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  1. A rooftop overlooking an alleyway, during the Seven Day War. Mace sat on the edge of a roof, idly swinging his legs as they hung over the side. He was systematically working his way along his ears, pulling off every metalmind he could find, then putting them in his mouth. As he snacked, he felt a gentle nudge on his leg. Mace tilted his head, and was pleasantly surprised to find a medium sized Labrador retriever standing beside him. “How’d you get up here, little guy?” he asked as he reached out his arm to scratch the dogs head. The dog responded by nuzzling up to him, and looking at him with its soulful brown eyes. “You know, I’ve always wanted a dog. Or any animal really. The idea of keeping a pet was always one that appealed to me,” Mace said. The dog listened attentively. “I had a monkey once. It didn’t work out. And with all the travelling I do, well, it would have ended badly. Maybe in another life.” The dog began to lick Mace’s fingers, causing him to accidentally drop a coppermind off of the edge. Mace closed his eyes and counted the seconds before it hit the ground. He got to three before he heard it hit the cobblestones below. “Now what’d you make me do that for?” Mace complained playfully, giving the dog a light poke with his elbow. The dog whined, and rolled onto its back. Mace absentmindedly scratched it as he watched the movement in the street below. The fallen metal had disturbed some of the abominations that had been feeding there. The dog whined again, making Mace turn to look at it. It was then that he noticed the bronze spike imbedded in the dog’s heart. ***** Another time, another place. The old man rocked in his chair, watching the dancing flames of the hearth. Its light illuminated the otherwise darkened room, casting playful shadows on the floorboards. The man smiled as his nephew crawled about nearby, riding an imaginary horse. After a few minutes, the boy lost interest in the game and made his way to sit at the old man’s feet. “Is it story time yet, Uncle?” asked the boy. The old man smiled. “Alright, little one. I suppose we’ve got time for one short story before your mother arrives.” He closed his eyes in concentration. “What will it be tonight? Jak and his magic gun? The fearsome Mac, Unbiased Extraordinaire? Mace Klaston and the army of kolossals?” “That one! That one!” the boy squealed. “Tell me about Mace! Is it true he held the power of the gods?” “It’s true. The man was a fullborn, but not by birth. Capable of both Allomancy and Feruchemy…” ***** Mace smashed his fist into the head of a copper crow. As it fell, another raked its claws along his arm. He thought he saw a spike in its foot. Disgusted, he shook it off in time to snatch the one that was trying to dive bomb him out of the air. He threw it aside, then threw up his fists to box at the dozens more that were surrounding him. As one bit into his leg, he formed an amberite sword to impale it. When three more took its place, he compounded gold and brass to burn them. Then he stabbed them too for good measure. A bold crow suddenly clawed at his face. Mace compounded chronium, dodging to the side to make the bird crash into another of its kind, sending them both over the edge of the roof in a death spiral. Mace Pulled at the nails in the roof, smashed at the crows with pewter enhanced kicks, tried to Soothe their emotions, punched, ducked, spun, smashed- and then it was over. Mace slowly lowered his fists. A murder of copper crows lay dead at his feet. “You weren’t much help,” he said as he caught his breath. When no reply came, he looked at the spot where the dog had been before the ambush. But the roof was empty, save for himself and the slain birds. ***** “It was at that very moment that Mace heard a noise. A deep, guttural moan, coming from the shadows on the rooftop beside him. He looked for the source of the noise, and do you know what he found?” The boy bounced up and down with excitement. “I know! It was a kolossal! Like from the title of the story!” The old man reached his hand out and tousled his nephew’s curly locks of hair. “That’s right. But it wasn’t just one kolossal. It was a whole gang of them. Everywhere Mace looked, there was a Kolossal crawling along a rooftop towards him. Nasty looking brutes, they were. Five meters tall, with loose grey skin and bulging muscles. They were covered in spikes. Spikes that gave them unspeakable powers.” “What powers did they have, Uncle Kay?” “The unspeakable kind, kid. Now quit interrupting, I’m trying to tell a story.” The old man muttered under his breath, then continued. “The kolossals were six meters tall and had glowing red eyes. The eyes are what gave them away. Dozens of red dots, floating in the shadows, inching closer and closer. Mace knew what they were, of course. His magical copperminds gave him memories of the beasts. As he stood on the edge of that roof, he studied them. His eyes flickered from side to side, sizing up his enemy, looking for their weak spots.” The old man was getting excited now, he was waving his arms about to demonstrate the motions as he described them. “The weak point on a kolossal is their brains. If you rip their brains out, they can’t fight no more. So that’s what Mace did…” ***** Mace ducked the kolossal’s swing. While its arm was still outstretched, he stepped forward and punched it in the ribs. He heard the distinct crack of a bone breaking. Moving with unnatural speed, he then jumped to the side, forcing one of the monsters to slam its fist into a chimney. There was three of them attacking at the moment, and Mace could see two more climbing up the side of the building to join them. That’s no good, he thought. With a Push, Mace jumped into the air. He did a backflip, landing with his feet on the shoulders of one of his foes. He lithely reached his hand down over its face, inserted his fingers into the kolossal’s nostrils, then yanked upwards. As it tilted its head backwards, Mace quintupled his weight, smashing them both down onto the roof. He Pulled a sheet of metal that had been used to patch a hole in the roof towards him, into the back of one of the Kolossals, causing it to trip over the one lying down, sending it tumbling over the edge. It bumped into one of the ones that had been climbing upwards, forcing them both to fall onto the cobblestones. Three down, he thought as he began to pummel the remaining beasts as they tried to grab at him. ***** “When he was done, the roof was slick with blood and gore. He had to anchor himself with an ironpull to keep from slipping. As the sun set behind him, he stood defiantly on his perch. A black silhouette on a bright red backdrop. No abomination could touch him. No spiked beast could wound him. And nothing would stop him from achieving his goal.” The boy looked confused. “Uncle, what was his goal?” “I’m not sure,” responded the man. He paused to think, the dying fire casting a glow on his hands while his face remained in shadow. “I think he was there to protect his friends. Even if his friends made bad decisions. Mace was very loyal. Like a dog.” “What ever happened to the dog? The one on the rooftop?” “I was just getting to that. Patience, my boy.” The old man hummed a few notes to himself, as if trying to remember an old tune. Then he began to speak, his words fading into a rhythm, filling the dark room with their