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  1. I was with a group of people talking with Brandon for two hours in a hallway, and it was fantastic. A lot of what he said was awesome, and I retained some of it, but it would take some time to say it all specifically. Here are some random details. - Dalinar's wife isn't some minor character who's been mentioned somewhere else. She's someone completely new. - In one of the Interludes in Oathbringer, there's a character reading a bad romance novel, and he went nuts with the purple prose. - He hates the Hobbit movies. - His youngest son, Oliver, watches a ton of YouTube videos, and now believes that when you stop playing with something, you have to give the "Please like and subscribe" spiel, so he does that all the time. - He says the secret to approaching an editor is to ask them about what books they're editing, then pitch your own book at the end of the conversation. When he sold his first book, he spent three hours talking to the editor before he pitched his book at the end. - There are beta readers who are only just realizing in Oathbringer that Kaladin has depression. - His cat has a really long name. It starts with Pine Cone, and that's what they can the cat, but I think the full name is Pine Cone Neko Hello Kitty Chan Sparkle Oliver Sanderson. - I mentioned asking him about the Shardfork in the AMA, and he said, "Oh, so you're the Shardfork guy. You put that idea in my head." He said that he'll draw a fork in my copy of Arcanum Unbounded. - He said that foreshadowing is actually one of the easiest parts. His sweet spot for twists is 1/3 people guessing it ahead of time and most of the rest figuring it out on the page before. - Sixth of the Dusk is roughly 200 years after everything else in the Cosmere. - When working on Wheel of Time, he asked how Morgase was pronounced, and the two people he was talking to disagreed on how Robert Jordan pronounced it. Also, he had recordings of all the pronunciations sent to him, which he put on his iPod and shuffled with his songs. - He mentions fan theories and drawing the lines before fanservice when taking over The Wheel of Time. He mentioned that a lot of people wanted to see Narg, and he could have put him in there, but he didn't, obviously. But lots of people were asking about various things like sideways gateways, and he thought, "If 9 out of 10 fans are thinking about it, somebody in world should think about it." He gave my Shardfork as an example. - Sazed counting down the religions in The Hero of Ages wasn't originally there, but he added it to give the character a sense of progression. He says that negative progression can be as interesting as positive progression. - He finds Indian names difficult. - Another author, Kay Hawkins, showed up to give him a copy of her first book, The Stars Will Rise. She said that she met him earlier when she was going through a rough time, and now she's better and has her book out. All in all, it was great talking to him. He's really nice, and I would recommend. My brother is going to be there with people playing Magic with him tomorrow. I don't play Magic, but I'll be hanging around there.
  2. LG33: Term 3, Month 1 - Work Telar stood in the dark and cold, looking around him. He wasn’t even sure where he was now, and probably wouldn’t be able to do anything until morning. All he knew is that he’d followed… something… here, and then it had vanished without warning. He walked over to the nearest wall and slid down it. Seemed he had a lot of waiting to do… He slipped into thoughts of the past. The Chancellor’s speech, his work, the meaning of life. Perhaps his work, that which he created which no one else had thought of before - perhaps that was the meaning. He wasn’t sure. He’d have to consider it at length later, when he wasn’t freezing cold in a strange alley at night. He tried to doze off, but something more than the cold kept him awake. A sense of being watched. He suddenly started to full wakefulness and looked around. That was his last movement, but for falling to the ground. He gave a gasp, and then silence filled the night again. Varda was angry. “What did you boys think you were doing?” Medicus Novis, Greyson, and Darian looked at her with the same guilt. “We didn’t mean to, Chancellor, honestly,” Greyson said. “You didn’t mean to cause