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  1. So we know that Renarin seems to have a special place in the Diagram, and Odium is unable to see his part in it. I can see two possible reasons for this, that might be inter-related. 1. His ability to see the future as Odium sees it changes the future. We know that Renarin seems to have his future seeing ability through Glys' corruption. Presumably (given that both Renarin and Odium incorrectly see Dalinar fall) the future he sees is the same future that Odium has predicted. But this knowledge changes things. For example, Jasnah is set to kill Renarin when he turns around and nods, knowing what she will do and accepting it. That act prompts her to stop. By knowing a future he ended up preventing it. It will be interesting to see if he will start using this information consciously, working against Odium by using his own assumptions about the future against him. 2. He is Like an anti-Odium In the scene "A small bottle" Dalinar reflects that he can't understand why his sons don't hate him. This is particularly striking for Renarin given that we have seen ample evidence of Dalinar' lack of love towards his youngest up to this point. Yet he doesn't hate him, instead he shows extrodinary love and empathy. It may be that Renarin is so different from Odium that he either slips under the radar or Odium simply can't predict his actions because they are so alien to his nature. Curious to hear other theories.
  2. The Way of Kings Has Saved Dalinar (sung to the Tune of We Three Kings of Orient Are): The Way of Kings has saved Dalinar From destroying all of Roshar Man of passion, must refashion The life he has lead thus far O man of wonder, man of might Man of splintered honor's light Radiant leading, voice he's heeding Unite them for the coming fight Born a man, a beast he became Killed his wife with vengeance's flame Bent and broken, words were spoken But that didn't end his shame O man of wonder, man of might Man of splintered honor's light Radiant leading, voice he's heeding Unite them for the coming fight Visions from the god of the sky Showing the old deity die End of nations, Desolations Sorrow the end is nigh O man of wonder, man of might Man of splintered honor's light Radiant leading, voice he's heeding Unite them for the coming fight Pain is his, it's his cross to bare Noahadon has helped get him there Grieving, striving, odium denying The weight he alone must bear. O man of wonder, man of might Man of splintered honor's light Radiant leading, voice he's heeding Unite them for the coming fight Glorious now behold him Ascend All Three Realms his powers transcend Words Accepted, Words Accepted! He is Unity in the end O man of wonder, man of might Man of splintered honor's light Radiant leading, voice he's heeding Unite them for the coming fight
  3. Not related to the above, but I finally finished by WoR reread last night, and I found these observations by Mraize to be interesting in light of the "which alter is the most dominant" discussion. (Sorry if this has been pointed out before!)
  4. So I wasn't trying to cause an argument here but this is my take: 1) BS has an end goal for his story 2) BS uses characters to tell that story 3) For SA in particular, the journey matters more than the destination (eg we could assume that they will defeat Odium by the end of book 10) 4) The characters must have relationships with each other to have the story told 5) In order for the story as a whole to work, there are specific roles/relationships that have to be filled. 6) Therefore those relationships and roles are planned - even if we can't see them now they are being hinted at (see Mistborn foreshadowing) 7) We can analyse the evidence for the relationships without having a preference for one ship or another and use said evidence to predict the outcomes - same as any other theory crafting. 8) I believe that BS is a good author and is not leaving in foreshadowing ideas by mistake. (Eg Shallan wondering if she'd ever been seen naked and shivering in the "wind's kiss" in OB). He could use other words/descriptions and chooses not to. As a result, I asked for evidence. I don't much care about personal preferences - if someone just likes the idea of Shadolin that is fine, but I cannot see it in the text. I want to know if I've missed it. We have reams of foreshadowing for Shalladin - and much less for Shadolin. Being told "you are reading too much into it" or "I just like Shadolin better" isn't an argument that can be argued against. It won't make people sway to another side. Arguments against Shalladin aren't often helpful either. Better arguments are for Shadolin - but until I see the evidence that Adolin is good for Shallan I'm going to keep asking for it. Her being happy at the end of OB may be a good sign for Shadolin - but it is only one instance against many moments that seem to point towards Shalladin (her honesty with Kaladin in WoR, her pushing her feelings onto Veil in OB, her preferring storms/rain to sunlight in OB, her preference for chasmfiends over whitespines, Kaladin being branded with shash - Shallan's namesake number, etc). Most Shadolin arguments seem to boil down to "I just like it better" and whilst that is a valid opinion, it doesn't help me see it because I got to Shalladin because of the foreshadowing evidence in the first place. As a side issue, I find it strange that people are against the MCs getting together. I mean if there is a romantic arc between Shallan and Kaladin it will likely enhance their story, not reduce it - they aren't MCs because of their relationships, but if their relationship helps drive the story doesn't it make more sense for them both to be important protagonists in their own right? I'd rather Shallan was an MC in her own right (which she is) than simply relegated to being a side character because she is a romantic interest. Perhaps I've read different books but most of the romantic interests in the books I've read are important side characters - not the MCs. I'm particularly thinking of Jane Austen's characters because Shallan is based on women in that society. Mr Darcy is definitely not a MC for example - we see more from Lizzy's family and Mr Collins than we do of Mr Darcy. He isn't even the only "love interest" in Lizzy's story - Wickham is there first. This is even more true in Persuasion where Captain Wentworth is absent for a surprising amount of the story - his role is often limited to Anne's thoughts alone and it isn't even completely clear if he still loves her/has forgiven her until quite near the end. Spoilers for His Dark Materials Trilogy: Expanse novels spoliers - (although if you've seen the first 2 seasons you;'re covered) I just think it is strange that people find MCs getting together a bad thing - I mean as soon as a PoV character has a love interest, that person inevitably gets more screentime anyway.