mysteries. “As the shadows of the night cloaked the city, Mace happened to take one final look at the alley below. His eyes widened in shock. As he was enthralled, the darkness called. Hungry for life, though it was rife.” ***** The last rays of sunlight shone upon a sea of seekradors. Hundreds of dogs, prowling the alley below. They blended together in the darkness, making it appear as if the alley was alive. They moved in a rhythm, pulsing like the waves of the ocean. At the front of the pack sat a medium-sized Labrador retriever, licking its paws. It looked up at him, watching him with its attentive brown eyes. There was no emotion in them, just a cold form of intelligence. Behind Mace, a fallen Kolossal shifted. Its arms began to twitch. It would reawaken soon. More Kolossals were approaching, he could see them in the distance, clambering from rooftop to rooftop to get to him. There was no escape. Mace didn’t realize that he had been pacing until he stubbed his toe. As he instinctively healed it with gold, he crouched down to inspect what he’d bumped into. It was a koloss spike, one that he’d ripped from a kolossal during the fight. The light seemed to shy away from it, shrouding the dark metal in shadow. I could use it. Spike myself, become a full koloss. I could finally become the fighter they wanted me to be. A fullborn koloss. Unrelenting. Untameable. Unstoppable. As the kolossal behind him got to its feet, Mace twirled the spike in his hands. Just a little prick, and it’s done. ***** The fire was dead. All that was left was the embers. “But Mace stayed true, to all that he knew. He refused the boon, took the bane too soon.” ***** The kolossal approached with lumbering footsteps. Mace didn’t move. “We’re all doing it, you know. Some of us are just more aware of it than others. But you can’t stop it. One day, he’ll come for you.” He clenched the spike in his fist. “I’ve met him. Right ugly fellow. He’s got a skull for a face. What’s up with that? Anyway, everybody gets taken eventually. Even the gods get forgotten in the end. Where do they go, I wonder?” The kolossal took a swipe at him. Mace causally caught its hand, then flipped the beast on its back with a flick of his wrist. “I am not a good man. But if mankind is good at one thing, it’s forgetting the important stuff. I’ll probably get a statue just for being here. They’ll forget why I was here, or how many people died so I could get to this rooftop. There was a gun, in the dark. I was angry, I remember that. She had died, and I had failed. I killed the little guy. Fancy that.” The kolossal had worked up the courage to try again, so Mace began to weave around it, dancing around the confused monster with magical dexterity. “I’m the luckiest man alive. They accepted me, despite my flaws.” Mace rolled to avoid a kick, then got to his feet. His heels touched the edge of the roof as he stood, fists raised. “Better yet, I made it to the end without losing my soul. And I’m not about to lose it now.” He threw the spike into the crowd of Labrador retrievers below. They began to bark excitedly. “If I’m going to die, I’ll die as me. I like me. None of this messing around half-dead stuff. I'm going straight to the Beyond when I die.” Mace raised his arms above his head, in the reverse dive position. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he was ready, he took one last look at the kolossal. “I always thought that I wanted to die in good company. Surrounded by friends and family, you know? But now that I’m faced with the prospect of dying here, lost in an alley, surrounded by monsters, I’m having second thoughts. Seems like having other people there just leaves you less time for yourself.” He moved his feet back, so that only his toes were still touching the edge of the roof. “Goodbye, mate. It’s been fun.” ***** “So into, he fell, the eternal well. Away from home, Utterly alone.” ***** The Labrador retriever watched as the body fell. One, two, three seconds passed before it hit the ground. By the fourth second, the sea of seekradors had descended upon it. They loved koloss blood, even if it was impure. They ripped him to shreds, tearing off pieces of meat, then fighting over them. It was a feeding frenzy. The broke open the bones to suck out the marrow. They lapped up the fluids. They even ate some of the metal. An hour later, the dogs began to leave. They trotted away in small packs, headed to find food elsewhere. Within two hours, the alley was empty, save for a single Labrador retriever. It hadn’t moved during the frenzy. It just sat there, licking its paws, remembering. ***** “He died?” exclaimed the boy. “So the legends say. There wasn’t even any body left to bury.” The boy’s lip began to tremble. The old man quickly put his arm around him, then whispered in his ear, “But he’s not dead. Not really. So long as he’s still remembered, the idea of the great Mace Klaston will live on forever.” The boy thought about that. Long and hard, pondering the secrets of death. As he thought, he slowly drifted off to sleep. The old man held him in his arms, gently rocking back and forth. “Dream, my boy. And remember.”
  2. On Roshar, the people believe seeing the future is evil. The few instances we've seen of foresight are associated with Odium. At a recent signing, Brandon said this: I find the bolded part where he trails off to be amazingly fascinating. Given the rest of the conversation, I propose that seeing the future is dangerous because of the following possibilities: 1. It draws the attention of the Shard (or its agents as explained below) that is powering the foresight. 2. It is heavily influenced by the intent or motives of the Shard that's powering it. 3. It's an ability granted by the Shard on purpose in order to manipulate events toward a future that the Shard (or its agents) desires. 4. It aligns you to the intent or motives of the Shard. This can be short-term (see atium below) or long-term. Repeated uses may cause a more lasting efect. 5. There's also the always-present conundrum of trying to change the future after you've seen it. Without context, you have no idea if changing your actions will cause that future or if not changing your actions will cause that future. The true answer could be any of the above, none of the above, or some combination of the options I've given. In order to evaluate possibilities, I've discussed the instances we've seen of people seeing the future, either as a summary, or as specific text, or links. Atium: We know how atium fuels Allomancy. It lets you see a few moments into the future. It also increases your mental and physical capabilities in order to take advantage of that knowledge. Sazed speculates in one of the HoA epigraphs that This appears to correlate to possibility 4--That seeing the future via atium temporarily aligned a person toward Ruin, the essence of entropy toward destruction. It might also explain why, after using atium as a metal mind and burning it for so long, TLR had such Ruinous impulses--mass slaughters, willingness to let the nobility destroy each other, etc, etc. After a thousand years of compounding atium, it's likely that he was very Connected to Ruin. It might also tie into possibility 3, assuming the possibility of Ruin wanting Rashek to become such a despot that he's overthrown just as the Well is about to fill, opening the way for Vin to take and release the power. Endowment: Endowment appears to be able to see some of the future, and sometimes her Splinters, the Returned, can pick up on this as well. We see this in Warbreaker, when Lightsong has his dreams and visions of T'Telir burning. She appears to send her Returned back in order to do a specific task (or set of tasks) based on what she sees, giving rise to possibility 3. Endowment apparently wanted the Hallandren and Idrians to persist, and sent back some of her Returned to help prevent the coming destruction. She probably has multiple contingency plans for if one of them dies before his or her task is accomplished. Wyrn: In the Elantris Annotations Brandon says: And Given that the Seons are Splinters of Devotion, (Love) and the Skaze are Splinters of Dominion, it seems like the Skaze are manipulating Wyrn in order to achieve their goals (Goals hinted at in the new epilogue in the 10th Anniversary Edition of Elantris) , tying back to possibility 3. Devotion and Dominion are both splintered, but the Skaze may retain enough of Dominion's intent to want to have complete dominion over the world (or maybe re-assemble Dominion?). And we come to the Stormlight Archive! We have more examples of foresight in SA than we have in any other book. There are three primary examples of it: Moelach: On the bridge between life and death, Moelach grants visions of the future, that the person utters in a cryptic and strange way, a phenomenon coined as Death Rattle. We don't really understand much about how this works, but the Death Rattles have been startlingly accurate, if incredibly obscure, so far. However. Moelach is a Splinter of Odium (along with the other Unmade). The Death Rattles we've seen so far all seem to be related either to the conflict between Odium and most of Roshar, or related to the people that are in that struggle. I have no absolute proof of this, but it's not a wild assumption (imo) to think that Odium, via Moelach, is using the Death Rattles to affect people's behavior. I realize this is putting conclusion before evidence, but I feel that it's a credible conclusion. Moelach is one of the mindless Unmade, as far as we know, so he's unlikely to have motives of his own. As a Splinter of Odium, Odium must have created him for a reason. We know Odium has a pretty good grasp of possible futures. Creating an Unmade to give people glimpses of the future (in a rather morbid way) to get them serving his purposes isn't beyond the realm of possibility. Renarin: We know very little about how Renarin's abilities work, and what types of things he can see, or how they will affect events. We know that his spren, Glys, is a Truthwatcher spren corrupted by Sja-Anat, another Splinter of Odium, and that Glys is likely what grants Renarin the ability to see the future. Renarin has seen Jasnah killing him. This would end him as a Radiant and as a Kholin. I confess, I am unsure what purpose his death would serve in Odium's cause. However, Renarin also saw Dalinar turning into Odium's champion. This would obviously be quite a desirable outcome for Odium. Given that Renarin has done a few things in order to try and warn about or prevent the things he sees, did he, consciously, or subconsciously, take actions that helped to bring that set of events into reality? We don't know yet what effects this might have, so I'm unsure which of the above categories this could fit into. The Diagram: Taravangian believes that he wrong the Diagram out of pure human capability and insight, rather than foresight. However, according to this WoB: As we know, in the Spiritual Realm, all times and places are essentially one. Seeing into the future in all other instances has been seeing into the Spiritual Realm. If Taravangian was closer to the Spiritual Realm than the Cognitive Realm, then he's likely incorporating at least some parts of what he sees in the Spiritual Realm into the Diagram. What we've seen him do so far has seemed to align him toward Odium's desires and motives. However, he was granted this ability by Cultivation, who is at odds with Odium. There was a lively discussion in this thread about the Diagram being a plant (pun intended) put in place by Cultivation. That T's actions, although they seem at odds with Dalinar+co, actually are meant to help them; and that T himself is unaware of this. As you can tell, I subscribe to this theory myself. This would fit in with possibilities 2, 3 and 4 above. Cultivation seems very crafty and careful, playing the long game with Dalinar, with Lift, and probably with T. And finally, we have Hoid. He has an ability to know where he needs to be at any given time. We don't really know most of his motives, so there's no way to determine what "where he needs to be" means, exactly. We're also very unsure as to how he knows to be in those places. We do know he uses something similar to Chromium Feruchemy in order to tap Fortune, but possibly isn't Feruchemy itself. We don't know what Shard he draws on, what intent that Shard might have, or if it's even a Shard at all. If someone can manage to tap directly into the Spiritual Realm without intervention from a Shard, it seems like Hoid would be the one. I'm also sure he's self-aware enough to know when/if he's being manipulated by whatever power he's using. So in short, I have no conclusions to draw about Hoid's abilities, other than a reiteration of his own speech to Shallan: There's always the risk, in seeing the future, of bringing about the exact consequence you want to prevent. That might be the simple answer to this entire question. Won't my face be red if it is! So, there is my long winded theory about the dangers of seeing the future. Please feel free to add to it or rip it to pieces, and thanks for reading!
  3. It is a time-honoured tradition that when one reaches their 1000th post they make it special. So, I killed off my Alleyverse RP character. Or did I? *ninja emoji* This AMA is my 1001st post. That's almost the same, isn't it? But enough about that. Let's get the ball rolling. ASK. ME. ANYTHING!* I will answer with a reciprocal level of seriousness. *I am not qualified to give medical advice. Or comment on anything related to the operation of heavy machinery. So if you're using this AMA to learn how to use a crane to do open heart surgery, you're out of luck. Follow any advice I give you at your own risk. I can not guarantee that information provided in this thread is accurate or free from bias. Always ask an adult to help you with your experiments. Never run with scissors, regardless and irregardless of what I tell you to do. I am not responsible for any loss of life, limb, lungs, legs, or lumberjacks that occurs as a result of reading this post. You must be 18 years or older to understand references to 2010 pop culture. Know your limit, play within it. Buy low, sell high. No, I do not want a cookie, but thanks for offering. This sentence is just filler. To fully enjoy this thread, it is recommended that you get zozzled and stand on your head. The person who recommended that didn't want to give their name out of fear of being sued for damages. Always read and follow the label. Labels or cool. It's a bed with a ladder. Yeah.
  4. You can rest easy now. Life just got better for you. I'm here. Been reading Brandon Sanderson's stuff ever since he signed on for the Wheel of Time, and read all his Cosmere books other than the graphic novels and some of the rest.
