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About WolfBro87

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. What about the God Beyond? If Honor, Preservation, and Ruin are/were considered gods, and 'the God Beyond' isn't a misnomer I imagine that would mean its at least on par with the power of a Shard. Given that its mentioned on multiple shardworlds and that Brandon said to watch for more mentions of it, I imagine its pretty important. Shattering Adonalsium would be pretty important. No evidence, just a thought that occurred to me while reading this thread.
  2. So a quick thought about using Aluminum metalminds to steal other people's metalminds. First, I've always assumed that when you try to use Person A's metalmind the metalmind says "I belong to Person A, you are not Person A, you can't use my stored resources." But what if the metalmind is instead looking to see if your Person B, C, D, etc? Obviously it seems less effective, especially since I anthropomorphized the metalmind. But if the metalmind is looking to see if you're Person B, then using Aluminum makes sense. You just store up enough of your identity that the metalmind no longer recognizes you as Person B anymore. It doesn't recognize you as a person at all, but you still are a Feruchemist and able to use metalminds, and perhaps that is how one uses someone else's metalmind. I also have an idea about stealing spiritual powers and getting someone else's personality/voice/identity along with it. But it is late and I'm not sure I'd make enough sense for that one. Plus I need to know if Spiritweb was akin to Spiritual DNA, which I feel lIke I've heard before.
  3. If I don't win this contest, I'm gonna have to buy one.
  4. I always knew Santa must be an Inquisitor, using speed and time bubbles to get to all the children in one night. Plus the whole north pole bit.
  5. Winning an ARC of The Alloy of Law would make my friends extremely jealous! I would very much like to be entered to win, and delve for any Cosmere hints.
  6. So I was driving to buy Towers of Midnight the other day and I got to thinking, what would happen if an Inquisitor and say Vin were fighting, had Atium, Vin had Atium and Electrum. Now we know that if the Inquisitor burns Atium and Vin burns Electrum, then the Inquisitor sees Vin's shadow split into dozens. I believe it was Elend who called Electrum 'the poor man's Atium' So what I'm curious about is what would happen if the Inquisitor burned Atium, then Vin burned Electrum followed by Atium. Would Vin be able to see the Inquisitor's single Atium shadow? I think Kelsier explained that two people burning Atium see dozens of shadows because A sees what B is going to doing, changing what A would do. And the same happens for B, which then leads to both of their shadows splitting up. But if an Inquisitor already sees dozens of Vin's shadows because of Electrum, then would that mean if Vin burned Atium after Electrum she could still see the Inquisitor's single Atium shadow? (I use Vin and the Inquisitor because I didn't like how it sounded using 'Mistborn A' and 'Mistborn B')
  7. Okay first I'd like to say this probably should be called a Hypothesis rather then a Theory, but I don't think many here will be overly upset at the title. I have very little evidence (if any, but you judge for yourself) that supports this, and truthfully I fully expect to be proven wrong as we learn more about Sanderson's Shadesmar/Cosmere Metaseries, as I like to call it. But this thought has been bouncing around in my head for the past couple of days and I'd really like to see what others think of it. So lets start with a quote. In response to Kaladin asking Hoid's name, he says: All of that is very interesting, as is what he says later in response to Kaladin's continued questioning, but what I want to talk about is what I put in bold. When Hoid said he began life as a thought, the first thing I immediately thought of was the Cognitive Realm and how the Shards had to acquire humans to be their minds. We see this with Ati, Leras, and Vin for sure in the Mistborn series, and the Way of Kings provides names for many others. Its pretty clear from Mistborn, Warbreaker, and now the Way of Kings that the Shards of Adonalsium are incredibly powerful, often treated as Gods by the people of their respective planets. And if they are in fact pieces of something greater, as is implied in the fact that they are called Shards of Adonalsium, then it should be fairly obvious that Adonalsium was something even more powerful, something closer to a God in the traditional sense I think. Something with a mind. But as we've seen, the Shards need people to act as their minds. Which begs the question where did the Cognitive aspect of Adonalsium go? Perhaps as a result of the Shattering its mind was separated as well. Perhaps that mind eventually went to become the entity we know as Hoid. Now aside from that one line, and the odd fact that the Shards of Adonalsium need people to be their Cognitive aspect, I have no real evidence for this. In fact there is no evidence that Adonalsium even had a mind, it might well have been an object of great power. I don't believe this, but I figured it might be good to point out the obvious flaws in the random idea that popped into my head. EDIT: I've actually come across some evidence that makes this idea less likely. If Hoid is in fact the author of the epigraphs then it would be very strange for the Cognitive aspect of Adonalsium to have known Rayse on a personal level to the point where he has a grudge against him as the epigraphs suggest he does, since Rayse was presumably a human being the same as Vin, Leras, and Ati were.
  8. Okay, what Chaos is saying makes a lot of sense to me, but I just want to be clear about one thing. You said Aona was one of the two Shards we've interacted with directly, and she was on Sel. I'm assuming this means the general theory is she was the one attached to the Shard that is behind the Dor? I had a thought she might have been when she was first mentioned in the epigraph (AonDor and Aona, seemed too coincidental to me, much like your Skai/skaze referense), but I didn't know that was generally agreed upon. Oh and Chaos, you said "we know 100% that Skai exists on Sel", was that in the epigraphs too or somewhere else? And yeah, I completely agree that the author is Hoid, the whole people from the 17th Shard chasing him bit would have been far too big a coincidence.
  9. So I hope this is the right place for this (rather then the Stormlight Archives or Elantris threads), but I was wondering, does anyone have any ideas what Odium might have done that was so horrible on Sel? Is it something that happened before, during, or after the events of Elantris? The only thing that comes to mind when I think about it (though it has been a while since I've read the book, I'm planning on a reread soon) is perhaps Odium caused the great rift in the earth that prevented the magic of the Dor from working. Anyone else have any thoughts?
  10. I think we can safely say that the Almighty is a different Shard then Cultivation. I know its not really needed, but here is a spoiler warning for the end of 'The Way of Kings'. In Dalinar's last vision the figure refers to Cultivation as if it was another entity, saying she was better at seeing the future then he was. Furthermore he identifys himself as God, the creator of mankind, the one they call the Almighty (not an exact quote I don't think). It would seem very strange to me if the Almighty would identify himself as one person then imply he was not another. So I would wager that the Almighty is not Cultivation.
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