  5. Happy Solstice, everyone. Let's do some Cosmere themed holiday carols to bring some extra brightness to our lives! I'll start with this, set to the tune of "12 Days of Christmas". Mild Oathbringer Spoilers, which is why it has to be in this forum. On the Twelfth Day of Weeping, my Highprince gave to me Twelve Living Shards, Eleven Spren A'Spinning, Ten Heralds Leaping, Nine Odious Splinters, Eight Princes Squabbling, Seven Books for Writing, Sixth of the Dusk, Fiiiiiiiiiiiiive Thousand Breaths, Four Mistborn Eras, Three Realms United, Two Twinborn Twins, And a dark Blade in a Bright Sheath. Let's hear yours!
  6. this makes very little actual sense but whatever Hoid rest ye merry worldhoppers, let nothing you dismay Remember Adonalsium left Shards that live today, To save us all from Rayse's ego and his nine Unmade. O tidings of Harmony and hope, harm'ny and hope, o tidings of Harmony and hope!
  7. Santa Rayse is coming to town O you better watch out, you better not cry, you better not shout I'm telling you why Santa Rayse is coming to town. He sees you when you're ascending, he knows when you're a shard. He hates you whether you are bad or good so call Hoid for goodness sake. O you better watch out, you'd better not invest, you'd better run to Scadrial I'm telling you why Santa Rayse is coming to town.
  8. Having two main characters together only because they're main is bad. Not having them together only because they're main is worse. It simply shouldn't matter. Why would a love interest be a secondary character by definition? And the trope with two characters starting hating each other - the way it usually works is that the animosity serves as a tension creator right until the two characters suddenly realise they're madly in love with each other. Shallan and Kaladin having a pretty long period of respect and friendship in between is more a subversion of the trope than anything else. I don't know if I agree, but I don't disagree on this: Adolin is what Shallan needs right now (or she thinks so at least). I can't help but think that the real "person of flaring passion" Shallan will be bored with him in the long run after she reintegrates and solves her issues. You can find meta-evidence sometimes (spotting patterns for the way the author develops relationships, WoB on the triangle resembling another one). More often, you can find evidence to supporting arguments - for example, to the fact that only 1/3 of Shallan is making the decision to get married. Once you get enough of these, the relationship theory can be proved as well as any other kind (which is, never with 100% certainty). Who should end up with who is subjective, who will end up with who is not. True, but he makes the alterations early. He said he writes a few chapters to discovery his characters, then tweaks the outline accordingly, then writes again. This is why there were different characters in place of Kaladin and Shallan at first, but what we have now is planned. The foreshadowing we mean aren't primarily the scenes where they interact, think about each other or seem to have connection etc. It's about things that are tinier or even more meta and continue all until the end of OB. Shallan sitting when talking to Adolin and standing seeing Kaladin (tied to Wit's advice). Sapphire dress for the wedding. Pattern getting pulled out of her grip. Shallan essentially living Tyn's black scenario. Stuff like this. Shallan-part of her decides she wanted Adolin. Veil and Radiant are "put in line" but not exactly happy. So what happens once she reintegrates - which she has to do? The last bit is in bold to highlight how this differs (again) from what Wit has told her ("it's alright to hurt"). We didn't exactly spend 60 pages of ASK thread whining about which pair would have prettier babies. There's a ton of stuff, plotlines and character development that is tied to this, for better or for worse.
  9. Lopen, the One Armed Bridgeman Told a lot of awful jokes And if you ever heard them You would really hope he chokes All of the other bridgemen Used to say he was insane They'd never let poor Lopen Get away with any of his claims Then one Weeping Lopen found He began to glow Grabbed the spheres from all his friends Now he can clap hands again! Now that Lopen has two arms All the friendly bridgemen hope Lopen the One Armed Bridgeman Has no two-armed Herdazin jokes! (No idea why the formatting here is weird, it will not let me fix it)
  10. It's certainly forced seeing as Syl doesn't buy it and she pretty much partially functions as an extension of Kaladin's unconscioussness.
  11. Up on the rooftop Coinshots reign, Up jump good ol' Wax and Wayne. Wax with his mistcoat and Sterrions two, Wayne in his grip with hat askew. Jump, jump, jump, who wouldn't go. Up, up, up, who wouldn't show. Up above the rooftops Coinshots fly, Loving the freedoms of the sky!