  5. A full day had passed and the village was no closer to finding the Spiked. The death of an innocent Synod member had made them cautious; with few ferrings willing to commit and stick to their decisions. After an initial flurry against Zihel was quelled by his appearance, the villagers instead decided to go after the quieter inhabitants. Even if their chosen target was innocent, at least they could avoid a repeat of the previous day’s fiasco. They would not have to face the shame of ripping into the flesh of a man who had strenuously declared his innocence until his last breath. Instead, they went after Snip, a ferring who worked all day in the local embroidery shop. The rumors began to spread again. Perhaps the Spiked among them weren’t pierced with massive pieces of metal like the Inquisitors were. Smaller spikes would help the infiltrators escape detection; smaller spikes like the quilting needles present in abundance at Snip’s place of employment. With no particular leads, a few of the braver ferrings walked over to Reap What You Sew and found Snip finishing up a quilt depicting Irion’s bloody demise. Despite his protestations that he was doing it for an anonymous client, Snip was dragged to the village center, the quilt in tow. Marne and the Synod had gathered up the village by this time, and the accused was led up to a stage, well away from any potential mobs. “We don’t want any preemptive violence this time,” Marne announced. “Snip will be thoroughly checked for spikes, and he is not to be harmed unless any are found. We cannot afford to continue killing our own.” From the midst of the crowd, a lone voice shouted out, “Be sure you search every last part of him. For all we know, he could be tainted by a sewing needle hidden under his metalminds.” “Rest assured,” Marne intoned, “if Snip is spiked we will find out.” He turned to the hapless prisoner and began removing his metalminds. They were iron, he noted, largely in the form of rings, with the large bracers being the obvious exception. Tapping sight, Marne began to examine Snip’s exposed flesh. He frowned as he examined Snip’s earrings. He reached out and grabbed one. Yes, that was indeed made of iron. While Marne didn’t know how the details of how spikes worked, he recognised the earring as a metalmind. “Oh!” said Snip, panicking as he realized what Marne was holding. “That’s not a spike, I just like to keep some of my metalminds attached to me. Wearing iron rings on my fingers makes it hard to sew sometimes. You know how it is.” Instead of responding, Marne ripped out the pair of earrings, then turned to the rest of the Synod. “Do any of you know whether pieces of metal this small could be enough to turn him evil?” Leidene nodded. “I have done some rudimentary study of the Inquisitors, and I have found no reason they couldn’t use an earring as a spike.” Still on the stage, Snip paled and started to run, obviously filling iron to make him light on his feet. The attempt was doomed to failure. A brief burst of steel enhanced speed allowed Marne to catch him, and pewter sufficed to pick him up and drag him back to the stage when Snip tapped iron. The villagers was murmuring now. Surely, only the guilty would run. Even as Marne resumed his attempt to methodically find and remove every last metalmind, the crowd surged towards the stage, intent on performing the same actions in a decidedly quicker, and bloodier, way. They found no spikes except for the ones in the man’s tote bag, but by the time the mob dispersed Snipexe had been pierced more times than an Inquisitor. Olaf resented the Terris congregation. He resented the veiled looks of malice almost every man shot at him as he walked through the streets. He resented the mumbled words and hushed conversations as he passed by, with or without Marne. And he resented that he had nobody but himself to blame for it all. Sighing heavily and hefting Snip’s quilt, letting the fabric pass through his spindly fingers, Olaf contemplated how he might help the Terris, and more accurately Marne, stop the insanity that was running through the congregations. The public trials, reminiscent of witch-hunts, and the constant paranoia would reveal them to the Lord Ruler, regardless of whether or not the Spiked escaped Tathingdwen. Them. Olaf realised he had come to include himself in that “them.” Perhaps it was the work of Marne, who Olaf saw an upstanding and good man in, much like he viewed in Hadrian so long ago. Perhaps it was his lingering guilt, left over from before and tinged with the bitter remembrance, or lack thereof, of his brief time as a Spiked. Or maybe it was the feel of a group that actually had the best interests of its members at its heart. Not his circle of book-hoarders, which had endeavoured to protect a dead age with the vigour and persistence of a sect with lost importance, caring not for the members it used to achieve such a purpose; nor the Luthadel nobility, a careless and cannibalising lot that would rather kill themselves than the evils roaming in their midst. But these Terris seemed to genuinely fear for the destruction of their Synod, and want to protect each one from the tyrannical grasp of the Lord Ruler, even if that protection made him resent the distrust he received. That is what would make Olaf follow Marne in keeping this group alive. The slain man, Snip, was quite ordinary, from what Olaf had been able to find out from the Synod helpers he had been assigned. He had laboured in the quilt shop for most of his life, and had several pieces to his name, even though he was ostensibly just a fabric cutter. Turning over the half-finished quilt, Olaf was surprised at the level of detail the man had achieved with only a day to work. The blood was vivid, the sun was outlined in a garish red, and only Irion’s condemners were missing from the portrait of his death. Looking at it for a minute, Olaf took a sewing needle, turning it over in his hands. His helpers began to fidget, and he sighed again. “I’m not going to stick myself with this and kill all of you. Now, will one of you tell me how this thing works?” He held up the thimble and the grey thread, which dangled off the half-finished outline of a townsperson. One of his helpers stepped forward, a man with pink leather gloves. An odd choice, but at least the man would help. “I can!” he exclaimed, rubbing his hands excitedly. “Here, poke this part through the hole there, and pull it back up. Oops—that ripped it a bit. No big deal, just keep doing that until you have a rhythm, and keep going until you’ve made the outline.” The other helper frowned. “Darrel, I’m...not sure that’s how that works.” Darrel grinned. “Well, at least the man will be sewing plenty of chaos! Plus, I’m sure he’ll get it after a few hundred attempts. Here, man, you should actually wear that thimble.” Olaf accepted the advice with gratitude—his forefinger was already bleeding slightly from the sewing motion. Olaf sighed again. The Synod was on the verge of extinction, and he was spending his time in a quilting shop, finishing a masterpiece with skills he had just learned, aside two helpers who chatted more than assisted him. Yet Olaf felt that what he was doing had fundamental importance. Finishing this quilt was a way, maybe the only way, to make the others realise what they were doing, and for he himself to see the full extent of the situation before him. Only then could he help Marne to stop the violence spreading like poison through the Synod. Snipexe was lynched! He was a Village Iron Ferring (Skimmer)! Thanks again to Devotary for doing his death scene. Please shower her with upvotes. Night 2 has begun! It will end in about 24 hours at 9 PM EDT on Thursday, August 16. [url=https://www.pending.me.uk][/url] Player List: 1. Rathmaskal as Laksam, an ash sweeper from the Eastern streets 2. Xinoehp512 as Ereheman Tresni, a man with his priorities backwards 3. Steeldancer as Steel, the fastest sculpture of a squid wrought entirely in steel in all of Tathingdwen 4. Randuir as Zihel, a worldhopper looking for his twin brother 5. I think I am here as Itiah VI, a missionary on a mission Village Steel Ferring 6. Bort as Tee Mai, a tailor specialising in offensive clothing 7. Cadmium Compounder as Ethin Hallil, a cadmium Feruchemist and SCUBA diver 8. _Stick_ as Stick, President of the Tathingdwen Tautological Society of Tautology 9. Jondesu as Remart, a man back from vacation armed with vaguely ominous statements 10. Kidpen as HanTor, a lonely Kandra that’s definitely not Spiked, nope 11. Elandera as Era, an old woman who claims to have been alive before the reign of the Lord Ruler Village Pewter Ferring 12. Snipexe as Snip, a fabric cutter in the local quilt shop Village Iron Ferring 13. Worldhopper from Yolen as Tarin, a Sparker with a wonderful, awful idea 14. Alvron as Izzy Dedyet, who is not dead, feels happy, and thinks she'll go for a walk 15. Phatterner as Citona Vinid, a seemingly faithful follower of the Lord Ruler 16. Ark1002 as Kardik, a Full Feruchemist 17. Araris Valerian as Valwyn, an honest rug merchant 18. Coop772 as Irion, a Full Feruchemist with hidden potential Village Copper Ferring 19. Sart, a stuttering Nameless
  6. After getting my girlfriend on board of the Sanderson train about half a year ago (I cunningly used The Emperor's Soul to lure her...) I had been pondering for a while on how to make her Cosmere-aware without spoiling everything. She has finished everything Mistborn as well as The Way of Kings now and I decided to create a little booklet for her. I'm quite proud how V 1.0 turned out. It's 28 A5-pages long and home-produced. Edit (Spoiler-clarification): Since I have sent the .pdf to some people I wanted to make everybody aware of the spoilers of this - let's call it 'document'. First and foremost it includes major Mistborn-spoilers. It does not make sense to give it to someone, who has not read everything Mistborn (that includes Secret History). Furthermore, there are minor spoilers for The Way of Kings, and technically also for Words of Radiance and maybe even Oathbringer. That, however, only refers to the names of Shards on Roshar. So, technically a spoiler, but as far as I remember, it was quite commonly known before WoR and OB that Cultivation, Honor and Odium were active on Roshar, so in my opinion these spoilers are hardly relevant. Anyhow, since I specifically compiled the whole thing to be read before/during Words of Radiance it probably makes most sense to give it to somebody at that point of their reading journey.
