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  1. I started with Elantris and just finished the first Mistborn Trilogy.
  2. Alethi worldhoppers visiting First of the Sun be like:
  3. Lots more about Moon Spawn and Bridge burners in Orb, Sceptre, Throne; can't remember if you have read that one or not.
  4. Can’t remember if I got this on 1st read. that’s pretty cool.
  5. This is obviously purely philosophical, but I was just wondering, if not for her relationship with Honor, would Cultivation have been drawn to Scadrial either instead of or in addition to Preservation? People often say that Preservation and Ruin were both drawn to Scadrial because of their opposing intents, kind of like two poles of a magnet. But strictly speaking Ruin and Preservation are NOT opposites. Ruin is essentially regression and Preservation is essentially stasis. The true opposite of Ruin is actually Cultivation, at least if we assume that her overall intent is growth/progression, which appears to be the case from what little we’ve seen of her. Preservation is effectively smack in between Ruin and Cultivation in terms of intent. And indeed, I would think that if someone were to simultaneously hold the Shards of Ruin and Cultivation, the result very well might effectively be a second more powerful Shard of Preservation, since the net effect of their two intents would cancel each other out. Anyone have any thoughts?
  6. Some of you know me from MBI but to those who don't... hi! I'm Lumgol and I just joined.
  7. In the Topic "Things The Allomantic Metalhead Is No Longer Allowed to Do in the Mistborn Adventure Game" point 90 is "Misthammer 40k is a horrible idea". I disagree. It is a very fun idea. In a very alternate future version of the Cosmere everything went to hell just like this. Part 1: The Crusades of Honor After Dalinar unified Roshar, locked Odium away somewhere very, very deep in the Cognitive Realm, made peace with the Listeners, he consulted the Knights Radiant and decided to unite the whole Cosmere in one great Nation. In spaceships build by Navani first the Rosharan system was colonized and Ashyn and Braize were "Rosharformed" to inhabitable conditions, complete with their own highstorms and everything. The Listeners wanted no part in the unification process and asked to be settled for themselves on Braize, where they wanted to begin anew, with no interference from all those bothersome shards. The first other Shardworld encountered outside of the system was Nalthis and after some initial problems the two worlds decided to go together and colonized dozens of other minor shardworlds. Things started to look worse when Rosharan spaceships encountered their Scadrian counterparts. No one knows who fired the first shot, but in a matter of weeks it did not matter anymore. Shardblades met guns, coinshots and dustbringers blasted each other to the Beyond, lifeless and feruchemists met in day-long battles, the "hemalurgic option" was used on more than one occasion and it went only worse. Fabrials, Class IV awakened objects and Southern-Scadrial-Tec became exponentially more dangerous and at its height the war made desolations look pale by comparison. Part 2: Meanwhile, on Threnody At this time, on Threnody most of the population decided that if they had any chance of survival against the shades they needed to change themselves. Armed with knowledge somebody brought from Silverlight they made they transferred their minds to special bodies of metal so they would need neither fire nor blood. Of course, it went wrong. They all became cognitive shadows, trapped in their metallic bodies, and even worse, they became like the shades themselves. And for some reason they decided to enforce the Simple Rules all over the cosmere. Part 3: The Sel crisis On Sel, Cosmere-aware individuals decided to reforge all the splintered Shards of the cosmere. Elantrians build power amplifiers that made the original Elantris look pale by comparison, Forgers crafted a giant stamp to forge the shards back together, several scores of Dahkor monks offered to use the energy of their deaths to fuel the ritual, and dozens of other nations chose to participate in one way or another. What could possibly go wrong? Apparently, quite a lot. No one knows where the error began, and if somebody realized they were dead before they could do anything. A giant explosion shattered Sel in all three Realms... and that was the least part of the disaster. The shockwaves shattered and splintered most of the surviving shards at that time and brought the whole Shadesmar into one giant disarray. The surviving Shards were unfortunately Odium (who was locked away deep enough to be not splintered, but freed) and Ruin (who was ironically preserved by the the preservation part of Harmony). Also, in two instances the Ritual worked - Devotion and Ambition were restored to full power. All Shardvessels were killed in the process, and the surviving shards were picked up by some random people. But it got even worse. Some Splinters of the dead Shards were merged with the survivors, corrupting each other in the process. A giant perpendicularity of very bad nature replaced the place where Sel was. Incredibly, there were survivors. By the very Nature of the