  12. Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your chasms! They're dark and deep, and full of things: Whatever the next Highstorm brings. Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your chasms! Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your warcamps! They're filled with armies, bearing shards, O'er bridges from the lumberyards. Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your warcamps! Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your Greatshells! They come above the ground to dwell; Then killed for gems inside their shells. Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your Greatshells! Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your Listeners! They fight for life, and don't succumb To the Voidspren of Odium. Oh Shattered Plains, oh Shattered Plains, How lovely are your Listeners!
  13. I have to say, there is a huge aspect to "Syladin" that is right in front of our face, but I think most people are missing it, or not talking about it. Syl, apart from Kaladin, has a huge story arc: the development of her increasing humanity. Folks, Syl has been with us right from the beginning, through all three books, and we are just starting to get bits and pieces of her backstory. She's the Ancient Daughter, she escaped/fled from home, she's a fugitive, she's a Spren's version of a Lighteye, she's been bonded to a Windrunner before, she looks hot in a red dress and dark hair. We know more about Syl then any of the other bonded spren we've met; including Pattern, Ivory, or Wyndle. She is the Star Spren of the show, and is much more important to the series than just "Kaladin's spren." Because she is only slowly regaining her memories from before Kaladin, she hasn't been a POV character yet; but I think she will be starting in book 4. Maybe that's why so many are not catching on to where I think Brandon is taking this. So let's turn this around for a moment. Up till now, Syladin has been all about Kaladin's character development; helping Kaladin overcome loneliness and depression, the oaths, the almost oath-breaking, the "you should totally ask Becky to the Prom, I won't mind at all even though inside I desperately want you to ask me;" and the so many other Kaladin character development plot points that I'm not remembering. However, I think starting in book 4 (hopefully) Syladin is going to be all about Slyphrena's character development. Sure, of what we know right now about sprens and Nahel Bonds, Kaladin and Syl together is a little creepy, but I think this "ship" is going to look a lot different after the next couple books when we know even more about sprens and Nahel Bonds. Where do I think this is going? Well whenever I try to predict what may happen in the Cosmere, I try to remember that BranSan is always looking to turn stereotypical fantasy troupes on their head. Looking through that prism, I can absolutely see Syl becoming some sort of proto-spren where a more traditional relation'ship' between her and Kaladin is possible, and not so creepy. Remember, Syl is the Star Spren of the series. Heck, I'm just going to go on record now as saying that by the end of SA, Syl will be able to manifest entirely and completely in the Physical Realm. And of then of course, Kaladin and Syl will get married and live happily ever after. But I'm a helpless romantic so I have to say that. (But so is Brandon, I think.)
  14. Oh the weather outside's psychotic, and the Stormfather's neurotic, but the heatrial's nice and warm, Let it Storm, let it Storm, let it Storm!
  15. Dang I was totally going to post this( i finished my reread a week ago) because I noticed that too, so fun because with Mraize being a worldhopper and a hunter it seems to me that he knows what he is talking about. I think I need to keep a notepad near my book to take notes so I dont forget things. Edit: this reminded me of something else I got out of my reread. Tyn thought Shallan was a conartist, Thats because she is. Shallan wont admit it but passing yourself off as wanting to be a ward for someone to steal a soulcaster. Thats a con! Convincing slavers that you are in a much better postion than you are. That's a con! Even the promise she fulfilled to the deserters. There was no way she could know she would get them pardoned. and after Tyn it becomes way more obvious. Shallan Thinks she is tricking these people but she Really is just deceiving herself
  16. Sentient sword, blasphemous sword, Evil dies, it wants more; Destroy evil every day Smoking scabbard leaves no remains Drink Ivestiture deep, Drink Ivestiture deep! Nightblood will fight, while there's Stormlight, When he's out, you'll turn white; If he drains you fully you'll die, Sheathe him quickly or say your goodbye Nightblood destroyer of Shards, Nightblood destroyer of Shards! Sentient sword, blasphemous sword, Vasher's shame whose lover it gored; All colors will drain from the place Where it touches you just a taste, Destroy Evil today, Destroy Evil today!
  17. @Dreamstorm As a word of advice, don't go down the rabbit hole of "you guys are just emotional and we're factual debaters". Shalladin shippers are obviously more Invested in this discussion right now, given that the ship is seemingly on thin ice after the end of OB, hence all of this discussion - obviously we're going to be the ones with more analysis to back up our opinions. Besides, we're not dealing in facts. What we're doing is literary analysis. It's the equivalent of guessing at the shape of an object through a fragmented window. Now I happen to agree with the Shalladin theories, I think there's definitely foreshadowing for them ending up together. Still... just a shipping war. Don't put people down for being non-factual or "arguing emotionally" or whatever when it's just shipping wars. The main reason I really do believe in Shalladin is the rushed marriage, and how Shallan pushed other aspects of herself under the surface. That's what set the suspicion in motion for me.
