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  1. The religions of the world were false. A Korathi priest had apparently tried to kill Elysian with the power of the Jeskeri Mysteries. Elysian himself was a devout member of Shu-Korath, Shu-Dereth, and the Mysteries. He wore a Korathi pendant around his neck, proof enough of his loyalty to that church. A nice man had told him the truth about Lord Jaddeth, and given him a second pendant, although Eysian couldn't seem to find that one anymore. And just the last night he had made a grand sacrifice in the name of Jesker. Yet where were those gods now, as the folk of Arelon hunted for his blood? Jaddeth, Domi, and Jesker, each a pile of hogswash bigger than the last. Elysian thought frantically of how to escape. He returned to the place where Daoate's corpse still lay in a pool of blood. In the name of religion, the life of one man was nothing. However, if that religion was false, then Elysian was a murderer, and deserved death. He sat in the corner and began to pray, although he didn't know what to. I know that there must be some higher truth. Please, but reveal yourself to me, and I will be your servant to the end of my days. I cannot die a simple orphan and a murderer! Elysian sat for several minutes in the room, until he began to feel foolish. Perhaps there was no higher power, no way for a worthless life to be redeemed. He stood up to leave, taking one last look at his grisly work. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he noticed blood flowing on the ground underneath the altar, which was strange, since the corpse wasn't very fresh. Elysian stepped closer and saw that a single phrase stood out in bright red against the stone of the chamber. It read: PRAISE THE JA! Elysian didn't know who this Ja was, but he knew that his prayer had been answered. He needed to return to the pool that had led him to this world, to find the truth. He didn't have any belongings beyond his clothes, so Elysian took a cloak that would conceal his face and set off for the Perpendicularity. Praise the Ja!
  2. Oh I am very much still a threat to the Elims! And the Gyorn! And everybody else! I am the almighty GM! Your lives are as playthings in my hands, to do with as I please! Your existence serves no other purpose than to amuse me, and when I AM FINISHED WITH YOU I SHALL GRIND YOUR SOULS BENEATH THE HEEL OF MY BOOT! FEAR ME AND WEEP, FOR THE- Oh, wait, judging by the context I'm pretty sure you meant @Amanuensis, not me. Nevermind, as you were.
  3. Hello and greetings from TUBA! Though originally created to gather intelligence on and stop the Dark Alley, we now give people of the Alleyverse a non-Hemalurgic alternative for baked goods. Our mission statement is to help and generally do good in the city, with various charity initiatives to this effect. We are essentially a bakery and general charity/help organization (with possibly a surprising amount of fighters - we've held our own in city attacks before). TUBA is a very public guild, with a main location in the Alleycity and other locations and businesses established most places. You can walk into the main building and join or be hired fairly easily. OOC, please ping AonEne or another active member to set something up that works for you! Our Discord server is very dead and honestly there's no reason to join it anymore, but I'll leave the link up anyway: https://discord.gg/k4uJwdy Storm's original RP from this post in 2018: See the Guild Thread for our current sheet.
  4. 4 likes
  5. I'm a 2nd son. (Out of four-eight siblings total.) So, if the information I've found/remember is correct, we have the same job! Also, if the Rocky Mountains are the Horneater Peaks, does that mean that one of our lakes is a perpendicularity?
  6. When your sister gets one of those reversible sequin pillows for her birthday, and you write “Hoid was here” on it for her to find.
  7. And, dearest Archivist, I will be your Achilles, only you won't have a god to save you from me this time. I will crush you into the fields of Ilium, and even the Scamander, filth that it is, will refuse to take you down to the sea in fear that it will be punished for your ravings against the gods. You are a man who stands on top of a hill in copper armor during a thunderstorm screaming that the gods are b*st*rds. You, like the Romans, sprung from something that once was great, and now is trash. And, like the Roman empire, you will be torn apart by those who you have attempted to convince of your superiority. May Vesta curse your home. Have a nice day, and don't mess with someone who knows her Greek classics.
  8. The Ghostblood symbol might be cool, there is a page on the Coppermind with just about all the symbols not only in SA but in the whole Cosmere you can find it here.