Dor, the land clung together (along the borders) and was sucked in the cognitive realm. Clever usage of the Dor and technology could save most of the countries, which became giant spaceships. Part 4: The Crusade of Honor, part II Scadrial and Roshar/Nalthis decided to agree on a ceasefire for the time being to investigate what had dealt such a blow to the whole Cosmere. They were kind of surprised to find themselves in opposition to four shards which apparently 1) declared war on each other and 2) declared war on all of mankind, and each of the shards had somehow amassed splinters which were several orders of magnitude more dangerous than unbonded spren. They were further surprised, that many of their own decided to go over to the side of the shards, because "they were the only surviving gods". Dalinar, being tired of this argument, decided to anihilate all Shards to create peace at least on this frontier. Part 5: The Listener Tragedy The shockwaves of the Selish Ritual smashed Braize out of the Rosharan system to somewhere far, far away. Together with them went a magnitude of splinters mashed together from an assortment of shards, dead and alive. Several new forms were discovered, and the new forms were apparently there for one reason - war. The skin got green, they got new muscles, brains were somewhat reduced in a sort of trade-off and a very real desire to go to war - everywhere. The other types of Listener were subdued and exploited by the new BigBoss!-Forms, Coooonquest!-Forms and Waaaar!-Forms. With crude spaceships and crude weapons they went to war against the whole cosmere, for no other reason than that it was fun. Part 6: For the Greater Harmony A radical element on Scadrial seized the upper hand in the ensuoing chaos. Attacked by the Shards, the Listeners, the Rosharans (although now somewhat more rare) and even the Threnodians on rare occasion the dream of a harmonious future was prevalent, and the Pathists got more and more members. So some pathists decided to create Greater Harmony in the Cosmere - by force. "Harmonists", they called themselves. Their idea was that everybody had a place in the society, and they were to decide it. Scadrian people were forced into guilds named after the 16 basic metals&alloys, ruled by three more guilds, which were named after Atium, Lerasium and Harmononium, with Harmonium always being the most important. Everybody was judged on their contribution to the Greater Harmony. Protests were eliminated, and the instigators "reeducated". Part 7: The shism of the Knights Radiant The four shards knew that Dalinar was the most dangerous foe at the moment - Odium's former vessel had dealt with the Blackthorn before and Odium was not happy with the outcome, so, while he was entangled in the war with the other shards, he also plotted together with them. They sent visions to Dalinars son, Adolin, who had resurrected his blade and was in command of Edgedancers (Lift did not want to be in charge) and built more and more doubt in his heart. They wispered in Shallan's ear and showed her more and more versions of themselves. They promised knowledge to Jasnah. They drove Kaladin once more to heavy depression. They made Szeth question his duty. Only Renarin they left alone. And so, through a complicated process, they made some of the orders rebell against Urithiru. Jasnah herself led the rebelling orders - Edgedancers, Elsecallers, Willshapers and Dustbringers. First they went against their loyal comrades inside their orders, then they went in force against Urithiru. Renarin tried to warn his father, but unfortunately too late and the Truthwatchers landed square in the lines of fire and were killed to a man. Jasnah was killed in the fight by Szeth with nightblood, and was soulcast to stone in turn. Kaladins windrunners were away and came to late and could only try to sort out the aftermath. Adolin, blinded by rage, stuck at his father and wounded him mortally and was in turn killed by his wife, Shallan. The rest of the Rogue orders fled and hid themselfes somewhere in the cognitive realm. Kaladin, close to despair, and Shallan, with even more psychological problems, tried to reorganize the remaining orders with relative little sucess. Navani, trying to resurrect her husband, locked him in a life-support-fabrial. Part 8: Aftermath Even before Dalinar's semi-death it was complicated to Navigate the cognitive realm. Now, it grew even more complicated. Fortunately, on Nalthis, an Artifact was built which created a clearly visible beacon from Nalthis to Roshar. Unfortunately, it needs about a hundred breaths each day to sustain it. While the number is still comparatively small compared to the population, there are often not enough volunteers to sustain it, and some people need encouragement. Dalinar's corpse is locked away on the highest level of Urithiru, and no one knows how to resurrect him. There is war everywhere. Welcome to Shardhammer 40k.
  8. From the album: The Knight Radiant

    My previous image was an unmade. But it's summer now and I was in the mood for something, a bit more sexy ^^ This my interpretation of Shalash or Ash, Herald of beauty. I've tryed to reveal just the right amount of skin and kept the white hair from the promotional image.
