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  1. In addition, anyone can receive Breath - even if they are not native to Nalthis. And once they have Breath, they are Awakeners same as Nalthians.
  2. @Andy92 It occurs to me that 1) the scale of the Stormfather would match the force at the end of your post (might seem redundant, but I think worth emphasizing) and 2) his emergence coming from the death of a Shard might be cause for the massive disturbance, as opposed to if it was less traumatic - such as the Nightwatcher
  3. @Yata @Andy92 When I said "creation" I meant his gaining sentience - not the initial version of him (ie a highstorm). In response to Yata, we know that the Stormfather as we know him was created after Tanavasts death, which could match the timeline of the shattering of the plains, since (as far as we know) that happened after the Recreance. I always assumed the Stormfather came to be at the same time Tanavast died.
  4. In addition, I have another theory to offer: if you go to Kaladins talk with the Stormfather in WoR, he notices that when the Stormfather speaks "The voice shook everything. It was as if . . . as if the shaking of the plateau and his own body made the sounds for the voice." (pg 878 in Kindle) Perhaps the shattering of the plains had something to do with the Stormfather, maybe even his creation?
  5. Didn't he already state that if there was a sequel to White Sands that it would be in Graphic Novel form only?
  6. I took her voice screaming in the back of her head to be unique since she alone (as far as we know) was the only one to not have the proper mindset while Bonding. “No,” Eshonai said, stepping back from that spren. In a moment of panic, she cast from her mind the preparations that Venli had given her. “No!” The spren became a streak of red light and hit her in the chest. Tendrils of red spread outward. WoR Kindle Loc 7798, emphasis mine
  7. So, we know that TLR hunted down the Terris and created the breeding programs to ensure no one would be born who would be both a Feruchemist and Mistborn (for whom I personally like the term Fullborn), as they would be able to challenge him. However, we know from Era 2 that when those genes mix, the result is a watered-down version of a Fullborn: a Twinborn, with only one ability from each magic system. This begs the question: What was Rashek so scared of? It's impossible for a Fullborn to be born naturally - Rashek only was one because he was able to make himself into a Mistborn. I can think of 2 answers, but I don't really like either one; 1) He was afraid of Twinborn as well as Fullborn, This doesn't really make sense, as he wasn't threatened by Mistborn, who are of a much higher power level than Twinborn. 2) It was possible before, but Harmony changed it so that they created Twinborn instead. This seems the most likely scenario to me, but that in turn asks why TLR didn't just do that at the Well when he had the chance. (sorry for not linking sources, but I'm super tired and don't have the energy to go find all of them)
  8. He may not have had Allomancy then, but we have WoBs that Hoid uses Feruchemy to know where to be. Since it's unlikely that he discovered Unkeyed Metalminds back then, I'd assume he has attained Ferchemy some other way (similar to how he attains Allomancy via Lerasium). (IIRC there is a WoB to that extent) As @Djarskublar already said, Hoid stealing the scepter doesn't tell us much. My guess is that he wanted to experiment with it - if he can't be an Elantrian, maybe he can still manipulate the Dor another way. This n=makes it sound as if it may function similar to how some people view Feruchemical nicrosil - a bridge between different magic systems. Nowhere in the quote does he specify that you need one of the Selish magic systems to operate the Sceptre.
  9. An idea just occurred to me - if Spren (or at least dead spren) are Honours' god-metal, then perhaps the lock was made of Cultivations' god-metal? (We have WoBs that every Shard has a god-metal, not just the Scadrian ones)
  10. ....or if you can tap a Durlaminmind to make an artificial Connection to the land. Which we already know he can
  11. I believe it takes place 30 years after Elantris What makes you think Hoid stealing the scepter means he received access to one of the magic systems? he stole a scepter - that doesn't require any special magical skills.
  12. "If it's too thin"... makes it sound like if the lock was thick enough, it would stop it even on a physical level.... .... or I'm just grasping at straws here
  13. 1. What makes you think Aluminum is known on Roshar? I don't recall anyone mentioning it.... 2, 3. Yup - you're probably right in this regard. Don't know why I thought they'd repel the damage on a physical level @Pagerunner do you think you can find the source that says Shardblades can't cut Aluminum as it would other things?
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