a student to die? You were the ones who led him down into the streets and left him there.” “It was just teasing him and making him a little scared,” Darian protested. “That may be true. I, unfortunately, can’t afford to believe that. Telar was found dead the next morning. There is absolutely no proof you didn’t have foreknowledge of what would happen. “I’m sorry, if you’re innocent. You are henceforth expelled from the University, and may never set foot on its grounds again after today.” William Opuscule glared at the bars. They were the obvious way to escape. Too obvious. No doubt they had been reinforced in some way. The walls and floor would be the same. The door? Well, maybe. He’d check that out later. It would have to be clear enough that the warden, as he’d taken to calling him, could get in with the food. Of course, he’d been told not to escape. But he figured that didn’t apply to him. That instruction really only applied to insane people. “And I’m not insane, right, Bart?” Yep. Well then. Out the ceiling he’d go. He grabbed the wooden spoon provided with his meal. “Care to give me a lift, Bart?” Yep. They’d told him that nobody had escaped from the crockery in over 20 years. That suited him just fine. It would mean that he’d be the first. *** William stumbled out onto the roof of the crockery. Hah! He raised a triumphal arm weakly. That’d show them. It had taken him over a month of scraping, but they didn’t pay attention to the ceiling as they had the walls. Once he’d gotten the rhythm down, it was easy enough. Now he just had to escape to… Hmm. The university suited him like nowhere else he’d known. “And plus,” he reasoned, “There’s things going on here. Real interesting things. No need to leave just yet. Maybe when things cool down, eh, Bart?” Yep. Randuir was killed! He was a Student! Arinian, Drake Marshall, and Straw were expelled! PK has broken out of the Crockery! (All credit goes to him with his writeup.) A name was used. Arinian, Aonar, BrightnessRadiant, Eolhondras, Joe, Jondesu, Orlok, and Ornstein were elevated! Term 3 has begun. You have 42 hours to submit all orders (actions, Imre, elevation points, etc). Player List 1. Queensteph - Vintish Noblewoman 2. Randuir (Telar Pike) - Yllish Commoner Student 3. Hemalurgic Headshot (Noremac Quwester) - Aturan Nobleman 4. Aonar (Aodhan Breacadh) - Edema Ruh 5. Wilson (Sloan Walker) - Cealdish Commoner 6. Straw (Medicus Novis) - Yllish Commoner 7. Paranoid King (William Opuscule) - Yllish Commoner 8. Ornstein (John Springer) - Aturan Nobleman 9. Jondesu (Vell) - Yllish Commoner 10. Drake Marshall (Greyson) - Cealdish Commoner 11. Assassin in Burgundy (Jurdaan Longfell) - Yllish Commoner 12. Burnt Spaghetti (Dele Fajro) - Vintish Noblewoman 13. Orlok (Locke Alveron) - Cealdish Commoner 14. Magestar (Magestar) - Vintish Nobleman Insane 15. Alvron (Stryker Nox) - Cealdish Commoner 16. Arinian (Darian) - Aturan Nobleman 17. Stick (Stick) - Aturan NobleStick 18. Darkness Ascendant (Balthazar Myrrh) - Yllish Commoner Student 19. Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) - Aturan Nobleman 20. Silverblade (Ryth) - Cealdish Commoner Insane 21. Amanuensis (Esuan) - Yllish Commoner 22. BrightnessRadiant (Amelia) - Aturan Noblewoman 23. Eolhondras (Eolah) - Yllish Commoner 24. STINK - Yllish Commoner 25. Hael (Glavion) - Edema Ruh Insane 26. Sart (Titud) - Edema Ruh 27. Joe (Chalks) - Yllish Commoner
  3. Brandon is now running a Magic tournament, and the Winners will be in Oathbringer. I'm not in it, because I don't play Magic, but I'm hanging around because my brother is there. EDIT: My brother asked for Pink Pinkness's power, and Brandon didn't have one. I asked if I could make something up and it would be canon. He said okay, so I said she could distort your vision so that you can only see pink things, and nothing else is visible to you. That's canon now. (It was a group effort, though.) EDIT 2: I asked him about the Weeping. By the end of the Weeping, all spheres are dun, so there's no Stormlight. This would have been a problem for the Radiants, so did they do anything special to get Stormlight. He said that with the information I have now, there would be weeks where they would be without Stormlight. I asked if the Highstorms and Weeping used to be different, with the bells of Kharbranth as evidence. He RAFOed me.