  9. As my friend and I read about Urithiru and learned it was the home of what were essentially a bunch of gods in human form, we realized how hard it would be to manage that many people. Therefore we created our patented: List of Urithiru PSAs That Must Have Happened: Original set: -To the lightweaver who put an illusion of a chasmfiend in the oathgate entrance, a foreign emissary was coming on a diplomatic mission, and suffice to say relations are now…strained. -Windrunners, while sticking someone to the ceiling might be an excellent way to stop a fight, please remember to let the participants down gently afterward, particularly in rooms with high ceilings. -We understand that the hallways might be twisted and confusing to many, but please refrain from soul casting the walls, even if you are quote “late for a meeting.” Particularly do not soulcast any walls into blood. What is wrong with you? There were children nearby! -Edgedancers, slicking the floor for a “fun prank” is not acceptable, particularly in public hallways. We have a laundress with a broken hip, and she’s threatening to sue. -This is a general reminder to those of you with a gravitation surge, please keep track of your altitude and stormlight. We’ve had three accidents already this month. -This is a general notice to all knights radiant. We ask that you use the stairs to get down from the top floor and refrain from jumping off the balcony. The ground is full of cracks and the bondsmith are getting irritated. -Please remember that there are people here who are not knights radiant and therefore possess no special abilities or healing factor. There are currently eight people in the hospital due to negligence in this area. -Since there are still many of you who refuse to refer to the Dustbringers by their preferred name, Releasers, mandatory sensitivity training will be held within the week. Please check the notice board for your order’s scheduled date and time. There it is. Feel free to add more. Some of the other good ones from my tumblr post on this: - Stonewards, please refrain from creating handholds and staircases in the walls. The city planning committee is in an uproar and the traffic congestion is immense. - Lightweavers, please remember to remove your illusions after you’re done practicing. We have multiple falling injuries from people assuming that the holes in the floor are illusions and not actually scheduled maintenance. - To whomever Lashed the barracks doorway shut, we understand you are not on speaking terms with other members of your order. However, they do have a right to be able to sleep in their own bed. And no, you can’t Lash them to the ceiling as a substitute. from aspiringwindrunner - Skybreakers, we know you’re all about the rules, but covertly rerolling a saving throw doesn’t warrant an out-of-character death penalty. - Windrunners, please stop going up to visiting dignitaries and offering to “show them the world”. - Stonewards, we know your herald is the best, please stop getting in shouting matches with the skybreakers in the hallways. - Edgedancers, please stop talking the skybreakers in circles. Their Highspren have filed complaints. - Lightweavers, while your practice is certainly important, please stop sending images screaming salacious rumors through the halls. On a similar note, please stop making fake dead ends, the ambassador was lost for nearly two days. from kyerinell
  10. Brandon has implied that there is a way to use compounding in reverse to grant yourself increased Allomancy. source source And it definitely seems like Nicrosil is capable of doing this, storing your ability to burn metals in it and then tapping it in large quantities makes you more powerful Allomantically.
  11. The watermelon had a name. This name was Gradually.
  12. Sorry, can't actually make the memes right now, only write them, then later right them. *Car Salesman* Slaps the top of Roshar: This bad boy can fit so many Secret Societies in it! *Car Salesman* Slaps top of Mistborn Trilogy: This bad boy can fit so many important tiny details in it.
  13. Elsecallers: Transporting someone to Shadesmar is not an effective way to win an argument. It took six weeks for Susie to get back to the tower. Windrunners: Lashing stones to the bottom of Shin Radiant's is strictly prohibited. Seriously, Lopen, Mandatory lecture about keeping oaths is being held by Honor after dinner. And yes, we understand it's the 35th time this week.
  14. I have a slightly different angle on this. I never understood the intent "Cultivation" as just growth. Cultivation is taking something wild and cultivating it to something useful. In cultivations Magic system you take two wild and untamed things (uncut gemhearts and Spren) and make a machine out of it. So I don't think Cultivation is a fundamental force like ruin and preservation. Her intent is more ... human biased if that makes sense. I think Cultivation and Honor seem to fit quite well. Taking a wild and untamed world and cultivate its inhabitants in to an honorable civilization. If any if that makes sense.