  18. Not a song but... And what happened, then? Well, in Roshar they say – that King Taravangians small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of the Diagram came through,
  19. Kalphrena rolls off the tongue quite a bit be better than Syladin.
  20. A Tribute to our favorite Herald, may he rest in peace. Lashing through the sky With a bag of glowing spheres O'er Alethela he flies There is naught to fear He protects us all Glowing with Stormlight Give Honor thanks we have him here A Herald came to fight! Jezrien, Jezrien, We owe you everything. Save us from our enemies Herald, King of Kings. Jezrien, Jezrien, We owe you everything. Save us from our enemies Herald, King of Kings!
  21. It doesn't contradict, but it's a contrast. She can be happy, but first she needs to deal with her hurting for it to be true. For now she is happy partly because she continues to keep things in the back of her head. She took a shortcut which can backfire sooner or later.
  22. O come, all ye Radiant Glowing and triumphant O come ye, o come ye to Urithiru Come and swear oaths to Spren splinters of Honor! O come, let us unite them O come, let us unite them O come, let us unite them Vanish the Void O come, let us unite them O come, let us unite them O come, let us unite them in Urithiru
  23. Flying through the skyWith a sword that learned to talkOver heads we runTo catch a shiny rock!Evil all aroundMaking Nightblood sayHey Szeth if you could draw me thenWe could destroy evil today, OhChorus: Swing the sword, swing the sword There's evil all around O let Nightblood do his thing And Lift can then chow down!
  24. This is a college essay I wrote for Stanford (didn't get in ) Dear future roommate, I love science, but sometimes I get bored with the laws of the universe. As amazing as our world is, I occasionally feel the itch to explore a universe where the normal rules do not hold, where F does not always equal MA. Whenever this happens, I study the universe of the Cosmere. The Cosmere is a universe with slightly different laws than our own that exists in several book series written by the author Brandon Sanderson. I have become rather obsessed with these books over the past few years (in a good way). I love these books because their magic systems are so well defined that they are almost mathematical. Many readers, including myself, delve into this magic system and treat it like science. Harmonium, a metal with properties essential to the plot, can be best understood through molecular chemistry. The magic of a certain sand is caused by the unique properties of a specific type of algae that grows on it. Every law of magic is understandable and quantifiable. I would love to introduce you to the Cosmere. I think you would find it intriguing and fun, as I do. But if your interests lie elsewhere, I am sure we can find other mutual interests to discuss and enjoy. I hope to have a fantastic year with you, full of interesting and unusual experiences, and I can’t wait to discover what makes you excited about the world!
  25. Sung by Lift... Dashing through the drop-deads, On awesome feet like mine. Over the bumps I go, Sliding all the way. Ain't it an awesome thing, Making me more awesome. What fun it is to slide and WHAMM... Wyndle... Drop-dead falls, Drop-dead falls, Drop-deads fall all around. Oh why do I have such bad luck With the knight to whom I'm bound.
  26. O little town of Luthadel, how still we see thee lie Above thy gates and ashy streets the silent mists go by. Within thy dark walks hideth the everlasting Well, And over in the Cognitive we find our old friend Kel.
  27. This is fantastic For some Hanukkah representation: I have a little spanreed I made it out of spren And when it's dry and ready My spanreed I shall pen Oh, spanreed spanreed spanreed, I made it out of spren, And with it I can send texts All the way to Thaylen.
  28. Last highstorm, I gave you a stick But the very next day, I was still a stick This time, to save me from fire I'll still be a stick, not special
  29. The thing that bothers me the most about this whole issue is that some of you arguing for Shalladin are basically putting down the opinions of us arguing for Shadolin by implying that Shalladin has objective proof that it's gonna happen no matter what. I'd be open to a good discussion about this, but it seems like both sides have dug their heels in with their argument and aren't gonna change their minds.
  30. My money is that something happened with Nightblood on Nalthis resulting in a decision by some parties to destroy him. Vasher, because NB is kinda his kid with Shashara, couldn't let that happen, and jumped to Roshar and gave NB to Cultivation/Nightwatcher to keep safe.
  31. I dont think that is very inexplicable that actually makes sense to me seeing her picture! Now if you want to talk about inexplicable... The way I view terrisman from mistborn is with faces simliar to this. I don't know why but all terris people have goat faces to me. Maybe its because they describe them as having long faces? Maybe its because Rashek wears a fur coat. But yeah