  7. This may have already been stated and I missed the thread, but I had a thought about the possible origin of the Sibling. I don't have a lot of textual evidence, but I will do my best. To simplify in the most criminal way: Spren are the cognitive manifestation of something people think about or experience. The Stormfather is the "memory men create" of the Almighty. So what is as big a thing in the mind of humans as god? Themselves What if the Sibling is, rather than the shadow of a god, the sibling of humanity, the cognitive manifestation of their thoughts about themselves, mankind, civilization as a whole? When Uritheru was occupied by a significant fraction of humanity and they had a common concept of what being human meant it was powerful and sane. But as the kingdoms and cultures formed the idea that brought it about became weaker and less coherent. Humans weren't trying to harm it, but they would be, in effect, ripping it apart into lesser spren manifestations of each group. Its current state may be the result of that wounding, or something it did to protect itself. The current state of humanity on Roshar is still very fractured, but as people start to come together again the idea of a unified humanity could also gain traction. As Dalinar continues to "unite instead of divide" and "bring men together" the very state necessary for this pan-human Spren to grow strong again could reoccur allowing it to return.
  8. I really liked the imagery of Shallan's illusions and the story, so I tried to capture it. Room for improvement, for sure, but I'm still learning, so I'm quite proud of it :)
  9. I really need some help. Could you explain how to use a bulldozer to perform nerosurgery?
  10. More of mine die that way than survive the research and see the light of day. Worst was when I spent a long time on reddit trying to map each of the Shardic Intents to binary numbers correlating to positions on the Allomantic chart, only to be shown a WOB that confirmed that not all shards have specific numbers, and some numbers are system-relevant rather than shard-relevant. The chart part still works pretty well, but that one WOB entirely killed off all the math-theory I was chasing.
  11. She chased the creature up, up, finally breaching the over the top of the storm as it continued to ravage the city below. Finally the Phoenix stopped, waiting patiently in the air as its quarry slowed and turned towards her. She had worried that this foe would simply attempt to flee, but it seemed she had resolved herself for this fight. The Phoenix gave her a final moment, as with the other. They floated for one endless moment, a pocket of calm and quiet above a city torn apart by violence, savagery and the fury of the storm. Suddenly, the creature firmed its gaze, clenched its muscle and pulled something from the shield it carried. It began to glow white, the Phoenix recognized in an instant the signs of a rapid drawing of heat. In an instant the blast enveloped her, burning her feathers away before beginning to char her skin. At the same instant her healing kicked in. Forty of her seventy five spikes included some means of healing, she used all of them to keep this blast at bay. Her skin healed a fresh layer under every layer that was charred by the blast, her feathers regrew as fast as they burned. But her spikes were not a biological entity, they were a part of her but they had no means of healing themselves so accelerating the rate that the rest of her healed did nothing to prevent them from melting under the heat radiating over her. But she was no stranger to heat, she was the one who controlled fire, who weaponized this force of nature. She reversed her usual flow from her metalminds, storing instead of tapping. She felt her body begin to cool, sucking the heat in from the surrounding air and the metal that still resided within her. She filled, filled and filled, replacing much of what she had already lost that day. Finally the heat began to subside, she slowed her storing, keeping pace with the heat as it diminished. The light faded, the creature no longer visible. Breathing heavily, she held herself in place for 10 more wingbeats, watching the ash fall to the ground, waiting for her body to finish regenerating. Several of her spikes had been evaporated in the instant before she could start storing, but she still had enough to continue. She looked down, towards the city, then back towards the ash falling from the sky. This one was not the hated one, but its goal had been clear, it drew her up, away from the rest of the city. They had sacrificed themselves, but they still tried to save others, and they had only resorted to death as a last resort. They had put life before death, journey before destination. These words are accepted. She thought towards the last few pieces of ash that fell. With tired, lopsided wingbeats, she flew her way back to her nest. Enough of this death. She had life that she needed to protect as well.
  12. Oh, this is no fantasy. The mechanics adolin describes were very real problems for medival knights. And they had the same solutions.
