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  1. @Chaos, well, cliffhanger might have been too strong a term indeed. The only cliffhanging part was really about Jasnah being back in the epilogue and we want to know what she's been up to and what she's about to do. But yes, WoR had a good conclusion of the themes of the book (return of the voidbringers, finding urithiru), however, what I felt that I consider cliffhanger was the anticipation of "yeah, but the everstorm is here, what will happen with it?" and the whole Jasnah thing of course. So of course you're wondering if every parshmen is now stormform, what will happen, how can they fight that, what info does jasnah bring with her, etc.. so it left me wanting more, just because of that everstorm+Jasnah. But I agree, it wasn't a cliffhanger like in the more traditional sense of the word, but it still was one to me. The big contrast here is with Mistborn, when I was done with book 1, I didn't really expect there to be a book 2, I felt like the story had ended.. at by the end of book 2, while Ruin was freed, I still felt like it was done, and maybe the freed Ruin was just some kind of consequence we'll never learn about. It's not the same thing with WoR, but that's to be expected, since SA is a different scale from Mistborn. Anyways, it's better that you didn't answer it, because it might have spoiled my reading of the book if the answer was "yeah, there's a wanting-more sense at the end of it" and I would have kept expecting it. Regardless, thanks for the reply! I can't wait for next week and to read the [REDACTED] paragraph
  2. Awesome review @Chaos, thanks for that! It helped spark the hype in me again, I can't wait to get my hands on my copy of the book! One thing I want to know though, how do you feel after finishing the book? Do you feel happy and satisfied? Or do you feel depressed because it's done and you have to wait years for the 4th book ? For me, the mistborn books were self contained, you don't feel like there's a book after that, the same with WoK, which was just awesome, and it finished quite nicely, but I felt like WoR finished on a cliffhanger and I couldn't wait to read the next book. Is OB the same as WoK or same as WoR in how it's leaving you hanging for the rest of the story?
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