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  1. Koloss-blooded aren't koloss crossed with humans. They are the offspring of two Koloss that have reproduced naturally (thanks to Harmony) but they lack the spikes that make them "true" Koloss. (According to the MAG Alloy of Law supplement of course..) I haven't seen anything about koloss-blooded reproducing with humans, hence this post
  2. The Alloy of Law supplement for the Mistborn Adventure Game says this about electricity production: Also there are hints all throughout the AoL supplement that something hinky is going on in the Southern Roughs. Whether that is canon foreshadowing/breadcrumbs or just idea seeds for Narrators... I don't think we know.
  3. I'm working on an adventure scenario for the Mistborn Adventure Game I'm running. It's a duet game (one Narrator, one player) and the player is a Pinkteron-style detective. Since the player is a fan of gritty noir style stories I've come up with an interesting case for the first session. I won't go into details since its not relevant to my question, but if anyone is interested I'll spill. The scenario appears to be your standard Find The Missing Child case, but has a few twists and tilts as is expected in the noir genre, not to mention There's Always Another Secret. I want the child in this case to be a half-breed koloss-blooded/human where the human parentage is from a well respected House. Rather than keeping the child a secret or disowning him/her, the family proved to be remarkably progressive and treats the child as if it was fully one of its own. However the rest of the world doesn't always react as progressively, and consequently the child suffers quite a bit of racism and bigotry. The mystery begins when the child runs away from his elite prep-school in Elendel due to such racism on part of his/her peers and teachers. The kid disappears and his/her wealthy human sister hires my player's agency to track him/her down. This all assumes Koloss-blooded and humans can in fact interbreed. Is that the case? Is there any evidence of this in AoL or failing that, any good reason why they couldn't interbreed?
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