  15. Narrator SD killed Narrator Apollyon with a shard-pencil
  16. Hello all! Sorry for checking in so late. This is probably my last SE game, so I hope to have fun! Now then! The rules seem simple enough. Quick note that I don't think it's a good idea to lynch people based on what roles they may have unless, of course, somebody claims to have used the copper action and tells us the elim role distribution. That hasn't always worked out well in the past. However, it may do some good to keep track of each players' role by observation. Though I don't personally think these observations should be outright announced to the thread without a solid reason, as that may possibly aid the elims. Other than that...oh right. The Synod. This is interesting. Elims and villagers together in one doc completely anonymous. Sounds extremely fun . Though what does it not being a "safe role" mean exactly? Due to how their kill works, I'm guessing the Synod isn't mostly comprised of elims as that'd be an unfair advantage for them. Though it does seem plausible that they'd have at least one elim in the doc. It's basically like a second lynch. A second secret lynch. I think that's all I gotta say for now
  17. Yzabwt, from her position on the battlements on the wall, breathed in pure Stormlight. She collected every single gem she could and watched as Stormlight sparked to life in them. This would last her long enough to either buy her way back to Roshar, or to kill half of the city. Yzabet had filled a backpack full of gems (a bank disassociated with the Bank of Crysts had been full of Rosharan spheres) her aluminum bag (normal gems from a TUBA runner) and a few pieces of jewelry and ornate dinnerware (from a half-burned mansion). "Goodnight, Alleys. Goodnight, Worldspire. Goodnight, everyone. There is a life to live. All of the innocents have fled, and now we are just getting ourselves killed. TUBA cannot win this fight while they don't use Hemalurgy, but the DA has no right to take powers from people. I'll go. I don't like watching the looking side. But...." I will remember those who have been forgotten. I will listen to those who have been ignored. I will speak for them who have no voices. Life before death, strength before weakness, journey before destination. "I will watch you fall, and I will weep." Yzabet said quietly, and turned back. This was the time to say goodbye.
  18. Marne walked towards the cell where the former Spiked ringleader, Olaf, was held. With no former need for a real jail, the cell in which Olaf was kept was simply a locked basement in one of the Synod’s old hideouts. Marne found the arrangements inadequate. Any servant of the Lord Ruler, Spiked or not, former or current, was dangerous. Deadly. And he was about to negotiate with one. Descending the dusty staircase, each wooden board creaking underneath him as he stepped, he nodded to the guards, a Windwhisperer and a Brute, who silently nodded back and stood aside, allowing Marne to pass. Stepping down onto the floor, Marne again nodded at the Feruchemists guarding the stairwell, who stood, tromping up to the top of the staircase. Though the Windwhisperer could tap hearing, Marne found paranoia unnecessary still. Refusing to trust his own men, who he had known and worked with for many years, was indeed a sure sign that the Lord Ruler has finally come—sowing dissension and mistrust amongst the ranks of the Synod. He would not have that; he would trust, until trust proved folly. He would also need to trust the man in front of him. Olaf seemed to fully occupy the spacious wooden basement. His lurking presence, with an air of anticipation as he sat on the edge of his cot, fingers splayed, seemed to extend beyond him and fill the room. It unnerved Marne, but little could be done about that. He would have to work with this man, if he had any hope of catching the Spiked in their midst. “Olaf,” he began. The skinny man across from him raised a bony, long finger, indicating silence, and Marne abruptly shut up. Olaf spoke, thin and raspily. “I don’t know their names,” he said simply. Marne frowned, thrown off. “What?” “Their names,” Olaf repeated. “That’s why you’ve come, isn’t it? You want the names of all the Spiked in my group. That’s not the way this works. I remember nothing from when the spikes are in. Faces, people, even events, it’s all gone.” Marne blinked. “I’m supposed to take you at your word?” Olaf smiled, though it was devoid of humour. “You could torture me, but you’d find the same thing, and I’m completely within your power anyway. I have no reason to lie to you, Marne of the Synod. You can overpower me, and perhaps outsmart me. But I don’t know the names. The spikes, they...do something, to a person. I don’t know how the Lord Ruler does it, but living with those spikes is like having a different person in you, who can’t remember what the other person does. I know I attacked you, and that I removed my spikes, but I can’t tell you much more.” Olaf looked up, a glint in his eye. “I would, however, be happy to help you hunt them. The other Spiked. I have no love for the Lord Ruler, and it seems that helping you is the only way either of us will