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  1. I forgot to post what I thought about my own topic. Now it just seems unoriginal to say The Well of Ascension. I always found Elend to be kind of a bland character, and there is a huge focus on the novel with his personal growth as a leader, and his political beliefs. I just couldn't really care about him. And to be honest it was mostly lacking the charisma and charm of a certain some one...
  2. We're all fans of the Cosmere or we probably wouldn't be here, but everyone has their own particular tastes. I'd like to hear from you, my friends, the story you like the LEAST. I should probably declare SPOILER WARNING, of course.
  3. There's nothing wrong with bullets made of soft metal. As far as I understand it most bullets are intentionally made of softer metal so that the tip will flatten and spread making for a larger hole. Perhaps it's other factors in the metal that make it not work? Like how it responds to heat or something.
  4. Does tapping Iron impair movement?
  5. Gavilar with his dying breath entrusts a strange black sphere to the very man who killed him. This obviously means that it is incredibly important. It's importance in fact probably transcends the squabbles among men. This leads me to believe that it is some how related to the Shards. I'm not really one for theory crafting, but could this perhaps be related to how Odium was trapped in the greater Roshar system? Could it perhaps have similar significance to Odium as atium does to Ruin? I'd love to here other (better) theories on the Black Sphere. It's bugged me from the first time I read The Way of Kings.
  6. My personal favorite twinborn idea is a steel running leech. Steel running would allow you to close the distance and make the physical contact required to leech an opponent's metal reserves by burning chromium.
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