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  1. Surprisingly I found myself really into Venli’s arc. Brandon wrote this so well. I was dying to know what side she would be on in the end. She really got some points this book
  2. Sorry if this has been posted already (I’ve been away in the world of Malaz for some time). I’m pretty sure that Kaladins forth set of words will be something along the lines of “I will forgive myself for the ones I couldn’t protect”. It all makes sense when Syl is trying to get him to speak the words in shadesmar. What you guys think?
  3. I'm hoping for an expansion on renarin and his abilities (good or bad), maybe seeing a dustbringer develop some powers, more scenes with Highprince Sebarial and his wife, also hoping to find out what happened to Talns blade.
  4. I think Mistborn will give you a better idea of shards and the powers within the cosmere. I read TWoK, then mistborn era 1, then WoR and that helped me put a lot of pieces together. I also haven't read warbreaker because I'm distracted with another series and can't stop!
  5. I'm enjoying Deadhouse Gates for sure. I've noticed on the malazan forums that quite a bit of people don't enjoy the Chain of Dogs story line but I really like it. I have always enjoyed battle scenes and also the scale of what Coltaine is doing is EPIC in and of itself. I really like Heboric as well. Honestly tho GotM was faster paced which was fun, but you can tell Erikson became a better writer in DHG.
  6. Ok so I'm necroing my own thread. I just wanted to follow up because I read Gardens of the Moon and I'm half way through Deadhouse Gates. First off I'd have to say that I loved GotM. The pacing was fast and yes there was A LOT of stuff going down that I didn't fully comprehend but it was so entertaining that I was ok with not knowing. The characters were IMO very well done. You can just feel the ancient vibe to some of them (K'rul for example). I thought it wasn't too difficult to follow even though he switches POV quite often he writes so well I found this a plus. Some of the elements were downright disturbing (dragnipur anyone??) but this was prob the most intriguing part of the book. So I guess I found my series to read while waiting on Stormlight so thank you all for your opinions and thoughts!
  7. definitely Wit/Hoid. A point of view novella with him would be awesome and would give us a ton of answers or maybe the right questions.
  8. i enjoyed it, but I thought AWMF was better only because that just seems to be the way books that are in a series go with me. For example I liked The Great Hunt way more than eye of the world, I liked Stone of Tears way better than wizards first rule and so on. The first book in my opinion is just preparing me for awesomeness later. In kingkiller chron. I enjoyed everything except the stupid girl he's after. Almost skipped some parts but I trudged through.
  9. Good to know. I started it and it's really good so far. Also noticed your name is a character in the book! He must be a interesting one
  10. well I'm literally about to start Gardens of the Moon. Got some great insight from you guys! One question on the philosophical stuff some people mentioned. Is it anywhere near as annoying as Terry Goodkind in the sword of truth series? I enjoyed that series up until book 6 then it really started to get bad. He literally did the same speech 100 times about altruism and living life for yourself. Please tell me it's not like that.
  11. Thanks for the info! Yes I heard it was a complex series with a lot of characters and world building but I feel I'm up for the adventure. I already have Gardens of the Moon so I will get into it very soon. Pretty excited
  12. Hi everyone! So I'm looking for opinions from my fellow Sanderson fans about the Malazan book of the fallen series. I am looking for another good series I can read in between stormlight releases and have heard good things and bad but Sanderson is my favorite fantasy author so all your opinions are welcome. Thanks!
  13. Interesting question. We know Kaladin is talented with a spear. He also is gaining more understanding with his lashings. However reading through szeths fight scenes, he has mastered multiple arts of combat including without his honor blade (when he had one). So imma say if they fought today it would be Szeth but later in the story Kaladin.
  14. So I finished this shory story in the cosmere collection and I can't help but get this creepy vibe through the whole thing. Was Brandon intentionally trying to show us the aftermath of odiums shattering of ambition and what could possibly occur in some form on Roshar?
  15. Would we be able to extend this idea to the listeners and bonding voidspren? It seems that they don't need this in order to become voidbringers in any form, but the thousands of years of slavery may be the hole in this. Perhaps all listeners are broken as well
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