  32. Wait wait wait. You're wrong. Ash doesn't get Taln. I do. This, this is VERY clear cut. Taln is mine.
  33. This isn't really accurate.... here's the thing. These aren't real people, so we're not sitting around debating whether our friend Shallan should date Adolin or Kaladin with the resolution of this issue having an unknown future. The future of this issue is known by the author, so there is an objective answer to who Shallan will end up with. (Just like there is an objective answer to some magic system question - let's say how skybreakers use division.) Some posters (myself included) like to debate where the relationship is headed from an objective evidentiary perspective - analyzing the primary sources to see what the author is showing us and telling us and hinting to us and theorizing on why he's doing that and what it means. There is a correct answer which like any other Brandon "mystery" we can quite likely get to through this method; he admits many times that if you closely track his foreshadowing you can figure out a lot of his "twists" (and that he won't retwist the plot to escape fans figuring things out!) This is no different than posters debating a magic system question and coming down on opposite sides of the issue; in the end, there is a right answer, so in a binary question like this (or trinary is you put neither as an option) someone will be right and someone will be wrong. If you don't like doing this kind of theorizing around characters and their emotional relationships, that's totally fine! But some of us clearly do, and it can't logically be treated as different than any other open question in the books. Where the tension comes in, is that in any open question there are also people's feelings around it, and as such there is a subjective viewpoint as well. In emotional relationship plots, this seems to be more intense as people tend to have more intense feelings (no one is too emotionally agitated about how skybreakers use division, they just want to know the right answer.) If I posed a theory that Shallan likes to fly and therefore I'm pretty sure she's going to learn to fly with her surgebinding, you would probably slap me down and say there's absolutely no way that will happen. So, my viewpoint would be objectively wrong, but that doesn't invalidate my subjective feelings - I just really want that to happen! That's a bit what is going here (though of course the answer is way less clearcut); you (or anyone else) likes Shadolin, you got some feelings about it, I'm saying that view contradicts a lot of evidence in the books. Doesn't invalidate your feelings, of course, but the fact you have feelings about it doesn't invalidate my search for the objective answer. To summarize - you can't logically treat finding the objective truth in the emotional plotlines of characters any different from finding the objective truth in a magic system questions. Just because emotional plotlines raise more subjective feelings doesn't make the search for that truth invalid.
  34. It's both, isn't it? I see your sentiment pretty regularly, and while I sympathize I don't really agree. I'll take the bickering and partisanship if it means there's more people analyzing and delving into the characters. In our 62+ page thread on Adolin/Shallan/Kaladin we've got quite a bit of group jockeying, but also some of the most in-depth character analysis I've seen. It makes me wish Dalinar was in a love triangle because then we'd get more analysis of him and his psyche. Besides that, I know what you're talking about when it comes to trying to be right. It can feel like it's a contest to throw the most crem at the wall and see what sticks come book 4. There's relatively little cost to speculating, and I suppose the reward (pointing out how you were right four years ago) is worth the cost. I'd also say that the contest is so bitter because the stakes are so small. It feels like something that's more in the realm of the fandom instead of the sole purview of the author. What I mean is that from a story perspective it doesn't matter if our Windrunner is romantically involved with our Lightweaver, or any other particular Radiant. Adolin hardly matters at all in the scope of the apocalypse, which is the scope for the books that we need to keep in mind. Which outcomes occur won't affect other books, or other worlds, or other eras, so the stakes are relatively trivial in world. There's a thousand different ways the plot could develop going forward, and the only thing we know for certain is that it's a conflict with Odium. With the relationship triangle, there's really only two outcomes. It's easier to stake out a position when it's A vs B, but a lot harder when it's pick a number 5-500. Just some meta-level rambling thoughts as someone who's been neck deep in this stuff.
  35. Hear me out on this. Willshapers are associated with building. Cymatics creates the shapes of the great cities in sand. Willshapers loosen up a material, making it liquid. Liquid that would be shaped by vibrations in the same ways and patterns. Willshapers build freaking cities.
