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About jngonzo

  • Birthday 03/18/1987

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    San Francisco
  • Interests
    Reading, anime, geek things.

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  1. Ahhh ok, I have a hard time finding related items. Thank you!
  2. So, I've scoured all the questions and can't seem to find one that answers mine, so correct me if I'm wrong. In one of the WoB threads I read, Brandon answers a question that honor blades can't be bonded, "Q: Can someone bond more than one Honorblade A: Honorblade? You can't bond an Honorblade, though it can be given to you. Shardblades, however, come from a spren bond and it is possible to bond more than one. [This was cleared up at a later signing.]" but at the end of WoR, Szeth clearly severed his bond with the blade, when Syl says to Kaladin, "He has released the bond. He's nothing without that sword! It must not be lost!" (1256 paperback ed.) So my question is, can an honor blade be bonded or not? And if it is bonded how is it done? With a gem at the bottom like "regular" shardblades?
  3. Hmm that is a very difficult question. Wax and Kaladin are my faves at the moment, and a little bit of Wayne, but who doesn't like him? haha
  4. Hello! Just finished reading Words of Radiance and can't wait for the new book to come out!! The first Sanderson book I read that got me into this world was Elantris and is still my favorite. I've read all of the adult books, except Warbreaker, which is my next read. I've also read some of the Reckoners books. I decided to join after reading so I wouldn't spoil anything for myself, which was hard. I did lurk around a little bit to confirm things I thought I knew while reading. I'm glad to have found a group of people who love Brandon's books just as much as I do! Hoping to get my fellow Cosmere theorizer, my sister, on here as well. Happy reading! -Justinn
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