emerge from this alive.” Marne weighed Olaf’s words. The man may be lying, he thought. But if he is not...his brains will be an important asset, and his unique skills will make him a formidable ally. Besides, who do I want watching him? An assortment of random Ferrings, or myself? Marne looked at Olaf. Trust. He would trust this man, for now. Because trust was one of the few things that remained left to him. “I accept your offer, Count,” he said. “Let us go then, and do what we must to allow us both to come out of this alive.” Reaching out, Marne grasped Olaf’s hand. It was a small step, and might not have been the wisest. But any asset would help now. Now that Spiked were abroad… And trust was needed now, more than anything. Count Olaf has been converted to the Synod! Day 1 has begun! It will end in 48-ish hours, at 9 EDT on Sunday, August 12. Player List: 1. Rathmaskal as Laksam, an ash sweeper from the Eastern streets 2. Xinoehp512 as Ereheman Tresni, a man with his priorities backwards 3. Steeldancer as Steel, the fastest sculpture of a squid wrought entirely in steel in all of Tathingdwen 4. Randuir as Zihel, a worldhopper looking for his twin brother 5. I think I am here as Itiah VI, a missionary on a mission 6. Bort as Tee Mai, a tailor specialising in offensive clothing 7. Cadmium Compounder as Ethin Hallil, a cadmium Feruchemist and SCUBA diver 8. _Stick_ as Stick, President of the Tathingdwen Tautological Society of Tautology 9. Jondesu as Remart, a man back from vacation armed with vaguely ominous statements 10. Kidpen as HanTor, a lonely Kandra that’s definitely not Spiked, nope 11. Elandera as Era, an old woman who claims to have been alive before the reign of the Lord Ruler 12. Snipexe as Snip, a fabric cutter in the local quilt shop 13. Worldhopper from Yolen as Tarin, a Sparker with a wonderful, awful idea 14. Alvron as Izzy Dedyet, who is not dead, feels happy, and thinks she'll go for a walk 15. Phatterner as Citona Vinid, a seemingly faithful follower of the Lord Ruler 16. Ark1002 as Kardik, a Full Feruchemist 17. Araris Valerian as Valwyn, an honest rug merchant 18. Coop772, as Irion, a Full Feruchemist more comfortable around his friends 19. Sart, a stuttering Nameless
  19. Each week I'm like "I hope they have another one, but what could it be about? They've covered so much." then I see the episode title and go "Oh yeaaaahhh". I agree with Ian that random people have some they aren't telling anyone about, like Liss, Some probably are buried under crem or underwater. I think there are too many missing for that to account for all of them though. Some group is probably hoarding a bunch of them. I think that group would have to be a group that doesn't use them much at all or we would know about them by now. My best guess is either the Shin or Skybreakers. The Shin are peaceniks and we know they hoard Honorblades. The Skybreakers would have known about the Recreance at the time and may have snatched up as many dead shards as they could either out of practical or sentimental concerns. Bonded Skybreakers already have a blade and can't use the dead blades without hearing screaming, so they would just sit on them. If the Skybreakers are hoarding a bunch and Nale has gone over to the Singers then I would expect to see Fused running around with them in book 4.
  20. I got Universe Sandbox 2 tonight and toyed around with these moons a bit. Just figuring the program out a bit--didn't dig up any of the more specific numbers we came up with, beyond the basic parameters for Roshar and the period of the moons. EDIT: I wrote up a little thing that hopefully explains simply why the moons are problematic:
  21. @tigmades, great name for a dog, especially a mostly white newfoundland! Here are some options: 1. Szeth, Chaser of Honor. This is suitably cryptic, compatible with Szeth's story arc and describes how your dog will be chasing Honors when you show him at dog shows. 2. Szeth, Chained by Oaths. Central to Szeth's story arc and also compatible with a well trained dog. 3. Szeth, Chewer of Stick. Stick: I am stick. Dog Szeth: Chomp, chomp, chomp. Bits of Stick: .....
  22. Windrunners: Passive aggressively stating that you will "protect even those you hate so long as it is right" is not a productive way to resolve interpersonal conflicts.
  23. Will all Edgedancers please take note that human bowling is not an acceptable activity, particularly when the "pins" are unwilling and unsuspecting. For more information, please visit the IRESERI (Inter-Radiance Ethical Sports Education for Radiant Interrelations). For any Radiant(s) to whom this applies, please observe that food is considered the personal property of the person currently consuming it. For any Radiant(s) to whom this applies, please observe that food is considered the personal property of the person currently already consuming it. For any Radiant(s) to whom this applies, please observe that food is considered the personal property of the person already who was consuming it prior to it being stolen and consumed by another. For any Radiant(s) to whom this applies, please observe that food is Lift, just STOP stealing/eating other people's food.