  13. Keep in mind that this is all speculation. Below are some relevant WoB's which I will dive into later 1. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] The Ghostbloods. Are they Kelsier's new crew? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Oh, good question. Do I wanna answer this or not? I'm gonna RAFO this one. Yeah, we're gonna RAFO this one. Billy Todd [PENDING REVIEW] Have there been interactions between Kelsier and the Ghostbloods? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] I will RAFO that. 2. ccstat If Kelsier (when Vin knew him) were to join one of the Rosharan secret societies, which one would he choose? Brandon Sanderson He would become part of the Ghostbloods, most likely, and would be in charge of them within a year. source source 3. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] Yes, or no. With all of the cosmere books that have been put out, do we have enough information to deduce the Ghostbloods' motives? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Ummm... *laugher* I would say yes, but it's not like you are a fool if you haven't gotten it. Robert Jordan once answered a question like this saying, "Well, the answer should be intuitively obvious to the casual observer." Which I never thought was fair. Like, no, it was not. Szeth, some people guessed it. And some people will guess this. A lot of the foreshadowing in my books, it's this weird thing where, when you do proper foreshadowing, and then people have three years between books, they're gonna figure some things out. Which presents a really interesting challenge to me as a writer, because, like, there are big things that get revealed in Oathbringer, that people who have been steeped in the world for the last seven years... they kinda knew this would happen. We get the beta readers, and they're like, "So? Doesn't everyone know that?" But at the same time, the casual reader, beta readers were like "Holy cow! This is a huge revelation!" And books need to work both for the person who has been really steeped in it, and the person who's reading along that maybe doesn't want to go get all the spoilers from all the fan guessing. So it is this weird balancing act that, as a writer, you have to perform, particularly with the longer books in the longer series, where you want to make sure they're engaging to the hardcore fan, but not overwhelming to the person who maybe hasn't reread the books since the last one came out. And I don't know that I have that balance figured out, but it is something I think about a lot... source Kelsier's motivations post Secret History: After his interactions with Khriss and Nazh in Secret History, Kelsier realises just how little he really knows. Kelsier would see this ignorance as a weakness he must overcome, as to rise to the top he must acquire knowledge. Kelsier's conversation with Spook at the end of Secret History illustrate his quest to pursue knowledge of the cosmere. “Now, don’t be like that,” Kelsier said. “Our work is important. Vital. We’re going to unravel the mysteries of the universe. The cosmere, as it is called.” “It’s a big, big place out there, kid,” Kelsier said. “Bigger than I ever knew. Ignorance almost lost us everything. I’m not going to let that happen again.” He tapped at Spook’s ear. “While dead, I had an opportunity. My mind expanded, and I learned some things. My focus wasn’t on these spikes; I think I could have worked it all out, if it had been. I still learned enough to be dangerous, and the two of us are going to figure the rest out.” If there is one thing we know about Kelsier, it is that he compulsively meddles. He would not be content to swear an oath of non-interference like the 17th shard members. We know from a WoB that the 17th shard and ghostbloods do not work together. Furthermore, Iyatil has South Scadrian ancestry and was a former member of the 17th shard. It is plausible that she converted to the ghostbloods after a little persuasion from the god figure of her ancestors. So the 17th shard does not fit Kelsier, leaving the ghostbloods as the only known worldhopper organisation with a similar agenda. We know that Kelsier always feels the need to operate a crew. This is a constant between pre-Final Empire and post-Final Empire Kelsier, as shown when he treats Preservation/Fuzz as a crew member after determining his goal was to stop ruin and also at the end of Secret History when he recruits Spook. It is highly probable, then, that Kelsier post-Secret History has founded a new crew which is the ghostbloods. So what exactly are the ghostbloods up to? First of all, a minor piece of evidence linking the ghostbloods to Kelsier is the name of the organisation. Ghost= cognitive shadow, Blood= hemallurgy Now, as shown above, Kelsier appears to be on a quest to gather cosmere knowledge. In Mraize's basement we see artifacts from many worlds, including a knife from Threnody (possibly the knife which Nazh gave to Kelsier in Secret History), a vial of white sand, a dye flower from Nalthis (tears of Edgli), possibly Royal Idrian locks and in a later scene we see Mraize with an aviar. This shows that the ghostbloods are collecting investiture related artifacts from numerous shardworlds. The collection of these artifacts would tie into Kelsier's pursuit of cosmeric knowledge. Here's where things get a little crazy. I believe that Sja Anat has known Shallan since she was a child and is responsible for her forming a nahel bond so early in life before everything fell apart. 4. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] Was Shallan's family, during her childhood, being influenced by an Unmade? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Um, yes. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] Was it <the corrupt...>? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] I'll RAFO that, but yes, there is some external influence there. source 5. Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] Why don't you have to say the words if you're just bonding a Cryptic? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] Every Order's First Oath is the same. Then the Second Oaths for the Cryptics go into truths, but everybody says the First Oath the same regardless of Order. Which should raise the question of... Questioner [PENDING REVIEW] Did [Shallan] say it when she was a teeny-weeny, like in the cradle? Brandon Sanderson [PENDING REVIEW] That should raise a question. She wasn't teeny-weeny, but it should raise a question there. source This would tie in with the ghostbloods interest in Sja Anat, as she may be able to grant them nahel bonds in a similar fashion. This would add to their investiture collection. I see the situation as being similar to Hoid collecting investiture from different sources, though the end goals likely differ drastically. 6. Questioner How would - just really generally - the Ghostbloods react if they found or met Hoid? Brandon Sanderson (laughs) They... Some people among them know of him. Questioner So they know he's around. Brandon Sanderson Some of them do, not everybody. But they are aware of his existence. At least in lore, they don't always... Not all of them have connected the King's Wit to this person's lore, does that make sense? So what would they know? They'd probably want to get him and interrogate him. They would want to know what he knows, but he is really slippery and it's hard to get out of him what he knows. source Conclusion: There is a realistic possibility that Kelsier has at least had involvement with the ghostbloods. This could potentially set up conflict between Hoid and Kelsier as they would have similar pursuits and really don't get along very well. We know that Secret History was in the works from as early as 2006 so Brandon clearly felt like he had not finished telling Kelsier's story. Maybe Shallan will finally meet the mysterious Thaidakar with heavily scarred arms.
  14. Yeah a day is about as long as I'd be comfortable with, can be used for a short character-growth arc then.
  15. About sixteen. Threnody. The rules are clear, and easy to understand. I am. He pays me to be, so he can fulfill his quota of scaring people. Hoid. He'd outsmart distract them while I run away. Stick. Stick would out-stick their sticks. Smote. Gandalf! He's got a cool hat. Percy Jackson. I loved the Riordan books growing up, the adventures of Percy were fun to read about. All Tien did was [redacted because spoilers] to motivate his brother. Booooooring. I'm pretty confident that I'm immortal, so sure, I'd take a few pieces. Indeed. From the cool invisible mime making machine I have in my kitchen. I turned it on accidentally one day, thinking it was the toaster. I haven't figured out how to turn it off yet. Incorrect. Two fully developed characters. I've made lots of NPCs too. A handful of them lasted for more than a single post. Nope. *Googles it* Ugh, that is an intense shade of green. Mostly. Lemons? Yes! We're having triplets. Well, she's having them. I'll just sit on the sidelines and watch. Myself. I'd probably jump off of the roof of my barn. And no, it wouldn't haunt me. I'd be dead. Oh, GT for sure. Definitely the superior choice. FTs are old news, GTs are the newest fad. Everyone is doing it. JOIN ME. I have no idea what either of those are.
  16. And (nothing bad) ever (happens). And EEEEVVVVVVEEEEERRRRR.
  17. Cover art available for Kellanved's Reach! Also confirmation on cover blurb! http://thewertzone.blogspot.com/2018/08/cover-art-for-kellanveds-reach-next.html?m=1
  18. You're new sub-name thing (I don't know what they are called. Titles?) about the puppies is great! Are there any ways that Canada ISN'T greater than the U.S.?
