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Everything posted by scottwo

  1. This topic was the original Kelsier theory, I believe.
  2. You've got Book 5 already?! Care to share?
  3. We already knew this as she was working with Graves in WoR to kill the king. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Danlan_Morakotha#Graves.27s_Conspiracy
  4. He's talking about Wax, right? He isn't actually talking about a sword:
  5. I've got 2 guesses: 1. The Thaidakar reveal or 2. The Odium Switch
  6. I can imagine it being a recurring meme as it was part of the beach vacation interlude and he does one of those every book. I did think it was a little too on the nose when, during the volleyball game, Venli jumped for the ball, but fell on Moash with her chest right in his face and then got mad at him and called him a "tsukebe" and a "hentai." Are those in the Dawnchant? Does anyone know what they mean?
  7. I like this. So, Gavilar telling Dalinar to find the words was really to lead him to the Dawnshard in their copy of tWoK.
  8. Hahah, exactly what I was thinking as I read that part. I've been watching too many livestreams.
  9. I'm for it. And I'm also a proponent of the thought that we'll see another Dawnshard in Mistborn Era 3 and is part of the reason it needs to be written before the back five of Stormlight.
  10. I'm with Pagerunner on this. I think the "-" in the quote was placed there exactly to remove the ambiguity. The sun itself is divided into symmetrical pieces. Which pieces, there being four of them, are broken into four smaller sections.
  11. I would throw Endowment in there if anything just because of the new abilities Rysn seemed to have related to color and sound and taste. Which would bring up the question: are those things intrinsically tied to Endowment, or are they abilities that anyone highly invested enough experience? If they are because Change is Endowment's group, what other abilities does she have that she doesn't know about? Can she burn metals? Is Hoid trying to create a new Dawnshard to reforge Ado? Get invested with each shard and from each group and use them to become a 5th? One that encompasses the whole circle and when the Command is used, can either create a new version of Ado or re-bind the 16?
  12. I believe that's what in the current text, yes. I guess I'm wondering if it's possible he changed it while retooling the story.
  13. With all the names that begin with Va and "Aether of Night" showing up in the State of the Sanderson for the first time in years, could it be possible that Aether takes place on Vax? And he's trying to work it into the cosmere before he does anything with "Aether" officially? Is there any other possible evidence for this? How about against it? Thoughts?
  14. Wait, why can't Kelsier have gotten a physical body somehow, done his Sovreign duties down south, and then gone back into the Cognitive Realm and wish per in Wax's ear. He wouldn't have to lose his body to go to the CR, as world hoppers have been going there for years and not dying. Also, supposedly there's a shard pool somewhere near where he built his temple, in the southern mountains.
  15. WoB are unclear whether atium has regenerated or not. I don't think anyone's asked him lately because it was RAFO'd last time.
  16. I think that Hoid wants to splinter Odium and kill Rayse. We don't know what he has against him, but Rayse didn't sound like a very savory person prior to becoming a Vessel. Again, that's from Hoid's perspective, however. I don't know how he'll do it, probably with the help of the KR and any other groups he can get to help him, but I think we'll see Odium splintered and Rayse dead at the end of Book X.
  17. So, what does that say about worldhoppers? That they've cut off all Connection with their own planet? Or is it harder for Scadrians because they were a shard-created people?
  18. I guess I really need to watch it. I didn't know merely mentioning a place that isn't even in the novella in the title was a spoiler. I'll be really careful in the future.
  19. I just wondered if anyone had a guess, based on some aons or something.
  20. So, Yolen is now hidden somehow in the cosmere and Khriss is searching for it. Could this be her main motivation for all her travel and info gathering? Is Yolen her end-goal?
  21. I'd agree, but for 'Realm' being capitalized. That bespeaks cosmere significance to me.
  22. Aren't we supposed to be getting one in the Short Fiction collection this fall? Did say that in a post somewhere or was that at a signing?
  23. My bad. I definitely didn't read the post before posting myself. That's all on me.
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