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Rhi Bran

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    Santa Cruz, CA

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  1. Not sure if this has been asked before, but does anyone know if you were to push a spike through a Coinshot then immediately through another Coinshot then into your recipient, would that recipient gain the combined allomantic strength of those two Coinshots? Basically, can you keep pushing a spike through person after person to increase the spike's charge (until the metal is fully invested) as long as you are stealing the same ability each time? Thanks a bunch
  2. @Cowmanthethird That WoB is really news to me. I thought Brandon had previously said that you couldn't become a savant if you had too many powers within you and that's why mistborn did not become savants
  3. I'm curious if the number 16 is important to the cosmere because that's how many Shards Adonalsium shattered into or if the number 16 has a deeper importance and Adonalsium shattered into 16 Shards because of that deeper importance.
  4. So we know that in world, Lift's ability is known to convert food into stormlight. But do we have a WoB that she can only change food into stormlight. Because couldn't she be capable of converting other materials to stormlight and we just don't know yet because she just hasn't consumed things other than food before?
  5. I am not sure the ability would be constant. When Dusk arrives at Patji in the beginning of the book, he thinks to himself "Beginning your visions early, my friend" referring to Sak. Dusk does not see corpses until he lands on the island, and sometimes when he's in the process of landing as "the Aviar usually waited until they'd fully landed before bestowing her blessing." So it could be that Dusk does not run into sufficiently risky situations while he's away from Patji that warrant the corpses or Sak does not engage the ability until they are close to Patji.
  6. Thanks @strumienpola and @Extesian for the update on my question
  7. That's an interesting theory and it could make someone really powerful if they were able to gain more than just one ability somehow (but even a single ability could provide quite the edge). If people could gain powers from the worms, I wonder if the powers gained would vary by each individual or some other quality/factor. You can totally add it your questions to ask Brandon. I just ask that you message me with what he says (since it can be difficult to find specific info because there's so many transcipits from signings). And if somehow I get the chance to ask him first, I'll let you know what he says. This was actually my first post and I'm glad someone else found it interesting
  8. Does anyone know if Brandon has said anything about what would happen if a person were to eat the fruit from Patji's Finger? Would the parasites work in the same way as inside Aviar or would people gain different abilities, or none at all? Lemme know if anyone has any related quotes, information, or just their thoughts on the subject. Thanks!
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