  9. Mint woke up. Mint saw that no-one was really trying to discuss anything anymore. Mint don't have time for that.
  10. Oh my gosh. You have no idea how much I appreciate the ship name Inane. One of the best puns I've ever seen! You know you're a Sanderfan when your mind wanders and you start thinking about the plausibility of hemalurgically creating an artificial Avatar by spiking a natural water/earth/fire/airbender with the other three bending abilities.
  11. Day 2: Dao After barely diverting the crowd gathered early in the morning, intent on killing someone, Daoate felt a drink was in order. His near-death ordeal had left him terribly drained, and he knew a good bottle of spirits would set that to rights. Rounding a street corner, he spotted the alchemist, Fenot, packing up his stall for the night. This will do, Daoate thought. The alchemist probably keeps a strong liquor on him, for personal use if not for his strange concoctions. Probably beats bar hopping all night, anyway. “Hey!” Daoate cried, approaching Fenot. “Do you have a bottle on you? ‘Sbeen quite a day, and some alcohol would do me good right about now.” “Sure,” the alchemist replied, smooth as always. He slid a bottle of brandy from under his cloak. “One silver piece.” “You’re a lifesaver,” Daoate said with a sigh of content, flicking the alchemist the coin and picking up the bottle. Moving into an alleyway, he uncorked the bottle and took a deep swig. He breathed contentedly, then collapsed, asleep. Daoate woke up, blinking his eyes to clear the bleary tiredness from them. Where was he? The sky, from what he could see, was not an open-air night sky that he had fallen asleep under, but a gently curving ceiling, that curved into sloped walls. If I didn’t know better, Daoate thought, I’d say that I’m in a pipe. As he thought this, he drew in a breath, and the repugnant stench hit him instantly. With a flash of realization, Daoate realized he was in the sewers. His eyes then began to pick out other details, previously hidden. The wooden surface of the altar he was lying on. The ropes binding his wrists and ankles, immobilizing them. The robed figures in the distance, watching silently. And the single robed figure, walking towards him, his face veiled with cloth. Finally, Daoate saw the long knife in the man’s hand, and at long last released the scream that had been building inside him. It did no good though. No answering footsteps thundering towards him. No divine intervention, by Jaddeth or Domi. Just him...and the Jeskeri Mysteries. Idos Domi, thought Daoate. I’m actually dying. The robed figure finally reached him. The knife ascended, tip glistening in the dimly lit cavern, and descended. A brief flash of agony; darkness. The Gyorn in the red armor left the courtyard after Saoir was hanged, walking quickly towards the Derethi chapel. The facemask still obscuring his identity, the man stopped at the doors of the chapel, and paused for a brief prayer. He then looked up, regarding the ornate doors serenely. And kicked them open. Confidently striding down the center aisle, the Gyorn paid no heed to the startled gasps of the small flock the pathetic local preacher had managed to collect, instead making straight for the podium. The startled arteth there gave way amazedly, too stunned to speak. The Gyorn lifted his voice. “Arteth Fjon, I relieve you of your station as arteth. Your laxity in dealing with these, your brothers in following Holy Jaddeth, is reprehensible, and you are unfit to lead this congregation. Return to the monasteries for reassignment, and you will perhaps reinstate yourself in Jaddeth’s favor.” The former arteth looked up, a glint of defiance shining in his eye, then bowed submissively and resignedly. “Yes, my lord hroden,” he mumbled, and walked red-faced down the aisle and out of the chapel. The Gyorn looked around at the remaining people in the congregation. “As for the rest of you lot… your arteth has led you astray. You have not earned the title of a true follower of Jaddeth. But Jaddeth forgives all the sincerely repentant. Rededicate yourselves to his holy will, and you shall gain the power you need to triumph in your life, and to extinguish the vile Elantrians roaming among you!” There was a murmur of assent from the back of the congregation, and the Gyorn realized that a few other people by the door had come to listen to his sermon. All for the better, he thought. In a manner of days all the citizens of Arelon will realize the truth lies in Shu-Dereth alone, and the heathen nation shall at last be mine. Bort was killed! He was an Arelish Citizen with a Jeskeri Pendant and a Seon (The Seon has passed to an heir) The Shaod took Amanuensis, Hemalurgic Headshot, and Arinian! A Jeskeri Pendant was used! Convert tally: 4 / 24 players are Shu-Dereth Converts! Special thanks to @Fifth Scholar for providing the writeup again. Please shower him with upvotes. Player List:
