public transport thing! YOU ARE AMAZING! getting into sizzler at 10 year old prices every time? HELL YEAH! i am screaming~~~
  6. another very good point. i mean, it's not above shards to speak into the minds of people! ^u^
  7. ahh yes i like these ideas a lot! i forgot that ati was 'once a kind and generous man'. derp. ;P I agree, I want more cosmere stuff. I think I'm going to have to reread every cosmere novel and look out for Hoid and other things now.
  8. hi guys!! so I just finished Elantris (OH MAN, MY FEELS) and also stumbled upon the short story, The Hope of Elantris and read that too. (The link is here if any of you haven't read it.) but yeah, in this short story, it mentions two previously unheard of (at least to me) Aons: Aon Ati (meaning hope) and Aon Aeo (meaning bravery). I don't have any ideas about Aon Aeo, but what about Aon Ati? Ringing any bells, my friends? I'm pointing this out because I don't see Brandon as someone to use the same word for different reasons without noticing. Therefore, I think this is a clue (or something). As to what it's a clue FOR, well, I have no idea. :T I'm having a hard time linking Ati (that is, Ruin or atium or something) to the concept of hope, so make of this what you will. i just thought i'd throw this out there. :3 EDIT: i apologize profusely if this has been pointed out by someone before; i tried searching the forums to see but the search bar doesn't allow keywords below 4 letters, and 'hope' didn't seem to turn up much.
  9. finished elantris OH MAN

  10. i quite like this "no luck" concept. i mean, it fits with the rest of feruchemy: a lack of a particular thing now traded for a surplus of that particular thing later. yes, good. thank you!
  11. oh my goodness, this is the best post i have ever read. ever. headcanon accepted. must... resist.. urge to propose.... ; 3;
  12. oh my god these are so excellent uwu maybe you could also fill a zincmind when exercising? you'd (exercise) bike for an hour and it'd feel like 30 minutes... I LIKE IT. especially the weight loss one! that's a brilliant idea! i can totally see a lucrative business starting up that'll spike you so you become a Subsumer, all in the name of weight loss. *cue dramatic music* I really need to get the RPG! Looks like it explains a lot. I had no idea that was how Nicrosilminds worked. HMM......... /adds annotations ahh right you are! thank you. /adds annotation
  13. ...how would you fill your metalminds? when? where? what would you be doing? this thought struck me the other day, and i can't get the concept out of my head. Iron: I'd probably do a Wax and run around at 3/4 weight most of the time, but I'd also occasionally store all of my weight and float around because, well, that'd just be cool. Steel: I live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, so I'd be filling this one a lot. That said, I'd do it more whilst doing something that didn't require any movement at all, like watching TV (or maybe chatting irl or on the phone? Depends if I had to speak slowly too. I know Sazed did that time he was filling ALL of his metalminds at once, but that might have just been because he was filling a zincmind? I'd give it a try anyway.). Being able to read a page faster than I was able to turn it would get frustrating quickly. And don't even talk to me about trying to use a computer during active storage :| haha! Tin: Sight tinmind on bright days, or when I had a headache. Scent tinmind if someone farts, or I'm stuck in someone's smelly armpit on crowded public transport. Hearing tinmind if someone was playing obnoxious music, or, once again, if I had a headache. Taste tinmind whilst eating healthy yet gross-tasting foods (or so as to not offend any chef friends/family members, lol!), or whilst kissing a smoker. Touch tinmind if I was in pain, or whilst being tickled (or even if I had a headache, AGAIN. wow feruchemy is basically paracetamol). [EDIT: When I say smoker, I don't mean someone who's burning copper, lol ^v^] Pewter: If I was lying around filling a steelmind, I'd definitely be filling a pewtermind too. I could probably read/type with minimal muscles too, so that's a bonus. Zinc: The best time I could think of in which to fill a zincmind would be during something like a massage, or relaxing in a spa. I mean, thinking isn't really much needed during those, right? Brass: This is kind of a tricky one. My initial thought was to fill brassminds on hot days (often, in Australia - ugh!), but then I started thinking about the things I know about thermodynamics. Heat flows from hot to cold, right? Would filling