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  1. For the Whovians out there, I had a realization recently that Hoid is in fact the Doctor.
  2. Calyx and Messremb, you make good points... I think you're correct that it's not as much feeding Odium as it was weakening Honor to the point where Odium could destroy him. Similar to how Ruin could kill Preservation because creating humans weakened Preservation. Question: do we have any evidence that this is the first desolation to happen since Honor was killed?
  3. So for those of us that read the book (probably all of us), we felt a little underwhelmed at the revelation that the knights radiants broke their oaths because they found out that they were the real voidbringers (or at least the OGs). I can assume like me, many of you think there might think there might be more to it. So here is my theory, and I'm still working on getting evidence to back it up; was hoping you might be able to help me, or at least disprove it. I think that the knights radiants are the ones fueling odium. Maybe it has something to do with the first humans showing up on roshar "with" Odium. So maybe every time a radiant kills or uses their surges (or uses stormlight) it somehow went to Odium. If this is true, then over all the years of the desolations, the power of honor may have be taken and transferred to Odium, at which point Honor was killed. When the Radiants discovered this, they all betrayed their oaths in order to prevent Odium from getting any stronger. They all knew that it would kill their spren, but they had to in order to save the world (maybe even the Cosmere).
  4. Is there any relation between the age of the person and when they first bond. Kaladin bonds Syl at 19-20ish, but Shallan first started bonding Pattern as a young child. Lift Bonds Wyndle at 13ish (10 for the 3rd time). Does it have any relation to Spren based on Cultivation vs Spren based on Honor? This came from the idea that Tien was in the very early stages of becoming a Lightweaver (rocks, the horse carving). If there is a relationship at which certain orders can bond their spren and the age of the person, maybe that's seen then?
  5. From my understanding, the Returned, Heralds, and Shades are all cognitive shadows. The Returned need a regular infusion of investiture (Breath) to sustain themselves. Do the other Cognitive Shadows need something similar; such as the Heralds needing a regular exposure to stormlight/highstorms. This lead me to a couple questions: What would happen if a Herald went a long time without touching stormlight? What would happen to a Herald or Shade if they went to Nalthis? Would they have a "super breath" like a Returned. With shades being drawn to blood on Threnody; is that a form of investiture that sustains them? We know that Stormlight can sustain a Returned ... How would that work on other systems... such as the White Sand system (sorry forget that name). With the Heralds needing to return to Braize to sustain the Oathpact, could any Cognitive Shadow take their place? Suchs as a Returned, Kelsier, etc. Just thought I'd throw this out there...
  6. Any chance that one or more heralds have been seen in another cosmere novel (specifically before they broke). If not, what are the odds that they might be cosmere aware?
  7. Which is why the darkside doesn't have sand mastery, if the sun is invested, then darksiders wouldn't have access.
  8. From Kriss's essay in AU, I believe she said that the master uses the invested water in their body and forms a sort of cognitive link with the investiture in the sand, which allows them to control it; this also uses the water up which is why they dehydrate.
  9. 5) Could a Taladian use the water in their body as investiture to burn metals (assuming the water came from Taldian)
  10. I've been reading this forum for a while, but haven't really taken the time to post yet. I'm reading through AU and I came up with a list of thoughts that I was hoping some thoughts and feedback, I apologize if these things have been answered, I've combed through the forums and didn't find them. 1) In SSFH, is it possible what they call silver is actually aluminum? It "null" properties similar to that of Aluminum on Scadrial. They would be similar colors, so maybe people there could just have confused them. This would mesh with why Kelsier couldn't sense Nazh's knife in Secret History. 2) In SSFH, it's mentioned that Ambition was splintered here, and mentioned that the shades might be cognitive shadows. Perhaps when Ambition was splintered by Odium, it prevented people from moving to the beyond (don't have an exact explanation as to why). This is why everyone who dies becomes a Shade. 3) Threnody and Scadrial are close to each other, which is why the Ire were prepared to defend their fort against Shades from Threnody. 4) I forget where I saw it exactly, but in Mistborn, the people are the investiture and the metal is just how that investiture is channeled (correct me if I'm wrong). If this is true, could a mistborn (or mistling, etc) ever run out of investiture? What would happen if they did. That's all I have so far, once again I apologize if I'm asking questions already answered.
  11. I was thinking more along the lines of Tiens cognitive shadow, maybe having been linked to Syl at some point. Idk how much merit that would have, but it's something that has been kicking around in my head.
  12. I've only recently gotten super heavy into the Cosmere stuff; but I was reading Feathers Theory on Cosmere Afterlife (Specifically on Roshar, LINK). I was reading about cognitive shadows and my thought was that would it be possible for them to form a bond with a person such as the nahel bond?
  13. Alright, makes sense that Jasnah left before Shallan entered Shademar. I saw that it was mentioned that Jasnah saw her flame, however I just wasn't sure if that was a break in canon, or if there was enough of a gap in time between the two events. Thanks for the reply.
  14. I just read the deleted scene that BS wrote to help himself explain what happened to Jasnah. I don't have the link but basically she went to Shadesmar and got stuck. When Shallan went to Shadesmar to SoulCast the boat and sink it, shouldn't she have seen Jasnah, or shouldn't Jasnah have been able to to see her?
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