  12. So, you guys want people from different guilds to stick together.
  13. I think that I disagree with this. Been working through a reread and Shallan's whole situation has been one thing I keep thinking about. First, I think there's a difference between a simple illusion/act and a "persona". Brandon has explained that this whole development of personas is about a means for Shallan to use magic to escape the weight of the truth that she killed her mother, right? A big portion of OB Part 1 is about showing us how that problem developed. We catch up with Shallan very broken after her last truth in WoR, and then begin to see her use the personas to escape from the weight of it. I disagree that she was doing this before. The whole point really is that she needed a way to cope after what happened at the end of WoR. Before this, she simply avoided confronting the truth, and she can't do that the same way. So in Words of Radiance, Shallan isn't manifesting any personas, I think. This isn't Shallan creating a Shallan persona. (same for her confrontation of Tozbek or the mercenaries by the way) It's simply an illusion with a bit of acting. Veil is the same situation. Veil doesn't become a persona until Oathbringer. In Words of Radiance, Veil is simply a disguise that Shallan uses. I dunno how much this distinction matters... It just feels to me like we're going to far in questioning "who is the real Shallan." I think we know the real Shallan, more or less. As much as we can know anybody. Yeah, she still has some secrets in her past. But I don't think we're facing some big conspiracy where the "real Shallan" has been hidden from us all this time. I DO think there is a "Shallan persona", but I don't think it develops until sometime in OB. She gets so deep into Veil and Radiant. Pair that with the simple fact that she's a teenage girl who barely understands herself in the first place and it's easy to she why she would convince herself that "Shallan" is just another persona to tamper with. Basically she just has normal identity issues, compounded by a very broken childhood, and a very unhealthy magical way of dealing with them. Slight tangent... I don't think Shallan's healing means that she needs to "reintegrate" these personas. I don't think Veil or Radiant (or "Shallan") are splinters of some true identity that need to be fitted back together. They each contain pieces of who she really is, but only because she created them that way. They're just false identities that she created to hide from the truth of her past. I think her healing won't be about accepting "I am all of these people". It will be about... well, about what Wit explained in Girl Who Stood up. She doesn't need to draw all of these personas back into herself. She just needs to confront past. The use of personas will disappear when she no longer has need for them.
  14. Looking for great Stormlight images to put together a tattoo any help appreciated
  15. @Mestiv's signature (correct me if I'm wrong) is like holding up a mirror. Everyone sees their own reflections. You are freely giving out this information, the only thing Mestiv does is like taking a look at people at the sidewalk and cross-referencing their style of clothing and facial features in some book he found to guess where you are from.
  16. Let's go! The Dark Alley will be taken down!
  17. First off, I want to thank @Numenorean for having the hypothetical match-ups idea. I just thought it would be fun to pit random characters against each other and see who would win. here's how it works: Someone will bring two characters together, describe the situation (how much investiture they have), and wait for what others think. Once a battle is decided, someone else will go. I'll start: Kelsier, who has access to the eight main metals plus duralumin and bendalloy (no atium), against Kaladin, who has Syl and stormlight. They both know the battle is happening (it is not an ambush) and they genuinely want to fight each other. Their amount of Investiture is the same ( and isn't infinite), whether it be in metal or spheres. What do you think?
  18. Could not resist painting Vin. These books and their characters inspire my imagination so much, I love them! I might do more when I have time.
  19. I think you're a Sanderfan if you start bringing Hemalurgy to other universes in general. Speaking of which, do you think it is possible to spike a Jedi and gain their powers?