a brassmind to make yourself cooler just make the heat flow into you more quickly? Would you feel this extra heat energy (and therefor not feel cooler), or would that all flow into the brassmind too? (This is operating on the assumption that brassminds store actual heat, not your ability to feel heat. I mean, bendalloyminds store actual calories, so this isn't too much of a stretch, right? They're both energy! :3 [if my science is really wrong here, PLEASE tell me. I haven't done physics in a while, and I want to be correct.]) But yeah, hot days for sure. Copper: Copper is a special case, obviously; I'd just use to to remember things when I needed. That said, if I memorized a textbook, I'd also read it without actively storing memories so I'd have it at least sort of tucked away up in my head, as a failsafe. I mean, what if I lost my copperminds? Ahh! D: Bronze: Obviously I'd fill this whilst sleeping. I'd definitely utilize my holidays, though, and sleep for like a week to give it a nice fill. EDIT: Windrunner pointed out that I couldn't fill it whenever I slept, because then I'd never get any actual and needed rest. So I guess it's just in the holidays, then! Gold: I'd only fill this with access to a LOT of orange juice and hand sanitizer at my disposal. I'd probably stay in my room, too, to make sure I wasn't exposed to more bacteria/viruses than I had to be. This could be another one I'd add to the "fill-whilst-watching-TV" list. Electrum: This is a tricky one, too. I'd probably fill it whilst hanging out with my friends, because they make me happy, but not all the time because then all the fun we'd be having would just flow into my electrummind. I'd also just buy like 3 kittens and fill it when cuddling them, because no-one can be depressed when kittens. NO-ONE. Cadmium: Another one for the "fill-whilst-watching-TV" list. If I really wanted to boost my intake, I'd use an oxygen tank when filling to either keep my blood at about the same level of oxygenation or to just add more straight into the cadmiummind! Bendalloy: Oh man, bendalloyminds would make life a lot easier. I'd splurge like $100-$200 on food on like a Saturday and eat it all and store it, then not eat during the week. What's that? Hungry during a lecture? Whilst driving? Bendalloy has you covered! Aluminum: I'm not really sure what happens when one stores their sense of identity, so I can't really discuss this one. I can't even come up with anything that sounds plausible. If you have any ideas or information on this power, let me know! Duralumin: This is an interesting one. I'd fill it when I was alone, or during public if I wasn't hanging out with a friend, or even to avoid someone I didn't want to talk to! ~sneaky~ Chromium: Luck is another tricky thing to store. During active storage, does everything that can go wrong, go wrong? When tapping, does everything that can go well, go well? Is it that black and white, or is it greyer than that? I'm not really sure. Regardless, I'd only fill a chromiummind at home. Absolutely no filling in public, or around other people, ever. EVER! Nicrosil: EDIT: The lovely Quantum Toast informed me how investiture storage works. "Going by the RPG, you store investiture by transferring one of your other stores into it (how do nicrosil Ferrings do it?), so I guess I'd just trade in stuff that's as useful to store as to tap, like warmth or weight. Then I'd use it to boost stuff that's difficult to store safely, like health or luck." So obviously my answer has changed. I'd have to agree, here, and say I'd swap in brass stores, iron stores, perhaps some tin stores (a sense i don't need all the time, like touch, or taste), duralumin stores, bendalloy stores (I can always eat more food, I guess), and maybe even copper stores. I could store useless memories and information in a coppermind, store those in a nicrosilmind and switch it for something useful. It's like recycling! ;D wow that's a lot of typing. if you read all this, kudos! also I apologize for saying how much i love theorizing and then disappearing for a while, i've just been really busy with uni (; 3;) i want to talk about where/when/what i'd be doing when TAPPING metalminds, but this is probably enough for now. anyway, where/when/what'd you be doing when filling your metalminds, fellow feruchemists?!
  14. i'm in a rush so i haven't read all of the responses just yet BUT i think your basic idea is amazing! nice work! ;D obviously some tweaking would be needed for the temporal metals, but other than that i'm fully into it. :3
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