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  1. couldn't he choose where to put all of it, though? It's possible the kandra horde it, as they used to, or it could be underwater.
  2. Perhaps he redistributed the remains of ruin's excess power in the form of atium, but stopped any more from being produced since ruin no longer had it's power being released over time?
  3. MM, I suppose I meant that aluminum doesn't have the same "energy" as other metal does. Whereas other metal are able to be sensed, in both the physical and spiritual realm, aluminum has no "spirit" or "pulse" like other things do. Spiritually, they can't be seen, so magic wouldn't work on them because it works based on how your spirit interprets it's existence.
  4. So I just wanted to know, could ettmetal be used to store all feruchimal powers, but since there are no full-blooded terris in second era, no one has done it? And if so, couldn't someone strip away the barrier preventing others from using the power, like the lord ruler, so multiple ferrings could store their powers into the same metal and use it? Edit: terrible wording so I'm sorry if this is confusing, but I'm really tired right now
  5. this may make sense as to why aluminum isn't able to be pushed or pulled on... because it has no investure, as where most things may have at least some form of it.
  6. But didn't harmony say that the pits didn't exist anymore? For some reason, I feel as if they don't exist. Of course, maybe they manifest differently? As in, sporadically appearing all over the world instead of a set place; which could mean that atium would appear in places no humans would be able to reach it. Granted, I also am not sure of the extent of harmony's power, because of it's complicated nature, so these things may not be possible for certain reasons I don't know.
  7. I get that, but it could create atium and lerasium at the same time to balance out and remain in harmony. Because wouldn't he have had to create atium for any to still exist in the world? or was there some leftover atium from the 1st era?
  8. could harmony not create atium to balance out the lerasium, then?
  9. of course, lerasium should exist, or have the possibility to exist, if atium does. So, if harmony deemed necessary, it could create lerasium enough to balance out atium...? Or maybe just make two beads of lerasium to balance out each other? Harmony is complicated in that we don't quite know what balances out in the end, where harmony clearly has positive intent (from his nature as sazed, I assume).
  10. I'm sure there is something else out there about this, but does anyone have anything on what happened to the metals? Do they still exist, but no one has the ability to use them (in the same way that mistborns no longer naturally occur)? Was all of atium burned up, or is there more in existence, or did it become harmonium? If there is still atium, could harmony use it to manifest in physical form, and could he do this would ettmetal as is?
  11. ah, thank you guys for the help! If everyone is as nice as you I think I'll love it here c:
  12. Er, what is double posting exactly? posting the same thing twice? Sorry, it's been a decent while since I've been active on any sort of forums
  13. So, I have to look around here to get a feel for it myself, but is there anything I should know right away, the kind of stuff that's too stupid to ask? Also, is swearing allowed, and is there an FAQ?
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