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About signspace13

  • Birthday April 28

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  1. I don't know if this is the case. The Honorspren talk about keeping the deadeyed comfortable in Lasting Integrity while they can, because they disappear when they are summoned away, I think the reason Timbre's grandfather has remained confined is simply because his blade has not been summoned.
  2. Because Shallan hasn't summoned her in a long while. The Deadeye moves to the physical realm when summoned, but when unsummoned They pop back into Shadesmar where ever the summoner is in the Physical Realm. Shallan has not summoned testament in a long while, I think the only time that she may have done it on-screen is when she killed Tyn.
  3. I added to a theory the other day about Maya and Adolin's bond. But I think the Lighteyes pass their eye colour down on a spiritual level, and what they are passing down is a part of the deadeye Spren that remained in the radiants after the oaths were broken, the loss of this part of their spirit is what turned the Spren into Deadeyes, and it remained in the Radiants to he passed on to their descendants.
  4. Their is a little more depth here. There are the pure tones, which are as you described, a single note. I doubt using these requires any intent, unless perhaps if you are making them yourself, by humming it or singing. There are also rythyms though repetitions of that single note to a particular cadence, like Morse code. This is where the intent comes into play. All shards likely have a tone and a rythym. If you know the rythym and can reproduce it actively, then humming or singing it with the intent of a destructive resonance will likely create the Anti-rythym. To expand on this, we saw the Raysium knife transfer Anti-voidlight. But the knife is made of Odiums Investiture. My guess as to why it didn't immediately explode, instead only reacting with the ordinary voidlight in the pommel, is because the metal is too solidly in the physical realm to be affected by the rythyms, or simply that the rythym wasn't strong enough to force the metal to resonate.
  5. I have always gotten the impression that it was Honor's job to accept the oath's before now, at least for the orders most aligned with him (the top half of the knights radiant double eye), and that that passed to the Stormfather upon his death. I imagine Cultivation still does her job for the other Half, I don't know if I'd trust the Nightwatcher to do it, or the sibling for that matter, for anyone but their own Bondsmiths.
  6. This is the most interesting part of your theory to me, as I think we have some in world evidence. As a modern radiant progresses in their bond, their eyes change colour to match that of their order. So long as they don't have Lighteyes already. This could be a sign of their spiritweb meshing with their Spren's. Both of these are important here. As I think your drawn line between the Spren being deadeyed, while the radiants remained Lighteyed is important. If the Spren lost part of their spiritweb when they broke the bond, and that part remained in the Radiant, then that might be to origin of the rather odd and not entirely genetic trait of Lighteyes on Roshar, the Spren gave up their eyes in the breaking of the bond. The part of the Spren that remained in the radiant being passed down to their descendants. I wonder if from your hypothesis, that because Adolin is forming the bond backwards, he will lose that little extra bit of Spren soul he has from being Lighteyed, and use it to fix Maya. Making him darkeyed, but her whole.
  7. The mix of honor and Odium creates war, which is malice, like Odium, but bounded by terms and rules. A mix of Cultivation and Odium would either be growth with an odius direction, or odium (The emotions not the shard) that enables growth. I would consider the first Anarchy, and the latter Rebellion. Rebellion is the rhythm I think Venli finds there, as she is watching the rebellion of her people, driven to grow beyond by the hatred of their gods.
  8. Vasher once had pretty handy access to a sword that we have now seen cut Connections. Nightblood could be a very dangerous answer to this question for both of the cognitive shadows.
  9. I recently heard some speculation that part of it was that Odium was trying to force the power into a mild it didn't fit and it was fighting him. Rated wanted the power to be Passion, to encompass all of the strong emotions of Sapients, but it isn't. It is Hatred. It doesn't care about those other emotions, it is about retribution, disdain, resentment and vengeance. And Rayse wasn't doing those things. He was beaten over and over, but he didn't hate, he schemed.
  10. He wasn't acting. He made a deal for a contest of Champions with Dalinar, and although he never explicitly broke his word, he dithered on it for a year, never setting terms and avoiding Dalinar. That, combined with his loss of the tower, made the power work against him.
  11. Is shallan on Scadrial? Possibly. But I don't think she is Rannette. Rannette is canonically lesbian, which we have seen none of from Shallan. That's enough to disprove the theory to me, also, I do believe a Seeker would be able to sense a lightweaving, so there is no way she has just been disguising herself this whole time. The characters are too different.
  12. I'm not sure about creating the metals, but if you had the ability to blank out the intent of it, you could probably make an anti, metal for every shard. Interestingly, was the metal in the dagger Odiums shard metal? The one that conducts investiture? Cause if it is, then does anti-voidlight not react with it?
  13. Valor could simply be the honor of a people, as opposed to an individual. As we see many time, honor is the god of Oaths and Law, not necessarily morality or ethics. I could see Valor being the other side of that coin, where he is about the general consensus of what people believe to be right, rather than what the individual considers to be right.
  14. I think this has a lot of variables at play rather than just being lifelight only being used for the progressision surge. I think what is happening is a combination of the tower only blocking the Nahel bond and it's ability to use the surges related to honor, however the more heavily invested, the more resistance to this you have, Kaladin was the first windrunner after Honor's death, and we have seen that investiture with nowhere to go tend to spill out violently when a path is finally made. So this is why he can resist the suppression, combined with Adhesion not being a surge that Odium can block, and Kaladin's closeness to the 4th ideal. For lift her connection to Cultivation also invests her more strongly than an average radiant, and the fact that it is a connection to Cultivation is like part of why progression continues to work for her, despite her bond with Windle being suppressed, the fact that she has the connection to Cultivation, is an Edgedancer (arguably the most cultivation related order), and has access to Lifelight, are like all factors as to why she is awake and can use Progression but not Adhesion.
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