  4. The reading was cool! I didn't record it (I might have if I had space on my phone), but I'll give you the gist of it. Also, at the signing, he answered my question and my brother's question at the signing. Mine relates to the reading, while my brother's is about Reckoners. My question: My brother's question:
  5. Well, here we go. My date starts in a couple of hours. Wish me luck.
  6. His Imperial Majesty, he who I am honoured to address, my future self. I write, as is now custom, to remind you of our journey. The keystone of this month, of course, is our elevation. I told you of the complaint we received last term, made as I understand by a student envious of our glory and majesty. I will have my revenge upon them, when I discover their identity. I trust, in your omnipotence, and righteous anger, that you have also taken action to make an example of their family, as is fair and proportionate? I eagerly await discovering what we have done to them. I was summoned to the Horns, following the complaint. We are fortunate, however, to live in enlightened times. The Chancellor, whilst weak willed, is capable of recognising my power and potential. Perhaps hoping for mercy when I come to rule, instead of punishing me, elevated me. She's entirely wrong, of course. There will not be mercy, but it is entertaining to watch her seek it. The chair of the psychologists' society contacted me, today, suspecting unusual behaviour in my mind, and wishing to observe me. It is greatly pleasing to me for another to recognise the magnificence of my mental functions, and it will be an honour to demonstrate my superiority to them. I hope that they can learn from studying me, and that we can raise a new generation of Vintish children cultivated in my image. With warm regards, and wishing you an entertaining day, Locke Alveron, in the second month of our second term at The University.
  7. His father's letter had filled Telar with a sense of guilt. He hadn't been completely truthful about how well his studies had been going in the last letter he'd sent home, and he hadn't been able to bring himself to write another one since. Still, his studies had bee going somewhat better since then, though Telar still couldn't imagine himself becoming a doctor, like his father wanted. With a sigh, Telar put the letter down and started looking for some paper to write a response. AS he did so, he noticed a new scrap of paper on the floor of his room. He picked it up, and was surprised to recognize the graceful writing of his aunt. Telar wasn't sure how long he'd been staring at the letter. It must have been a long time though, as the room seemed to have gone all misty. He looked at the blank appear he'd picked up to write a reply, but he couldn't think of anything to write. Instead he packed something light to eat and headed to the archives. There was probably some additional assignment or exercise he should really be doing, rather than writing letters, or thinking about home or...
  8. The Cognitive Realm is one of the best-kept secrets of the Cosmere. Sometimes it almost feels crowded considering how little people know about it. Between the Physical and Spiritual Realms, the thoughts and ideas of intelligent beings take shape in this dimension. Worldhoppers use Perpindicularities to enter this realm physically and take shortcuts to other worlds. It is also the home of the spren of Roshar. In this Letters from the Cosmere Elsric takes a solid look at the Realmatic Theory about the Cognitive Realm and how its rules work for a Worldhopper. Here is this episode's transcript: I wonder if writing two letters back to back for the same person makes me conceded, or desperate. It seems haughty that I would already have something apparently so important to inform you about. Yet I waste your time with frivolous sentences about what I happen to be thinking at any given moment. The fact that I am enjoying the thought of you forcing yourself to read this right now seems to establish the point quite nicely. Well now that we have that out of the way, you must understand that the scholar in me cannot simply let my first letter be whisked away with only a generalized version of “The Cosmere.” I mean the fact that you found me in my little Manor on Nalthis proves that you understand that much about the Cosmere already. But I needed to start somewhere and I cannot help but think that someday someone will be reading these words who has never learned Realmatic Theory before. So, to you my future reader, turn back now before the insatiable curiosity grabs you by the throat and drags you away screaming. It will be easier for you to just move on, living your life. Now that I have your attention, dear reader, and your annoyance dear recipient, I wish to better define the Cognitive Realm and its import on my life. I first discovered a perpendicularity by accident. I had been delving into the secrets my rivals were trying very hard to keep. Let me remind you that a perpendicularity is a location or event where concentrated investiture