  20. What follow are just some of my thoughts on the nature of free-form roleplaying, character design and how to have fun with fights, I am by no means an absolute authority on the subject but the Reckoners RP went for several years in this format so I think broadly speaking I can outline what I found worked and what didn't during that time. 1. Trust the other players and communicate with them, it may take a while before you all share the same understanding of how your RP should operate, but trust that other players are also just trying to have a good time for the most part, if you feel like someones characters actions are unrealistic, talk about it. I'd suggest avoiding dropping some kind of official GM or mediator on all conflicts like this because as a player having one source of authority just say 'No, you're not allowed to do that' is somewhat stifling and doesn't give you a good play experience, hearing from multiple other players that your actions are breaking the immersion of the game or causing discomfort is still saddening sometimes but it at least promotes the sensation that the primary goal of the RP is the enjoyment of the group as a whole. This flows into combat as well, if character 1. is hiding in a building, rifle drawn and takes a shot at an unaware character 2, player 2 can't just say 'I dodge' because that makes no sense and most players would probably agree on that. However player 1 also should have talked to player 2 about killing off their character, seeing if they were ok with it and if they weren't discuss what options they have. Maybe character 1 tries to take the shot but they in turn get ambushed by another PC or NPC, maybe they take the shot but miss any vital spots, character 2 slinks off to fight another day. Maybe they deliberately don't kill character 2 and instead they try to capture them now. If you feel like another PC is doing something that is likely to cause your character to try to kill them, let that player know ahead of time and you can maybe retcon some of that decision so they're not in mortal peril. 2. OP characters are fine, but usually not very interesting. My personal experience that I'd like to showcase this with are two of my characters from one of the Reckoners RPs, Soulcaster had the power to pull the consciousness of anyone, human or Epic, into an Astral plane of his creation and control, pretty much instantly incapacitating any other character if he wanted to. Metronome had the power to accurately know what the time was. That's it. I found Metronome vastly more interesting to play as, because if I wanted Soulcaster to actually get in combat with anyone then that combat would last all of about half a second. That being said an OP character has it's own type of interactions that you can't get with a moderately or non-powered character, maybe your OP character is a fight junkie and is constantly annoyed by the fact that no one can actually fight them on equal terms. They'd go out of their way to avoid fights because they know they'll just end up getting disappointed. Which brings me to... 3. Non-combat encounters are usually more interesting than combat. Combat seems like it should be very interesting, and when you think about your character design your first thought is probably going to be about how you can make their combat interesting or better, but combat will probably be one of the less interesting encounters you have, combat will probably start becoming stale for any character of a limited powerset, you'll figure out the best way to use your powers, then do that every time with some small changes depending on who you're fighting or what your environment is like. But non-combat interactions can be almost infinitely varied and provide far more interesting ways to utilize both your powers and your characters personality, steelpushing a coin at the speed of light into someone skull sounds cool, but when you do it against the 100th opponent it starts getting a bit stale. Trying to subtly move around a person while talking to them in order to get into the exact right position to steelpush a small statue of a cat off the table without them noticing because your character has an incredibly strong fear of both cats and miniature figurines is both novel and potentially more challenging. 4. PCs dying should not be game-ending. If a player character dies either as part of an PvP or some other interaction, that player needs to be able to continue to play, either creating a new character or have some method to revive their existing character. This both prevents the game from feeling like a tournament where the goal is to kill all other characters to win, and also means that players are likelier to be fairer in their assessment of their own characters ability to survive something because worst case, they create a new character. 5. Your character is not their powers. Designing the powers for your character should be one of the least-important parts of their character. Those powers may have some large impacts on their personality such as a Hemalurgist who despises the death that had to happen for them to gain their powers, but that's still somewhat one-dimensional. Who are they without their powers? Design their personality first and then consider how those powers might alter the rest of their personality. The powers that your character has are not nearly so interesting as who they are without those powers, or how their personality influences their use of those powers. *More stuff to come later, this post got bigger than I originally intended
  21. I love the idea of cognitive shadow people getting bonded as spren.... "H-Hey guys, I think I bonded a spren, but he's kind of weird....He keeps saying he has a plan and I'm in his crew now."
