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About Megan

  • Birthday 09/25/2001

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    A place where it rains a lot and there isn't really a summer.
  • Interests
    Sleep, eat, homeschool, clean, READ! Eat. But on the weekends I do way more exciting stuff! I go to church! And eat way worst!

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  1. I think that you mistake what I was saying, I was just joking, I looked at what I had said and I realize that it didn't sound like one (it was really late at night and I was tired) so I get why you thought I was serious, but don't worry!!! I can assure you that I don't actually say that stuff to people!!! I just say like "hey this is a really good book you should read it!" Or "this is my favorite book!" But trust me I'm not has mean has you thought! Don't worry I was just trying to say more that Brandon has made me more picky and it's just a little harder to find a book, I just said it very poorly, and tried to make jokes when my humor was none existent (what happens when you go on two camping trip in a row and it feels like it's zero degrees outside and your in a tent, and when you made the post at like midnight, very stupid idea)
  2. Okay so I first picked up the way of kings when I was eleven, I hadn't been reading any of Brandons other books, and really didn't read that much at all at the time, so after reading that my standards where way to high and it is actually very hard for me to find a book that I'm not bored with and I'm really picking about my books to, and now I'm fourteen and everyone my age is reading some pretty crapy books and I'm just over here with my book that you have to read between the lines and then read in between those lines because there is just so much epicness and mysteriousness that you need to find the answers to it so that's why you're reading it for the 17th time. So what I'm saying have any all you shards have trouble finding books that are not up to your standards of epicness? Do you find your self annoyed at people in there little of epic in there books? And how they don't get how your book is far superior then there's is?
  3. @Erklitt I showed that to my sister and she said that you couldn't word her thoughts any better. And I think that Dalinar could do way better, I just really don't like them has a couple, and I'm not just saying that because I don't like her, I have not liked other characters before and like there love interest but I have still liked them has a couple. It's kind of like your friend is dating someone and you don't like that person, but you like that there dating because there good for each other. I don't have those feelings about Navani and Dalinar. And I would also like to say that it is very rare for me not to like a character. It actually took me s long time to think of someone else that I didn't from a book or movie. Because in a book their not real so they can do more stuff. Like Wayne for me, if I knew him in real life I would not like him, but in the book I thought he was really funny. And I really wanted to like Navani, because I REALLY like Dalinar and I want for him to have a happy ever after. So like I said, I REALLY did want to like her, and I tried to see it in her way, but i just think that she's not a very good person.
  4. Ok, I've from the beginning have not liked Navani. Some of other people i know did and didn't, my sister doesn't like her has much has me, mom likes her ok, my brother didn't really like her but didn't think about it much, and my friend didn't like her ether almost has much has me. But, yeah any way. Like the first time she spoke she really annoyed me. At first I thought she was one of those characters that you where not supposed to like. But, any way before I go on a rant about it this is why I don't like her. From the beginning she has come off has a little "wow is me" and "my life is so hard" and I get that she didn't really love her husband and that she had to watch the person that she really love get married and have kids, and don't get my wroung! That would be REALLY hard to see and live with because she saw him most likely a lot. But it just annoyed me because she said that she thought he was dropping hints and everything, sooooooo why can't you just ask him about it or something or not go and marry his brother, and she said that she didn't because she was intimated by him! I'm sorry, but if you can't talk to him about a relationship, then it's going to be really hard too talk in marriage. And too me she just seems... not a good person. Not like just needs to die she's the worst thing that has walk there planet, just that she is selfish, doesn't respect other people and is rude. And when Dalinar first fell in love with her, he was a really bad person his words, and she really REALLY liked him at that point too, I don't know if I can say that she loved him at that point. So yeah that is just a couple of reasons why I REALLY don't like her (i don't know if I can say that I hate her because hate is a very strong word), but there are a lot of others. I would do a poll, but I don't know how
  5. First time here too citizen! I always thought it was something that his father gave him to mess with during meeting and stuff like that so he wouldn't be supper nervous. And also if you think about it, he really didn't have anything to say at meetings and things like that. But he still had to go just because of who he was. So really he was probably really bored. And also one of the reasons that why we didn't see it in TWOK is that it might have been for when he was younger and got more nervous and staff like that at meetings, but when he got older he learned to how to deal with it better. Then we see it suddenly in WOR because he's supper scared and stressed out because there is weird thing that are happening to him and he doesn't know what do to.
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