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  1. Can anyone find when Brandon talked about how iron feruchemy works? I was discussing the Sazed falling scene and how wrong it was and I know Brandon has commented on this before. My theory on how iron works based on how Sazed falls is that Iron changes the way acceleration due to gravity effects an individual. Others have said it is a change in density but p=M/V . So if Sazed's body does not change shape his volume does not change therefore a change in density is equal to a change is mass. Weight is Fg=M*Ag . So a change in mass would cause a change in weight. However this will not alter the acceleration due to gravity. Fnet=Fg-Fd (Fd is the force of drag from air friction) Fd=1/2 Cd*p*A*u^2 Cd= coefficient of drag p=air density A= area of falling object u=flow speed of the air relative to the object. As can be seen mass is not accounted for in the equation. However terminal velocity can effect the maximum velocity you can reach and is based of off mass. The average human has a mass of 62kg and terminal velocity is about 53 m/s. That is equal to 119 mph. To find terminal velocity the equation is Vt=sqrt((2*m*Ag) / (p*A*Cd) A= area (average human is less than .5m^2 however we will go to .5 because of Sazed's clothes) p=air density we can say equal to 1 Cd= drag coefficient equal to about 1 Ag= acceleration due to gravity on earth is 9.8 m/s^2 (I know it is not Earth but still close enough) Lets make Sazed reduce his mass to 1kg or 1/60th of his normal mass (weight) Vt= sqrt((2*9.8*1) / (1*.5*1) = 6.26 m/s This is equal to 14 mph. The average human runs at 8mph so this fall would have felt like Sazed was sprinting not casually falling. Of course the air density may be different and the acceleration will 100% be different, but the differences would have to be drastic. My math could of course be full of errors and I made many assumptions. If anyone wants to run their own equations I welcome the findings. All I am saying is if Iron magically changed how gravitational acceleration effected the user the explanation would be very simple.
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