  22. I interpret OB’s text and the SLA plot to mean Odium intends human genocide. Maybe human death is a necessary part of Honor and Cultivation’s destruction, but that doesn’t explain what binds Odium to Roshar. Other explanations for human genocide, like Rayse hates humans or Divine Hatred must destroy, don’t work for me narratively. Instead, I theorize humans carry Odium Investiture they brought with them from Ashyn. I speculate Honor bound that Investiture to them. I think human genocide returns Odium’s Investiture to its source. Does Odium Want Rosharan Humans Dead? Desolations alone show Odium wants to eradicate humans. IMO, his negotiation with Taravangian at the end of OB confirms his goal (Chapter 122, Kindle pp. 1216-1217, emphasis added): Odium insists on few human survivors. He threatens to walk when Taravangian rejects Odium’s counter-offer. He coerces Taravangian’s acceptance. I trust Taravangian’s compassion: If he feels humankind is doomed, he believes it. I think Odium’s deal may save only now-living Kharbranth humans: “any humans who have been born into it, along with their spouses.” Odium omits children. He might have added, “or those who will be born…” If that’s the “spirit” of Odium’s deal, Rosharan humanity may end in a generation. Those are my reasons to think Odium wants to eradicate Roshar’s humans. Why would he make that his goal? What Does Human Genocide Gain Odium? Rosharan humans come from Ashyn (mostly). That planet’s magic derives from magical microbes: “Viruses and bacteria, various strains of them, have evolved in-line with the investiture on the planet to grant you a magical ability when you catch the disease…” Ashyn’s Investiture is presumably Odium’s. @Vortaan theorizes Stormlight makes humans disease-resistant and deprives them of their Ashyn magic. Brandon says Ashyn magical abilities end when the human host is healthy again: "You can fly as long as you have the common cold, but when you get over it, you can't anymore.” But does Odium’s Investiture disappear when the host is healthy and the microbe dies? The microbe’s death may end the magical ability, but the Investiture may remain inside the human host. That would leave every Ashyn human who ever got sick holding Odium’s Investiture. If they can pass that Investiture to their progeny, every living Roshar human probably holds Odium inside them. I theorize Honor traps Odium by binding that Investiture to humans. Maybe Honor first restricts humans to Shinovar to ban them from Stormlight. All is well until humans proliferate Roshar. Now Odium the Broken One wants his Investiture back. That’s my explanation (for now). I welcome yours.
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  23. The kickstarter for my two recent novellas is up and almost 50% funded on the first day! Check out the new cover--I'm very pleased... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spacewizard/mystery-magic-and-adventure-two-dissolutionverse-n Please spread the link around, if you know someone who might be interested!
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  24. Sorry, I've decided to avoid QF (and mostly MR) games due to the business of my life. I just can't commit to being available every day for the span of one of these games.
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  25. I'll join as Black IC. A worldhopping algorithm from the Shadowrun universe.
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  26. I just had a thought, maybe write in, not necessarily in the rules, something about a distinction between RP within the Alleyverse, and the 'real world' (pfft, like that even exists). Just like a reminder that anything said within the bounds of Roleplay, should not be taken seriously, or as offensive?
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  27. Mmmm I do like the blue size more, but I think I'd ultimately stick to with the pink ones.
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  28. The church is a punderfull place and while I am happy you feel safe Here from the allyverse, I am sorry to lumber this on you, But I must inform you the church is in a vital fight for survival with the machendi. Although we pine for peace they have proven far too hotheaded for negotiations and all out war is soon to erupt. We believe the singed have returned to lead them and we have had no reply so far From king Twigavangian of Kharbranch concerning the coalition. These are scary times fellow sticks but With your help we continue to grow stronger everyday.
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  29. I assumed the Bondsmith healing the stone would be part of their Resonance with Adhesion AND tension.
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  30. Maybe both? Where the Adhesion is like glue just to get the pieces temporarily stuck together and then the Tension is reinforcement to reinforce the now single object? Another possibility: it might have been just Adhension. We've always seen Kaladin use Adhesion to temporarily stick 2 different objects together. They naturally separate when the stormlight runs out. Maybe the fact Dalinar here was re-combining a single object (as the temple's spren saw itself), meant the Stormlight healed the temple permanently. Kind of like Stormlight healing/Regrowth, except working on a non-living thing. Almost like forgery.