  19. Everyone in the beyond watched the events on a huge screen with surround sound. They also had cookies. And chocolate.
  20. I don't see in what way it's implied that sex is bad. Vin and Elend do it. Siri and Susebron. Dalinar and Navani. It's just presented in a way that, especially in the case of Vin and Elend, if a reader wants to believe that they "waited for marriage" they can (or with Dalinar and Navani, they actually did, cause Dalinar is crazy). He's not explicit about it. Everything is implied. And frankly I'm more than okay with that. Too many books toss in sex just to have it there as another box checked on some list of what's "appealing." If I wanted to read that I'd be reading a different kind of book.
  21. A really stupid NPC was still watching an episode of the Longest Thread(Misadventures). In his house. In the Alleycity.
  22. All my favourite ones are Killed when I post them by either being already a thing or someone has more obscure knowledge than me
  23. Then I misunderstood what you wrote. Sry for that.
  24. The thing about inhabiting a soul is that you need a soul to inhabit. But the mist was weakened; it could not take control of a body. It shared a body. It was terrible. It longed for the chance to act on its own. It could only inhabit one with a gemstone inside them. Nei'an and Naermen had been easy candidates. But Nei'an had died. He had died far before the process was done. So the mist had guided Naermen into a position where it could easily inhabit Naermen; being, the Nightwatcher's oasis. And the possession of Naermen's body had begun. They embarked on a journey that bonded the two, like spren and Radiant, which allowed Naermen to access its power. A step Nei'an had never taken. So when Nei'an died, his soul left, abandoning his body and the mist. The mist could not possess bodied on its own. It could only share bodies with souls. But if it could find a way to share a body with a soul so weak, it could act on its own regardless... ======= Nei'an gasped. The body fully healed, and Naermen lay, perfected, on the ground before him, unmoving. Then her hand shot up and grasped Nei'an's throat. "Hello, Nei'an," a strange voice toned. It was not Naermen's voice. "I apologize that Naermen would not be able to return. She gone, I mean to say. And I have won," Nei'an tried to wrestle free from the grasp, but the hold was too strong. "You were worthless, Nei'an," said... whoever was inside of Naermen. "I wanted your body," Nei'an didn't see it until Naermen's eyes glowed beige. "You..." he managed. "Yes. It is I, your Master, It who took you out of the Cognitive Realm..." Naermen's eyes narrowed. "And It who will send you back," The grasp tightened. "Could you..." Nei'an wheezed, "Loosen your grip?" "No," Naermen said simply. Then, a blue glow of Stormlight wreathed Nei'an's neck, and Naermen let go. The squeezing sensation didn't fall away but instead grew tighter. "I share only a fraction of Naermen's restraints, and a fraction of her gifts, and the same with you. But I am bound by no one, Goodbye, Nei'an. Tell those in the cognitive Realm that a new ruler has arisen. I am... G. Libre," And Nei'an closed his eyes, hearing his neck cave in on itself, and opened them to find the Cognitive Realm before him. He sat with the other dead souls and began conversing with them as if he had never been brought back. But he couldn't let the rising terror show on his face. He was dead, after all.
  25. Depends on what you call atheism. Believing in beings of exceptional power that, sure she believes in that. Believing in an all powerful, all knowing creator who deserves to be worshipped? I doubt it. As Hoid says... I think it's a fair distinction to make. As an atheist myself, if the Shards were real and existed in our world, they wouldn't invalidate my view. Extreme power is not what "God" means to me personally.
  26. I’ve got one. Is/was Adonalsium the only one of its kind? Or is it possible that there are others throughout the greater Cosmere universe?
  27. Might want to store self-respect too.
  28. Yes. Be glad the vessel of Ruin and Preservation is basically just promoting Scadrial tourism and trying to build a version their own NASA lol
  29. I have successfully acquired my commercial learning permit.
  30. There's a relative of Brandon who goes to my church - second cousin or something - but I don't know him well. If you're actually friends with someone who's in close proximity to Brandon often, or talks with him often, then we need DETAILS!
  31. when you have a panic attack when you can't remember what kind of sword Nightblood is, and you immediately send a text to your friend who works for Brandon to find out.
  32. @Fifth Scholar and @Devotary of Spontaneity, I greatly dislike you both at moment. Do you have any idea what your write up did to me? I have spent the past 20 hours wondering how sacrificing different animal crackers affects the Gods of Luck and Chance. I just brought five boxes of them to try out different combinations. Fair warning, if the Gods of Luck and Chance are offended by what I'm going to do tonight, I'm pointing them in your direction!
  33. The best theory I've seen on this topic is that originally there were 16 "god spren" on Roshar that were made by Adonalsium: the Stormfather (pre-Tanavast), the Nightwatcher (pre-Cultivation), the Sibling, Cusicech, the Unmade (pre-Odium), and 3 other spren we don't explicitly know about yet. Then Odium shows up, and since his Shardic number is 9, he goes and corrupts 9 of the Adonalsium spren, making the Unmade.
  34. Someone should ask Brandon whether Thaidakar is often late...
  35. I just like to believe, that Mraize is just building up the Ghostbloods as an initiation to join Kelsier interplanetary cult. Think about it Kelsiers old crew operated with one primary member heading up a group of underlings, who never attended any meetings. Like Breeze and his soothers and rioters or Hamm and his thugs. So it would make sense, that Kelsier would apply the same template to his cosmere cult. Also Mraize still needs a babsk to go off-planet, which seems out of place given that he is a certified badass (probably). He could definitvly go off-world and not immediatly die. So maybe the supervision through Iaytil is to keep him from seeing to much.
  36. I like your linking of Kelsier to them based on "Cognitive Shadow = Ghost, Hemalurgy = Blood", as whatever Kelsier is shown to have done to have "re-tied" himself to the Physical Realm is likely to involve hemalurgy. He also has the approval or cooperation of Marsh in whatever he's up to, as when Marsh gives Marasi the proof copy of The Lord Mistborn's Guide To Hemalurgy (First Ed.):Spikes For The Placing, Wasing The Wanting Of Knowing, he comments that he wishes Wax to be informed of hemalurgy despite the wishes of Harmony, who nevertheless must allow him to do so, as Wax "does my brother's work, and that is something I feel inclined to encourage." The idea of either or both Kelsier and Marsh being involved with the Ghostbloods is very intriguing.