creates a hole between dimentions. I like to think of them as Shard Pools. Call me simple minded, but they are places where investiture pools together all at once. I have thought long and hard about this. We exist in three (known) levels of existance simultaneously. We are very familure with the physical nature of our existance for it is the one we we are born interacting with directly. We are also existant in the spiritual realm where our essence is at it’s most pure. Somewhere between these two realms exists the Cognitive realm. This realm exists as a smoky mirror of it’s more substantial counterparts. The Cognitive realm reflects the physical realm in general shape, but is maluble and easily changed with investiture, which essentially is energy from the Spiritual Realm. The three realms exist in states that are fundamentally different from each other, despit the fact that they are intertwined. The physical worlds upon which we live are large planets suspended in around suns. We live on globes where if we travel in a strait line for long enough, we will end up right where we started. These spheres are the separated from others like them by vast distances in space. The Cognitive realm follows a different set of ruls. Everything there essentially exists on a 2 dimentional plane. Now it’s not literally two dimentional, for when you visit it will feel similar to the surface of your homeland. If you think of a planet as a globe, then the cognitive realm is like a map of the globe. Essentially they are same in shape, but the Cognitive Version of the world has edges that extend into the beyond. When you move off the cognitive world, you step into a dark zone where little to nothing exists. This essentially is leaving the planet. In fact, all cognitive realms are connected to every other world populated with intelligent beings. Because the landscape is created and maintained by intelligent, cognitive thought, it means that the gaps between worlds is relatively small. This two-dimensional existence and connection between the various worlds is what allows worldhoppers like myself to travel across the void and into other nations and cultures. One of the great secrets of the Cosmere is not just the fact that there are other worlds with people on them, but that there are more than can currently be visited. In my travels, I have passed over worlds with populations that are isolated from the rest of the Cosmere. Worlds where there are no natural perpendicularities. Someday I hope to visit these worlds somehow, perhaps discover how humans came to live there without the intervention of a Shard. I’d even assume that they have no access to investiture, but that would be presumptuous of me. I also need to note something that I forgot last time. Each world looks different in the Cognitive Realm. Now there are consistencies, like how bodies of water tend to be represented as stable landmasses in the Cognitive Realm while typical landmasses are large churning oceans of thought that can be quite deadly to a worldhopper who is not careful. However, each world’s cognitive realm has it’s own flavor. For instance, much of Scadrial’s Cognitive Realm is made up of massive seas of mist, whereas on Roshar the ocean seems to be made up of tiny glass beads. Naturally I will be able to tell you more about the Rosharian landscape and Cognitive Realm once I get there. Now you need to remember that these oceans are not a natural phenomenon like a lake or river. These swirling depths are manifestations of the millions of minds that live in the Physical Realm. All things that have a name, a concept, or dream are manifested as tiny intelligences in the Cognitive Realm. The more personification or sentimental value that people give their objects in their world create larger, and more powerful cognitive minds. It is the use of these cognitive minds that, make living in this Realm possible for these cognitions can often be enlisted to help you, especially when you have investiture to offer. Lastly, I wish to comment on the freaky pale sun that hangs ever present over the Cognitive realm. Here there is no night or day, it’s just constantly a dull grey. The ball of light that you can see is the Spiritual realm. Honestly I’m not sure how that works but the other worldhoppers I have run into have mentioned that fact. Somehow that is what connects us all together. It’s strange, and I am sure I will have more to say on that eventually. I know I come off bitter in these letters, but you must understand my reluctance to getting involved. I don’t think I am any better at sharing information that you and your kind must be. Yet, your master’s proposal was intriguing to say the least. Besides, I owe him for saving my life. Don’t get too comfortable back there, you’ve reawakened the scholar in me. Once I get to Roshar I will locate and use a perpendicularity to return to the Physical realm. I hear it is quite a place to visit, although the rumors coming from that direction do not bode well. Until the next letter, Elsric
