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  1. Just continuing my reread of Way of Kings, getting prepared for Oathbringer and I have came across an interesting death rattle. Now this is interesting considering that in chapter 18 of Edgedancer we find out that the Everstorm does not, in fact, have a stormwall. As far as I have read the death rattles are visions of the future granted by one of the Unmade. While some may be inaccurate due to the multiple possible futures, but I would imagine that the Everstorm would be a consistent phenomenon. So why then does a vision show the Everstorm with a stormwall but the actual one appears to not have one? Any ideas on this inconsistency?
  2. we also know about people stopping outside in storm tents, which would be nowhere as near as dense as either Glass or rock or the like and as far as we know Spheres still need to be left outside. Just like in Mistborn where the Mists wouldn't enter the Army tents.
  3. The Mists are not a meteorological phenomenon, they are completely magical and will appear regardless of humidity or air pressure outside so why would they be affected by it inside a building. Also while Spheres may be kept in mesh cages the Spheres themselves are Gem stones surrounded by Glass. How comes Stormlight can get through a glass Sphere but not enter into houses, some of which have windows or are not completely sealed? I just think there are some odd distinctions.
  4. So I just had a thought when looking into both Mistborn and Stormlight Archive. It appears that the raw power of shards is unable to enter buildings for some reason. I'm not sure if it's been discussed before but i'm sure people have noticed how in Mistborn the physical representation of Preservations power, in the form of the Mists, cannot enter buildings and evaporates at the entrance. A similar aspect to this can be seen in the Stormlight archive with, as far as we can tell, the physical representation of Honors power, Stormlight, cannot enter into things perceived as buildings. We see examples of Stormlight passing through Flesh to infuse gems in the form of Kaladins hand when he is left to die in a Highstorm and also in the fact that they are left in lanterns out in a Highstorm to become infused. It also seems weird how Stormlight can pass through the glass to get into a gem inside a Sphere anyways. But from these examples, does it seem to indicate that a shards power can't permeate buildings? And to be clear, i'm not saying that powers granted by a shards investiture cant be used in buildings, as there is much evidence that it can and is used inside a lot in both Mistborn and SA, but what sort of meaning does the possibility that a shards essence cannot permeate buildings?
  5. From what I've read in the books, The Medallions work by tapping raw Investure from the Nicrosil ring. When tapping Investure it gives you the abilities of a Feruchemist and so you can then store attributes into metalminds and then conversely tap any filled metalminds you have. If you used a Triple medallion with Nicrosil, Aluminium and another then you could store Identity in the metalmind while tapping investure and create an unkeyed metalmind to be used by anyone. Does this clear up how they work?
  6. The Set had multiple opportunities to capture Miles, just about any time he was with Wax's uncle they could have trapped him and had him contained. Im pretty sure that the Set considering their interest in both Hemalurgy and breeding Allomancers would have meant the risk of captruing Miles would be worth the reward of gaining both Allomantic Gold and Feurchemical Gold powers to produce compounders or even just Bloodmakers. Also just had a thought, can you stack Hemalurgical charge in a spike? Like if you repeatedly used the same spike on the same person, provided they're a Gold compounder, could you create a spike with a powerful charge of any given ability? I know Feurchemy is end neutral, so you couldn't make the ability more powerful with a highly charged spike, but could you create a super strong Gold Allomancer with a multiple charged spike? and the same with Physical attribute spikes?
  7. I see, but still, from the point of view of someone who has the knowledge of Hemalurgy and has captured a Gold compounder, they could create multiple Healing and Physical attribute spikes for either themselves or for use on other people. This makes me wonder why the Set spent more time using Miles as an operative rather than harvesting powers from him. Also is it possible to produce a compounder from Hemalurgical spikes? Obviously you couldn't harvest from them but you could create a small army of near immortal people.
  8. So then technically you could create an infinite number of any Gold spike, Physical attribute spike or any other hemalurgical ability spike using a gold compounder? So if you ever caught one, you would be a very powerful person.
  9. So if a Gold compounder can heal from spiritual and physical damage, does that mean that you could use a Hemalurgical spike and steal their Gold powers and maybe their physical attributes and then they could heal from those wounds? Could you mass produce Hemalurgical healing spikes? or is the damage caused by Hemalurgy too much to heal from?
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