  36. For the last two years, following the release of the State of the Sanderson, I've done a post discussing it and comparing it to States past. Well this year's State is out so if you have already read that and want to know some more context read on! Finished books being released next year: Legion: Lies of the Beholder Brandon has finally written the third, and final, installment of the Legion series. It will be release as part of a collection with the rest of the series next September, though there will be an individual Subterranean Press edition to match those for Legion and Legion: Skin Deep. White Sand Volume 2 The second volume of the White Sand graphic novel has been sent to the printers and is expected to release in February. Works in progress: Skyward Brandon’s current main project is writing Skyward, a novel that was first mentioned back in the 2013 State. (And then never mentioned again, at least until now). Skyward is Brandon's take on the "boy and his dragon" trope, in the form of a "girl and her starfighter" which sounds like an interesting premise. If the writing goes well Brandon may write the entire trilogy in one go, but he does have to budget time for the final Wax and Wayne book. Brandon spoke more about it in a blog post earlier this week, including a mention that Skyward takes place in the continuity of something he has written before (but not the cosmere and not the Reckoners multiverse). Brandon did a reading of the prologue of Skyward during the Oathbringer tour, which you can listen to on the 17th Shard youtube channel. Stormlight Archive Brandon isn’t planning on starting to write Stormlight 4 until January 1, 2019 but he will be working on getting "rock-solid outlines" for Books 4 and 5. This may be a result of him shifting events around in order to make Dalinar's flashback sequence work in Oathbringer, as it was previously scheduled for Book 5. Brandon gives an estimated release of 2020-2021 for Stormlight 4 but does mention he hopes to write another between-book novella, this one titled Wandersail. Brandon doesn't give any information on it except for its name in the State but at the Oathbringer release he did mention Rysn may get a novella, and if you've read Oathbringer there are reasons in it that would explain why a Rysn novella could be titled Wandersail. Upcoming projects: The Lost Metal The final Wax and Wayne book is next on the docket after Skyward with plans for a 2019 release. Due to the schedule for Stormlight 4 and the length of time necessary to write this book Brandon wants to start drafting this September 1st, or preferably, before. Brandon also definitively states that the Wax and Wayne novels are Era Two. Again... Unfortunately, this will be the final, planned, Mistborn novel for the foreseeable future. Alcatraz Bastille versus the Evil Librarians: The Worldspire The actual final entry in the Alcatraz series, from the viewpoint of Bastille. Brandon did some test chapters but couldn't quite nail Bastille's voice. As a result he is going to try collaborate with fellow author Janci Patterson (a former student and long-time friend of Brandon's). Brandon's intent is to write an outline after finishing the first Skyward book, which Janci will work with. Brandon will post updates about this. Secondary projects: Elantris sequels The 2014 State said that these had to be written before the 1980s-esque Mistborn trilogy for “behind-the-scenes Cosmere bits”. The 2015 State put the first as one of the books between Stormlight 4 and 5. Last year's Sate more-or-less reaffirmed that plan, explaining that Elantris novels would likely take the place of the Mistborn Era 2 novels in alternating with Stormlight novels. This State says about the same. Nightblood No change on this. The 2015 State seemed to imply he does not plan on writing it until at least after the Elantris sequels are finished. This State really doesn't add anything new. White Sand Volume 3 The State does not mentioning anything about the third volume of the White Sand graphic novel. With the second volume's completion however, work should be starting on it soon, if it hasn't already. Hopefully it won't take as long as the second volume did. The Aztlanian Brandon again says that The Aztlanian is his most requested book at the moment. Last year Brandon mentioned that since his eldest son getting close to the age where he can read The Rithmatist, Brandon planed on reading it with him and then jumping into writing the sequel, but it seems it just didn't work out this year. The Aztlanian was originally planned to be written a couple years ago, but felt he did not have a firm enough grasp on Aztec history and culture to do it justice. He did some research but by the time he had finished did not have enough time finish writing it, and so wrote The Dark Talent instead. Brandon reaffirms his desire to deal with the time period, cultures, and viewpoints in a way that is respectful, but emphasizes that that requires a lot of research. Last year Brandon indicated that he wanted to slide this in this year, but with Oathbringer taking longer than expected, and The Apocalypse Guard being broken, the stars did not align. I really hope they do soon. Minor projects: Apocalypse Guard Brandon wrote the first book of this trilogy this year, but its broken and he doesn't know how to fix it. At the Oathbringer release he did mention that he had asked Dan Wells (his friend and fellow Writing Excuses member) to take a look at it and see if he can figure out what exactly is wrong. Until it gets fixed this series is on an indefinite hiatus. Adamant (previously The Lurker) A science fiction novella that Brandon has described as “Silence of the Lambs in Space”. He has spoken about it before but the plan is for it to be a sequence of six novellas released over the course of a year (one every other month). He has the first one written, and plans on writing three more at some point, with the last two being written by guest authors. No idea on when this will get released as he would like his sequence of novellas finished before it starts to be released. Brandon did get some work done on the outline this year, and came close to writing the second novella a few times, but it ultimately did not get put on the front burner. During the summer of 2015 he did mention that he was contemplating sliding it into the cosmere, but there is no mention of that in any of the last three States. With the knowledge that he wants guest writers coming in, that may mean Adamant