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  31. Yeah I just don't understand this line of thinking at all. Shallans backstory isn't messed up? Adolins is horribly messed up? Shallan was forced to kill her mother in self defense when her mother tried to murder her. Then her father becomes an abusive psychopath who constantly beats her brothers, and in the end, she's forced to kill him too. But sure her backstory isn't messed up at all... Then there's Adolin, everybody's resident handsome prince who gets along with everyone. In his horribly messed up childhood we have him growing up a pampered prince who gets the best of everything provided by Alethi society. His mother died while he was still fairly young, and he worshipped his father but never quite felt good enough for him. Yeah, he just had a horrible childhood... Look, I'm sorry for the sarcasm, but lets be real here, Adolins backstory is a walk in the park compared to Shallans. Adolin did not have this horribly twisted and terrible childhood, he grew up as a rich prince, with that comes certain expectations, but nothing out of the ordinary for someone of his station. And yes, Shallan is still quite the mystery. When did she originally bond Pattern? What caused her to break that first time she bonded him? We know nothing of her first 11 years of life. And for the record, I don't think Adolin has figured out jack about Shallan, he never even thinks about her. Where do you get this notion he's figured her out? If he had, he wouldn't be indulging Shallan in treating Veil and Radiant as different people.
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  32. As I've stated in the past, I hate the overused love triangle trope that a loving “correct” relationship is all about companionship and hard work, instead of passion and having it easily. This is an oversimplification of how relationships happen and way too unrealistic to be given as any sort of advice. Forgive me for the long length but, maybe since English isn’t my native language, I feel like people sometimes do not understand what I’m trying to convey, so let me explain what I mean, as simply as I can. I’ll use spoiler tags to minimize length So my point is, you need to find the right amount of sustainable balance, between hard work and getting along easy, as you need the fine line between companionship and passion. So it's not about giving up one instead of the other. You need to have both in a long term romantic relationship, companionship AND passion, having moments that you put effort in it AND moments that it feels amazing being with that person even without trying too hard. Otherwise it's neither long term nor romantic. To get back on point, in the Adolin/Shallan relationship, there is some effort on both sides to keep that relationship alive but I believe that Shallan puts a lot more effort than Adolin into it, so much that it actually transforms her. A pivotal moment here is when Adolin tries to teach Shallan how to sword fight, but he completely misses the hints that she is uncomfortable in using Patternsword. On the other hand Shallan, puts so much effort on keeping that relationship alive, afraid that Adolin will break the betrothal, that she fractures herself further(and if that’s not “bending herself backwards” I don’t know what is). Radiant was created under the immediate pressure of needing to learn how to sword fight, for Adolin, which he caused just by overstepping and enforcing his own idea onto Shallan. So even from a literary perspective, I'm not sure what the whole sword fighting lesson actually offered to Shallan apart from her personality fracturing. Even if we say that the effort they both input in this relationship is on equal terms, would you say that Shallan being supportive for Adolin not feeling guilty about Sadeas, or for Adolin abdicating the throne, or the fact that Adolin unintentionally supports Shallan to dismiss her side personalities, instead of accepting them into herself, are things you are supposed to be just supportive about, without any additional effort needed? Remember, sometimes just realizing what is needed is the hardest work itself. Here, on the contrary, it feels like everything is hastily swept under the rug, in order to get on with the wedding already. What about honesty? Apart from Shallan fracturing herself over and over to the point that she herself doesn’t know what’s real or not, Shallan has killed both of her parents, why did she hide that fact from Adolin, who has lost his loving mother at a very young age? What about Shallan's involvement with the people that tried to get Jasnah killed, the Ghostbloods? Maybe that would've been important for the whole Kholin family to know, before she supported her future husband Adolin into abdicating? These are not foundations of honesty that a long lasting relationship and a good marriage is built upon. On the contrary, these can be a premonition of things that can cause hurt and mistrust in the future of that marriage. My other issue with the Shallan-Kaladin-Adolin triangle, is that it never was an actual triangle since feelings were not expressed between Shallan and Kaladin, from either of them. Shallan was self doubting enough to entrust her betrothal in Jasnah’s hands and only endorsed her relationship with Adolin, stuffing any contentious feelings for Kaladin onto Veil and rationalizing everything by blaming Veil had a “bad taste in men”. (Kaladin is a bad taste? Really?) Kaladin on the other hand was honorable enough to consider a betrothal an important oath that should be kept and I’m pretty sure if he had expressed any feelings to Shallan it would’ve had ramifications on his bond to Syl. On the contrary, he kept his distance, even after realizing his infatuation for her since the chasm scene, and he respected her choice without being the least intrusive. The fact that people were so adamant of having the "triangle" resolved is baffling to me (because it never existed), but I am happy as well that we never reached that point of drama. At least I’m happy that the relationships progressed before an actual triangle got formed, that would only cheapen the plot and the books for me. But still, I have the impression that things are now so neatly placed for the marriage either to end at some point (one way or another) or, at least, face some very serious turbulence.