  24. So. Mistborn is ruining my life. I've been a fan of sifi and fantasy since I knew what it was. Books, video games, movies everything from lord or the rings and star wars to the Dresden Files. But nothing has ever been as good, fulfilling or as well done as the end of the hero of ages. The first sentence of the first book was already setting up the ending of the last and it was still so well done my first read-through I got teary eyed. The mold that was broken In this series can never be recreated but now when picking up a new book or TV series Im never as impressed as I know I should be because of how amazing Mistborn is. The sense of closure it too much for words. Has ANYONE else had this problem or am I just a nutcase
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  25. I think when he held Preservations power, he used it to to make himself a powerful mistborn. Vin wouldn't get the upgrade because she didn't use the power at the Well. Also he's also probably a savant in every metal like you suggested, but I dont think Feruchemy would heal the negative effects. I think, like Spook with his tin and pewter, the effects would mostly cancel each other out.
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  26. Hello! Going off of Mr. Almost at a Thousand Posts, which book was your favorite?
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  27. *sees that there are 444 posts* *wonders if he should Ruin that* *makes up mind* Happy 445th post, everyone!
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  28. It's kind of hard to choose a side when one side is led by Satan but their members are made up predominantly of recently escaped slaves. I'd probably be like Kaladin or Lift, trying to oppose Odium while also trying to avoid killing anyone if at all possible.
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  29. What do you guys think? Should I fill one out too just in case we can't find a more appropriate mod? Maybe a mod isn't particularly needed, specifically, since whoever's on the panel can presumably speak to how the mod's strategies affect the group? Or are we just going with a "fill it out now and sort the details later" approach here? Suggestions As promised, I (finally! sorry about that...) have some suggestions on @kais's draft! Mostly my suggestions have focused on consolidating some of the questions/topics, since the draft as presented would make for a very long panel. To be honest, the draft I'm providing below probably still makes for a long panel, assuming 3 panel members and about 3 minutes per person per question (which is probably conservative). Unless the idea is to have different people answer different questions within each topic? I am somehow only just cluing into the fact that this is probably in fact what you meant. Anyway. I've also suggested the removal of some of the more general stuff about crit groups in favour of focusing on the diversity-oriented questions in particular, partially because of time reasons again but also because I think it's the intersection of the two topics that's most of interest. And I've rejiggered the suggested order a bit, mostly based on my chopping up of the questions as originally presented. Suggested edits to the questions are below. Tonight I'm gonna try and work on putting together a short description/pitch. Possible titles Critique Groups: Writing Your Way Out of the Echo Chamber Challenge Accepted: Allowing Critique Groups to Challenge Your Worldview Questions Topic 1: The benefits of diverse voices in critique groups Q1: What are the advantages a critique group with diverse voices, in background or in genre? Comment: I'm wondering a bit about "in background or genre." Diversity in genre is a valid thing to talk about, but I'm wondering if it takes away from the focus on inclusivity? Plus, I know people of the, ahem, puppy variety have tried to co-opt the term "diversity" for things other than the generally accepted usage meant to centre marginalized writers, so maybe we don't want to go there. Or maybe I'm making mountains out of molehills. Topic 2: How to make sure your critique group enables a culture of diversity Q1: Has ensuring diversity always been a focus of your critique group? If so, what did those in charge do make space for diverse voices when the group formed? Q2: How do you do you attract and keep diverse voices, especially if your group is primarily made up of members of a dominant culture? Q3: What are common pitfalls you have seen in critique groups trying to be inclusive? Topic 3: Accepting critiques that challenge your worldview and understanding Q1: For marginalized critiquers, what are the dangers to you in calling out bias? Do others always respond in a way you might expect? Comment: I've condensed it a bit, but this question is so important! Let's make sure we don't lose it. Q2: How should writers respond to critiques that say their writing is problematic or biased? Should that response change based on whether the writer does, or does not, agree with the critique? Topic 4: Allyship in critique groups - group roles in fostering inclusive environments (without depending on the emotional labor of marginalized writers) Q1: What are critiquers’ responsibilities when responding to stories that demonstrate problematic content or bias? (i.e. fridging, white savior narratives, etc.) Q2: What are critiquers’ responsibilities towards other group members when someone responds badly to being called out on bias in their writing or behaviour? Topic 6: The role of moderators in critique groups Q1: What additional responsibilities to moderators have, over and above other members, to ensure that marginalized voices in the group are not drowned out? Q2: How can moderators enable greater allyship in a critique group? How can mods foster an inclusive culture that empowers everyone to participate? (calling out bias, supporting marginalized writers, etc.) Q3: Maintaining the peace versus challenging bias- which is more important in a critique group? What if you lose members who are otherwise fantastic contributers, just because they are biased? Comment: Again, this question is really important--we definitely want to make sure it gets addressed. However, I'm a little leery of the current phrasing, especially since at the end of the day, we don't necessarily know who is going to be on or moderating the panel, and it potentially leaves the door open for someone to come waltzing in and declaring that actually, "maintaining the peace" is more important than supporting marginalized writers. We know that's a false premise, but we might be setting ourselves up the wrong way here. Conclusion: Personal notes Q1: How did you first get involved with a critique group? What was its composition? Did that composition change over time and if so, how did that affect you and your writing? (Potential shorter version of this question, as I think the longer version may be more appropriate for an intro): How has participating in a critique group with diverse voices affected you and your writing?