becoming Cosmere is off the table, we shall see. Dark One The story of a boy discovering he is the one destined to destroy the world, takes place on an electricity-based world. It has jumped in and out of the cosmere a few times over the years (depending on whether Brandon feels it is too self-referential to the genre to be included) and is currently non-cosmere. Brandon did write an outline is very pleased this summer, skewing it "older and more twisted", and hopes to have more to announce in next year's State. Death by Pizza In the 2015 State Brandon said he had recently had a breakthrough with. While it was left out of the 2014 State it was included in the 2013 one (though at the time Brandon seemed doubtful of it ever progressing). Still no movement on this one. Dragonsteel No change on this one, it’s not going to be on the docket until after Stormlight 10. The Silence Divine No change on this project either. Brandon has written a small portion of it, which he read during the Words of Radiance tour, but it is still quite a ways off from release. Soulburner A project first mentioned in the 2015 State, it is a space opera/fantasy hybrid. Brandon does not go into too much more depth this year. No progress has been made. Aether of Night This is an old project, one of the thirteen novels Brandon wrote before getting published. Long thought to be a trunked novel, as various concepts from it were cannibalized for other projects, Brandon confirms that it is still part of the cosmere sequence (he does explain that currently the only thing canon from it is the magic system). The original draft of this is still available by request from the 17th Shard. Untitled Threnody novel A planned novel set on the same planet as Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell. Brandon mentioned in the 2016 State that the original plan for this was to tell the story of the people fleeing the Homeland and the Evil, and that he was considering switching gears and telling the story of an expedition sent back to the Homeland. As of this year it seems he has decided to go ahead with that plan when he gets around to writing it. Untitled Silverlight novella Still no information about this one in the State, but Brandon did make a comment at the Oathbringer London signing that implies it may be from the point-of-view of Khriss. Probably still a ways off before he writes it. Untitled Sixth of the Dusk sequel Brandon doesn't say too much about this in the State but at the Oathbringer Newcastle signing he mentioned that he had an outline for a novella where Sixth does some exploring in the Cognitive Realm. Untitled Reckoners follow-up A potential follow-up to The Reckoners, featuring Mizzy as the main character. No indication on when it will be written, if ever. The Eyes A novella based on the Fermi Paradox (which asks the question that if there are other advanced civilizations out there, why have humans not detected any radio waves, or other forms of wireless communication) that Brandon wrote a short snippet of during last year’s Writing Excuses Retreat cruise. No mention of it in this year's State so it may have been trunked. Adaptation Updates: Mistborn The rights are held by DMG (as with the rest of the cosmere), a script has been completed and they are shopping it around Hollywood. Stormlight Archive Largely in the same place as Mistborn, in that it has a script which is being shopped around. However what it does have, which Mistborn doesn't, is a team making a VR experience titled "Escape the Shattered Plains" which DMG hopes to use in order to give filmmakers a sense of the setting. What's even better is that it will also be released on Steam so the rest of us can experience it as well! It will released in February and Brandon posted a preview video on his Twitter. The Reckoners Fox renewed the option this summer, Brandon doesn't know how the recent Disney merger will affect things. Snapshot The rights are held by MGM, work on the script should start early next year. Defending Elysium Under contract, with the first draft of a script completed. Legion Currently in negotiations for another television deal. Dark One Also currently in negotiations for a television deal, as well as a potential graphic novel.
  37. Alternatively And what happened, then? Well on Sel they say Gyorn Hrathen's heart grew three sizes that day. An then - the true meaning of Shu Dereth came through, and then Hrathen found the strength of ten Gyorn's plus two.
  38. This is my thoughts as well. The stories of other characters going to the Nightwatcher (mainly from Av in Baxil's interlude) show that the curses were all clear cut effects, separated from the boons granted. In Dalinar's case, the boon and curse are intertwined. Taravangian and Lift appear to be the same. Add in the complexity of them, and take into account that the Nightwatcher was unable to grasp the concept of forgiveness... I see no way that these three aren't all under the effects of Cultivation directly. For Lift, that's not all that surprising and seems to be the most straightforward of the three (so far). Dalinar I think was a move much more similar to what is happening with Taravangian, with her manipulating the pieces on the board. Taravangian, in my opinion, is her masterwork. He's going to be the key to undoing Odium from the inside, and he'll never even realize that he's working against the goals he thinks he has, because the Diagram is not, and has never been, what he believes it to be.
  39. Joy to the World, Lord Odium has come! Let Roshar receive its King Let every heart surrender him guilt And Knights 'n Heralds burn And Knights 'n Heralds burn And Kniiiiighhhhts 'n Heralds with him burn! Hmmm too dark?
  40. I think the reason for this is that we never get the same visceral feeling and identification with Dalinar's character that we get with Shallan or (especially, I think) Kaladin. We watch Kaladin rise up from the worst moments of his life, from slavery no less, all the while Dalinar deals with no lesser problems though from a much more comfortable position. Shallan is discovering deep truths about the world with Jasnah (parshmen are Voidbringers) and experiences a lot of trauma, albeit most of it we see through flashbacks. Kaladin and Shallan are both also very identifiable characters, especially Kaladin, who's written as the common peoples' hero, is battling with depression and is doing something exceptional by even standing up and fighting. I think this is just as planned™ for Sanderson.