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  33. Kaladin may be commoner-born, but that doesn't matter since he holds a shardblade. As soon as he shows the blade, he's considered only a step or two below the highprinces. That's how he gets away with ordering Rashone around in Hearthstone. His shardblade places him above Rashone in authority regardless of whether he was a slave or deserter in the past.
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  34. That’s true, I didn’t consider the genetic side, I was just thinking strictly those with Feruchemical powers.
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  35. Oathbringer is Dalinar's book It's also his blade with a hook We learned 'bout his wife And all kinds of strife – Memories Cultivation just took Slowly he began to recall The things that caused him to fall The death of poor Evi The Thrill, fire and fury Designs, to make him a thrall For Odium was always right there Pushing for Dalinar's despair But the pain that was sown Just helped him to grow And the trap, failed to ensnare Instead Dalinar, he took the great step And accepted the thoughts in his head Three realms he did merge Stormlight he did splurge Powered Radiants, to fight in his stead Odium was nothing but shocked To see Dalinar acting his boss He quickly vacated the scene Upon hearing "Unity!" Scared he was going to be mocked Then Dalinar, he learned how to read And started, writing at speed About his sad tale How not to fail And putting The Thrill in a bead.
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  36. There has never been a more vital thread resurrection in the history of the Shard, Long live the Stick!
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  37. Riffing on this one, even though Shallan is a Radiant and in good with both Navani and Dalinar, until her betrothal to Adolin becomes an actual marriage she is still considered a semi-Kholin.
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  38. What do you call a cold contracted from a small finned pinniped and volcanic dust? Pneumonoultramicroscopicsealicovolcaniconiosis. As you can tell I'm absolutely hillarious at parties.
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  39. I doubt it's four. I'll bet I've only got three. And I did post the exact phrase. I just added onto it. If you notice, the phrase in the writeup didn't include period. Also, my reasons for doing so are solely because I'm pretty sure we've wiped the Cultists out of vote manipulation and I don't want to risk giving them more. Also in light of my tasty vote addition, I want to reiterate my message to the Gyorn: Choosing me as your Odiv would be a very poor life choice. Trust me. You do not want me as your Odiv (assuming you haven't already chosen one). While I haven't sabotaged myself like Kas has, there are other reasons why I'm a very poor Odiv candidate, namely that I will die this game. That's just a fact.
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  40. I seize Karlin's crown, claiming Arelon all for myself and reigning alone.
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  41. I have to make a quick update after that last chapter:
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  42. Time for another WoK update! Rock has shared his story. The new citylord has arrived in Hearthstone in the past-times. Dalinar suggests teamwork. The other highprinces react. Finally, I might change my mind later on. I've done that with other characters of Brandon's. But right now, this is how I feel:
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  43. I have never hated or loved a pun more you son of a Chull Upvote...
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  44. The archers, perhaps. The arrows are not Stickbinders, they are greater than that. They are Sticks. Swords, too, for they are but pointy metal Sticks, and spears, for they are but long Sticks with metal upon them. Even Shardplate is but flat sticks bent and layered together.