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  30. And it will be doubly poignant when we get her flashbacks in the next book, to see how she lived her life and made the choices she did, knowing that ultimately she would die and that her death would be final. Her journey has already ended. i was also never convinced that Jasnah was dead. She just seemed unkillable to me, though i wondered how she had managed to fake her death so convincingly.
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  31. In warbreaker, when siri is teaching theGod King to read, she introduces the letter shash. In The Way of Kings, shash is the glyph inscribed into kaladin's forehead. I think Roshar's glyph system might be related to warbreaker's normal writing system (as opposed to the colored dots writing).
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  32. Again, unsure if this has been argued before, but, I think "Adonalsium" is the name of the god-metal that goes with the being who was Shattered. So his name would have been either "Adonal" or "Adonals" or "Adonalsabc...xyz" where the italicized letters are the unknown letters of his original name. Depending on the alphabet in question, let's suppose that the language his name comes from has one of those symmetry-things going on with it, in this case the first and last letters of proper names being capitalized. (I'm thinking of how the kandra names work, except mixed with Rosharan ketekism...) So, "Adona[el]" should actually read "Adona[ai]." That is, the original name (or at least title) of "Adonalsium" was just "Adonai," as in the derivation.
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  33. It's purely bloodline and allomantic strength. Beyond a certain threshold, you're Mistborn. Below and you're weak enough that only a single power manifests.
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  34. I'm halfway thru Kharkanas after having just done a 1-10 straight re-read. I like it just fine so far. It's like reading Silmarillion with a story the whole way thru it.
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  35. Valywn pondered where the best place to begin peddling his rugs was. He found a crossroads and was about to begin unloading his wares when a steel sculpture of some tentacled beast reminiscent of a miniature mistwraith appeared right in the spot he was planning to use. Valywn turned in shock and went to report the occurrence to the Synod, and to ask them to have the Squid removed.
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  36. And then add Kokichi to the equation and laugh as reality as we know it falls to pieces.
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  37. Please be advised that the High Prince of Information has noted that morale for the forces of House Sadeas is at an all time low and has made it a top priority to apprehend the prankster who is removing "e"s and adding "ses"s to the signage for High House Sadeas.
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  38. That's just an excuse to make me zoom in on the pretty lady, and you know it.
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  39. Devaan read the note, a tear was running down his eye. Rashan was dead. dead. Devaan let out a sob, then saw one of the kids he was meant to take care of, had a black eye, and was sobbing. "Who did this" He said, his voice dangerously low "th-that man" Max said, pointing at Mace. Devaan stalked over to Mace. Step by step. He could see violence all around him. A man was trying to kill his blood angels. Space marines were bringing down Kane. Violence, in his canton. In the place he had established as a safe haven for all. Devaan calmy walked into the room, and shut the steel door. Good. the room was soundproofed now. Devaan walked to the centre of the room. Kane noticed him, and stared at him. "I'm going to ask you all once, and once only." He said in a soft voice. A calm voice. The voice of someone who was so aggrieved he didn't care what would happen to these people. "Stop. Now." He commanded, tapping connection so everyone noticed him.
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  40. Just to throw it out there, the concept of a deity creating and then dividing itself up in its creation is an old one. It's part of some branches of Judaism that God created the universe to see Himself within it, there's tenth century Christian theologians who proposed similar ideas and there are aspects of it in Hinduism as well, just to name a few examples. The concept has been introduced in the Cosmere already with the story Ym tells about the One who knew everything but experienced nothing and so became many to experience all things. This may not be where Brandon is going exactly but it's a well-attested concept that can fit with the facts as we currently understand them, regarding why Adonalsium would allow himself to be Shattered.