  41. I'm not implying there's objective proof Shalladin is going to happen no matter what; I'm directly saying that But I could be wrong. This is the thing, you're not being put down for your opinions, your opinions are just being challenged. This is how you debate issues - you present an opinion with evidence to back it up, the other side presents a counter-opinion with evidence to back it up and to negate your evidence, you then support your opinion with evidence and counterarguments to their evidence, and so on. Sometimes a consensus is reached, but a lot of the time it isn't! I mean for forever people thought dinosaurs had lizard-like skin and then some evidence came out they had feathers, and it was a big debate, and at the height of that debate some paleontologists were convinced of one or the other side based on how they interpreted the evidence. It's not any different here. (Though I doubt anyone told those paleontologists they shouldn't be debating... ) There is evidence on both sides, we can debate it and counter it, and at the moment we don't know the right answer (with the answer being where Brandon is headed with this; I know between you and I we agree he knows.) I think part of the frustration among Shalladin supporters is that Shadolin supporters tend to be unwilling to engage on the issue. (If you don't want to engage, btw, that's totally fine, but like I said above, you can't say someone is putting down your opinion just because they are engaging to state they disagree and explain why.) I want to walk through an example of how a debate could go on one of the issues: Shadolin: Shallan chose Adolin at the end; she made her choice and it is over. Shalladin: It was "Shallan" who chose Adolin, and in doing so, she had to forcibly "stuff" Radiant and Veil to the back of her pain. Repression of thoughts and memories is unhealthy for Shallan so therefore this was not a mentally healthy choice. Shadolin: Even if "Shallan" reintegrates with Veil and Radiant, the wholeShallan would still choose Adolin. Radiant is fairly asexual and focused on the practical benefits of relationships, which Adolin offers as he is highprince, well connected, good fighter, etc. She would be happy with the Adolin choice. Veil has had lustful feelings for Kaladin, but her feelings are fairly superficial and focused on physical attraction. Veil also is motivated by adventure and investigations, so she will not prioritize her romantic desires. "Shallan" on the other side has always fantasized about romance and the perfect match; look how giddy she's always been about the romance with Adolin. Even after integration, the "Shallan" alter's current opinion would prevail for romantic feelings as she is the one who cares about them the most. Shalladin: Though though it is far from conclusive, we can make an argument that Veil is actually closer to wholeShallan than "Shallan" is, based on evidence such the "frenzied child" in the Re-Shephir fight and Brandon's WoK annotation about Shallan's hidden "passion", so in a fully integrated wholeShallan, Veil's desires are likely to prevail. Shadolin: I don't think you have sufficient evidence to support the assertion that Veil is dominant, as the Shallan we've seen throughout the books (even when healthy) is much closer to "Shallan" than Veil. Regardless, even if Veil is more prominent than it currently appears, "Shallan" is still the alter who we see has the most romantic feelings, so her romantic feelings would trumpVeil's lustful feelings. These are obviously my counterarguments to my own arguments, so I bet you could do better, but I would love to actually debate the issues, and I am actually dying for someone to point out Shadolin evidence I haven't found or considered. PS: I believe it's pretty much consensus that dinosaurs had feathers, just to put that one to rest. PPS: @MonsterMetroid I'm a Laraladin shipper too. There's a lot of strong objection to that one, but I'm not giving up yet!
  42. I understand that but even if Shallan and Adolin do get Divorced it doesnt mean that Shalladin would happen. I actually hope that in the next book we might see some evidence of a Laral plus Kalladin relationship so I'm definitely not trying to say that. [removed] I really was just trying to focus on why I think Divorce might happen for the first time in a Sanderson book, the main reason I created the new thread was because I was hoping to get some new people into the discussion. If there are things or theories of whats to come, that make you think that Shallan and Adolin won't get divorced but will instead work through their problems I would love to hear them. If you disagree in my original comment about Veil having the most truth of the personalities I would love to hear your thoughts. I definitely am trying to be open minded about it and not drive away anyone.
  43. 3 likes
  44. Obrodai actually seems to be someplace new. Everything else in the letter speaks where they are at and the waters in which they reside, and that does indeed appear to be First of the Sun. Obrodai, and it's female Avatar appear to be someplace separate though.
  45. Well with Andolin seeing Shallan as “becoming other people” and not realizing Veil/Radiant are just suppressed aspects of who she truly is. And Shallan wearing a mask of the perfect Vorin bride for Andolin. Yeah I’d say they are heading towards relationship problems. How long can it last when you don’t even know the other person.
  46. I was browsing the Magic cards he got as gifts. Someone should send him one with just RAFO on the back. That'll teach him.
  47. When you realize that you might die before Stormlight 10 is out and it frightens you more than the actual dying.
  48. I think renewing the Oathpact with new Heralds would be stupid. It's proven that it doesn't work. Doing it again is a dirty bandaid on a cut the size of Taln's Scar. Some other solution needs to be found.
  49. Lest we forget Adolin actually fought a war for survival virtually days before so not only had he been put through physical torment as displayed by his injuries, but psychological as well given all of the death and destruction raging around at time. Being a fair bit rattled at someone who not only has betrayed and abandoned you and your loved ones on several previous occasions, but to then actually threaten to continue to do so with open promises on their lives and reputations for no logical reasons other than greed and spite, I wouldn't call it murder that's for sure. Sadeas knew the games he was playing, he just chose the wrong time to make his move. Alethi culture is different to our own, where Daes Dae'mar is rife due to being actively encouraged providing you're smart enough to get away with it and cover your tracks. Sadeas was practically a hydra that would have spiralled out of control had he not been neutralised or pacified. As for Jasnah and Shallan, I support their actions equally so
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