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  45. You've twigged to the root of my intentions. I have it on good authority (the holy Treenity) that the Firebringers are actually the Matchshendi:
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  46. Important note: This list would be far less complete if not for the efforts of everyone who helped me compile it. Specifically thankyou to: Awesomeness Summoned, Delightful, Argent, PorridgeBrick, Kurkistan, Quiver, Green Hoodie Mistborn, Senor Feesh, Observer, ccstat, Swimmingly, Alvron, Metacognition, The Only Joe, GreyPilgrim, Aether, jasonpenguin, Mailliw73, Moodle, Tempus, Baine, Kobold King, LeftInch, Sir Jerric, Tensoon, Ashiok, Theorymaker, Seonid, Shaggai, TheYoungBard, Curiosity, Snoopy, Voidus, Frosted Flakes, Kasimir, Shallan. (Let me know if I missed you.) Hokay, for those who want to know the ranks, I looked through everyone who had at least 10 posts. Here are my findings. 10000+ God Beyond 9000 9999 Adonalsium 8500 8999 Hero of Ages 8192 8499 The Broken One 7800 8191 Shard 7500 7799 Splintered Shard 7200 7499 Splinter 6800 7199 Dragon 6400 6799 Stormfather 6000 6399 Herald 5700 5999 Sliver 5350 5699 Nightwatcher 5000 5349 Worldhopper 4750 4999 God of Color 4500 4749 Lord Ruler 4250 4499 Unmade 4096 4249 Dawnshard 3761 4095 Prime 3500 3760 Lerasium Mistborn 3250 3499 Bondsmith 3000 3249 Voidbringer 2750 2999 Knight Radiant 2500 2749 Most Ancient 2250 2499 Steel Inquisitor 2048 2249 Mistborn 1900 2047 Tarachin Superstar 1800 1899 Dawnsinger 1700 1799 Rambleman 1600 1699 Savant 1550 1599 Gerontarch 1500 1549 Midnight Essence 1450 1499 Listener 1400 1449 Enefel 1370 1399 Kalad's Phantom 1338 1369 Compounder 1337 So l337 Hoid Can't Compete 1300 1336 Surgebinder 1260 1299 Radiant Squire 1220 1259 Kandra 1180 1219 Twinborn 1145 1179 Returned 1111 1144 Scadrian Waffle Cook 1080 1110 Stone Shaman 1050 1079 Cryptic 1024 1049 Honorspren 1000 1023 Sentient Awakened Object 980 999 Truthless 950 979 Highprince 920 949 Worldbringer 890 919 Full Feruchemist 860 889 Full Shardbearer 830 859 Shardbearer 800 829 Seer 777 799 Spinner 760 776 Wyrn the King 730 759 Elantrian 700 729 Originator 667 699 Svrakiss 666 Torturer of Heralds 650 665 Shade 625 649 Soulcaster 600 624 Forger 575 599 Dakhor Monk 550 574 Lord Prelan 512 549 King's Wit 496 511 Son of Honor 475 495 Vanisher 450 474 King's Tester 425 449 Ghostblood 400 424 Envisager 375 399 Artifabrian 350 374 Ferring 325 349 Stormwarden 300 324 Bloodsealer 278 299 Silent Gatherer 256 277 Misting 225 255 Arbiter 200 224 Gyorn 180 199 High Prelan 160 179 Oldblood 145 159 Cobalt Guard 128 144 Hazekiller 110 127 Forescout 100 109 Houselord 90 99 Babsk 80 89 Prelan 75 79 Arteth 70 74 Idrian Monk 64 69 Obligator 56 63 Lighteyes 50 55 Grand 45 49 Noble 40 44 Crew Leader 32 39 Ardent 25 31 Pahn Kahl 20 24 Awakened Object 16 19 Noble-Blooded 10 15 Bridgeman 7 9 Spearman 5 6 Darkeyes 2 4 Skaa 0 1 Spren --- -1 -2 Negaspren -3 -5 Lifeless -6 -10 Hoed -15 -19 ? Beheaded Inquisitor -20 -24 ? Rotting Chull Carcass -24 -25 Lamespren -26 -100 Zucchini -101 and below Chasmfiend Corpse Note: negative reputation titles are no longer obtainable due to downvotes having been removed. I'll update this as we learn more We now know them all! I like the new levels. Good work Chaos Please don't ask me how long that took. Current lowest Unknown rep: nonexistent. We're so close to getting them all =D Edit: Wooohooo first popular post Later edit: For the record, at the time I added that comment 10 rep was a little more exciting Another edit: The lower rep ranks have changed at some point, I don't know where all of the new boundaries are yet.
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