  37. So - been reading through stuff about the Unmade while I wait for mates in a pub, and something just struck me. We know that Honor created the Heralds and poured part of his power into them. Based off what we know about how Odium and Honor can enter into pacts regarding the use of champions, what if something similar happened originally. Honor created the Heralds and Odium reacted against this by creating his own set of Heralds. Something changed his mind, or he wasn't happy about putting his power into them and he went back on this, in effect, be Unmade his Heralds. However, as we know, emotions, forces, perception of reality create Spren. What if after being unmade the memory of these Heralds produced them in their current form. Hence them being an abberation and something weird. They weren't originally Spren, but became Spren. Now - please rip this theory to shreds. I haven't had time to look through the WOB to disapprove myself. Is this a conceivable theory?
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  38. So you say, but you also list Timothy Zahn, whose books I have read approximately all of, as a favourite. Nah, any clone of mine would be a better liar.
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  39. And I'm in no way trying to invalidate those. But the Shards are not naturally occurring gods. If we developed a technology that could grant an individual the same type of power, they wouldn't be "gods" in most people's minds. The Shards are ascended mortals. If Adonalsium developed in the way that I think it did, I'm very curious as to what Jasnah's beliefs there would be though. Because that, in my mind at least, is very much a god.
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  40. Welcome to the Shard! Metal on Scadrial is not itself Invested (except for atium, lerasium and harmonium) but instead acts as a sort of conduit to the power of Preservation in the Spiritual Realm. As far as the Metallic Arts are concerned, metal from anywhere in the Cosmere will work as long as it's the right purity or for alloys, composted of the right ratio. Now, a feruchemical metalmind can block a Shardblade because in that case, the metal has been Invested by the user. Separately Brandon mentioned tha a hemalurgic spike would also resist being cut.
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  41. 1. I am, like, 99% certain Cultivation inspired the Diagram "It sure is suspicious" that Taravangian managed to figure out all those secret things about Roshar just from being really smart. The primary candidates for giving Mr. T a helping hand have been Odium and Cultivation. Odium's reaction to the Diagram at the end of OB implies that it's the first time he's seen it- and more importantly, there are parts that he can't perceive. It seems reasonable to me that the only being that can hide things from a Shard would be another Shard. And which bits can't Odium see? Something about Renarin Kholin. (Who, it may or may not be relevant, was the one who wrote the Diagram in WoK Prime). 2. Renarin the sorta-Radiant and Glys the sorta-voidspren The most unique thing about Renarin, of course, is that he bonded a corrupted spren. Whatever that means. As far as I can can tell from Renarin's PoVs, Glys is solidly on Team Kick Odium's Chull Back To Braize. This despite the fact that he was remade by an Unmade, and (as per Argent's Secret Hint) gives access to Voidbinding. I think Glys used to be a normal Truthwatcher spren, because he does give regular Progression, and because Renarin's visions sound like a corrupted version of normal Truthwatcher resonance. There's a very popular theory around here that the top of the Surgebinding diagram is the orders and spren closest to Honor, and the bottom is the closest to Cultivation. Truthwatchers are right in the double eye, smack in the middle of the presumed Cultivation-centric spren. 3. Sja-Anat Sja-anat, despite being an Unmade, wants to defect. I think this must be a recent development, or Odium would have noticed. If the epigraphs are to be believed, her ability to corrupt bondspren is a recent thing, too. 4. Theorycrafting: Cultivation's long game Renarin might just be a central piece in Cultivation's long game. What if Cultivation is working with Sja-anat to help her break free from Odium? Subtly, at first, so that at the right moment S-a can switch sides without getting squished by her former boss. What if Cultivation deliberately sent Glys to Sja-anat, to be corrupted in a very specific way which would further Cultivation's plans? Maybe she even helped S-a with the corruption process, which is why S-a was able to "enlighten" a bondspren in the first place. Thus, Odium eventually loses one of his nine strongest minions. And Team Honor-Cultivation gains a new type of Radiant, one that, for some reason, is in Odium's blind spot.
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  42. nasal, flat, sharp, smooth, soft, fast, slow, drawl, rounded, musical, singsong, elongated, brusque, homey, country, urban, thick, thin, back-woods, clipped, muddy, slurred, clear, clean, precise, droll, throat-clearing, choppy, trilled, lilting, breathy, forceful, angry...
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  43. I wouldn’t say it was secretly, haha. Anyway, @Edgedancer, I can’t stop drawing Ray and it’s getting to be a bit of a problem?
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  44. Wait a minute... So if Harmony wanted too, he could give some minions Fullborn powers of extreme strength, then teach them Hemalurgy. He could then send them to spike powers from people on different planets, compound their power infinitely, then take out the spike and compound gold to fix their souls. He then could have an army of immortal invincible beings of infinite power with the magic of every world they come across. Holy chull, its a good thing Sazed is peaceful
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  45. This. Changes. Everything.
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  46. When you are on the bus, reading WoR and somebody with tattos of the Roshar map and a shash glyph starts talking to you
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  47. I actually said "realmatic theory" without even thinking when my current boss asked for my strengths during the interview. God knows I'm lucky that he's read Sanderson and lurks on the Shard
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  48. The final details of the story rattled off his tongue, and Backtrack finished the tale with "And then you shot me in the arm, meanieface!" He tried to salvage some degree of dignity by glaring, taking a number of deep breaths to steady himself. I hope you're happy now, you snooty slontze, he thought angrily. It turned out Reader was happy now. His head tilted back in a loud, obnoxious laugh. He laughed and he laughed and he laughed. "It's not funny!" Backtrack protested indignantly. "I'm having the worst day of my life here--" If Reader had heard his voice over that grating laugh of his, he showed no sign of it. The Epic's laughter finally subsided, him putting a hand on his chest as if his deep amusement had put a stitch in his side. "Now that," Reader said with a wide smile across his face, "that was entertaining." Backtrack felt his jaw drop furiously, but Reader ignored him and instead poured himself another tall goblet of wine. "Care for some wine?" the Epic asked amiably. Backtrack stared dumbly. "Would I care for some wine?" he repeated flatly. "Would I care for some wine?" Though his flickering visions of the past showed him just how unoriginal the action was, rage and indignation triumphed over creative innovation. Backtrack furiously snatched the goblet from Reader's hand and threw it across the room, making it shatter and splash red wine across a wall. "No I don't want any of your stupid wine!" he shouted. "I'M HAVING A BAD DAY, AND YOU'RE A BIG PART OF THE REASON WHY!" He pulled himself out of the chair with his uninjured arm and began angrily pacing across the office. "You're insane! Just completely sparking out of your mind! You just shot me, for Calamity's sake! You can take that bottle and you can... you can..." Feeling slightly faint, Backtrack slid back into his chair and scowled balefully. "You're an awful person," he accused. "Just a really, sparking awful person. I don't want to wreak havoc in your stupid city. I just want to go back to Portland and hang out with the awful people I chose to hang out around. Is that too much to ask?"
    1 like
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