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  41. Vin Sazed Rashek Spook Beldre Breeze Dockson Clubs Demoux Wax Wayne Steris Marasi MeLaan Syl Shallan Teft Rock Pattern Dalinar Renarin Jasnah Lift Wyndle Szeth Tien Navani Gavilar Vivenna Vasher Nightblood Susebron Lightsong Sarene Raoden Hrathen Galladon Karata Ashe Roial Ahan Kaise Daorn Kiin Lukel Jalla Eliminated Ham, Kaladin, and Wyrn, so this would happen... Kaladin: I’m storming hungry. Ham: What is hunger, anyway? Wyrn: The only true hunger is the spiritual starvation which occurs when Holy Jaddeth wishes it upon the nonbelievers. Kaladin: STORM BOTH OF YOU, JUST SHUT UP. Which character is most likely to own a unicorn pillow pet?
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  42. Vedel has lost her keys, so if anyone finds them, she would like them back. Otherwise, she can´t get back into her apartment, which would be a shame.
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  43. Vasher thinks that Nightblood has always been more than those thousand Breaths account for. Nightblood leaks. I don't believe he retains any of the investiture he eats. I don't think he's growing in power. I think that since day one, there's been something else going on. I personally think that it is something about the way that Shashara envisioned her command that created the scenario. I also do think that the black color is a mixture of shard intents, and that that command cause some kind of reaction that made the burgeoning consciousness that was Nightblood pull investiture from a Shard other than Endowment. I do happen to think that investiture came from Ruin because of how well it fits with his command. It's all wild speculation, because we know nothing specific about its creation. There's just to much with the sword that doesn't fit, and commands are far more about intent than the spoken words. Who knows what Shashara pictured.
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  44. Skybreakers, if someone is falling from the tower, please go and help them, and, no, "there aren't any rules against falling from the tower" is not a valid excuse.
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  45. A reminder to all Radiants that your spren is your responsibility, especially in regards to propriety and privacy. Do not neglect to teach them that a locked door is normally locked for a reason.
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  46. Edgedancers: Not only is cutting off your fingers and immediately Regrowing them a sick joke to play in front of children, but it is also a complete waste of stormlight.
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  47. @Dreamstorm I agree that Shallan is the issue in this storyline. Over the last few days I’ve been pondering what bothered me so much about her character in this book, and it boils down to the fact that she feels like a damsel in distress who was rescued by a knight in shining armor in the end. It takes the power away from her and gives it the person she commits to in a relationship. Wherever she goes from here, I feel like she is diminished somehow. If she is now able to heal, it is because Adolin has helped fix her, not because she found healing on her own. If she doesn’t heal, or if the healing is an illusion based on a false sense of security, then she will not have the opportunity to work on herself as an individual. She is married to a Highprince and all the duties and responsibilities that go along with that, and there probably won’t be a lot of time for self-reflection. In considering the author’s intent, I get the sense that he is suggesting that this is a good step for Shallan. I expect that in the next book Adolin will help her heal, and she will get better. That seems like a good thing on the surface, but I was hoping for more from Shallan as a character. She started out as a shy, awkward country girl who I could relate to in book 1. I have been so excited to watch her grow and develop into a strong, confident, independent Knight Radiant who is fully in control of her own destiny. At the end of OB she seems like a broken girl who took “the road more travelled” by attaching herself to a strong man for stability. My issue is not who she chose in the end, but that she didn’t realize that needed to to get herself together before making a huge life decision like marriage. Perhaps I'll be surprised in a future book and the story will take an unexpected turn that allows Shallan to come to her own rescue, but I'm not holding out much hope at this point. As of now, Jasnah has become that strong female character for me. I don’t relate to her nearly as much as I did Shallan in the beginning, but she’s an interesting character in her own right and we don’t have many other options for great female protagonists. @sylian I agree with your assessment that Kaladin made progress at the end with his realization that he’s going to be alright. I'm kind of bummed he got used as a tool for Shallan’s identity issues in this book (that comment about Veil having terrible taste in men still irks me), but at the very least it should provide some good opportunity for growth in the next book, related to his depression and next ideal. Apologies to everyone for droning on and on about my issues with Shallan in this thread. I’m trying to make peace with it so it doesn’t spoil what is otherwise a really good book, and it’s probably getting tedious. Probably time to move on... yeah right.
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  48. It didn't ruin reading for me, but I feel like it was the single best trilogy ever written in the genre.
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  49. After a brief hiatus, I am back with moar memes! Altermind's origins (page 2): How Nathan views FunTimes's decision to rescue CorpseMaker: When CorpseMaker is naked upon emerging from the wall: When FunTimes gives CorpseMaker his new clothes: When CorpseMaker takes Nathan for an Epic:
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