  9. The Term is over. Term 3 will be posted in 6 hours.
  10. Also, I haven't seen it mentioned, he did a reading from an from Oathbringer Interlude.
  11. So basically, they can detect the movement of electric charges, yes? Then yes, they would in theory be able to see impulses in human nervous systems, but it would be very very VERY dim. If electric current is visible to them, then their sight would only tangentially be related to voltage. A rough analogy is to think of water flowing down hill. The voltage is the slope of the hill, but your character only sees the water flowing. Voltage is in fact a bit more complicated than that, since voltage in a circuit is only really used up in resistors, and not in wires. Which means, if they are able to see current moving in a wire, then they will be able to see electricity without knowing anything about the voltage. Of course, you could decide to let them see both voltage and current, which would be pretty damnation useful. So what does this mean for his vision abilities? Well, human nerves have a voltage across their inner and outer surfaces of about 0.07 volts. That's small, but not too tiny. It's something you might be able to come across in everyday life. Now, for the actual current of a nerve cell. I did some Googling around, and found that the average movement of charge across a neuron sell membrane is 10e-12 amps. That is tiny. incredibly tiny. Like, a millionth of a millionth of a standard amp. So, of the two, your character would be better able to see nerve impulses using voltage. However, if you limit yourself to just being able to see voltage, your character wouldn't be able to see actual electricity, just places where electricity is being used. I.e they'll be able to see the light bulb, but not the wires. I would recommend letting them see both, as that would give them a pretty wide spectrum of electrical phenomena they could detect. As for the heart, yes, it is regulated by electrical impulses, but they are very week. You could easily disrupt the flow of charges across a cellular membrane, prevent the neurons from firing, and lock up the muscles. Strokes are a completely different beast. They occur when the brain is deprived of oxygen carrying blood, usually via a blood clot getting stuck in an artery, or internal bleeding in the brain. Neither is really caused by a problem with electrical infrastructure in the body.
  12. Hmmm... none with the same name, got a couple with powers that might fit? Border: Can manipulate the strong nuclear force in a 2 dimensional area, causing anything which enters this area to be disassembled at a subatomic level. Achieves this by drawing a line with some part of his body, a wall of faint green light is then projected upwards from this line, disintegrating anything that touches it. (Energy not completely conserved, decay produces only mild radiation, light, heat and mild lower wavelengths) Whitespace: Can manipulate written text, cannot change individual letters but can freely move the letters around so long as they don't collide with any other letters. Given the spacing of most documents this usually limits him to increasing the spaces between words or lines. (Highly restricted telekinesis, non-mentalism) Shatterswing: Can extend the range of force from blunt weapons, usually carries a metal mace which he can use to strike opponents up to a distance of 100m away. (Non-conserved, applied equally across area at strength of swing, opposing force acts on air, not Epic.)
  13. The problem is again that Harmony didn't know the Spike's metal and this is really really strange if the Spike was made as part of his own power. But if we considerate Harmony as a liar (possible but unlikely in this context), it remains the problem of Harmony as unable to detect a Spike fueled by his own power.
  14. I'd guess I have most in common with Shallan, too. I've slightly curly red hair and freckles, I'm an artist, and I can go on and on about random facts of flora and fauna. In school I work best when the teachers use visual aspects. I can remember pictures better than most other things, besides random facts that have nothing to do with anything. In my own mind, I run through possible witty conversations, and when I type or write, I can come up with clever things to say, but when it comes to talking to people face-to-face, I go quiet. I do lie to myself, and that's a problem in my life. I know that all this might seem a bit too much like Shallan, but it is the truth. Here, I have proof of my artistic ability. I'll hide it in the spoiler. Don't look at it if you're going to be judging me for bragging. And it's sideways.
  15. I'm there at Ad Astra, and it seems pretty cool. I was on a elevator, and Brandon was walking by. I said, "Hey," because I wanted to greet him or something. Then my mom screamed, "BRANDON SANDERSON!" (She hasn't even read any of his books until The Emperor's Soul just today on the drive.) I'm still feeling ridiculously embarrassed.
  16. @Oversleep Your move, flat earthers.
  17. So, we have a small group of cosmere fans on fb and we were talking about ships and all, and one thing let to another and we came up with weird shardic realizations. A little NSFW, so putting up a warning. And if such posts are not allowed in this forum, by all means let me know or delete it. It's chill. Endowment would be the hottest of all shards because she is obviously well 'endowed'. If Devotion and Dominion were a couple, It would be pretty safe to assume that they were into bondage and stuff. If human x spren is possible, then shallan is the luckiest teenager in Roshar. Cuz pattern vibrates. If there is a survival shard, and the shard holder was female, it is very possible that "there is always another secret" refers to Kelsier and The shard holder's children. There were other way more nsfw stuff, but I am kinda hesitant to put them here :"D
  18. You don’t want to play this game. No really, there are plenty of far better games to play than this one. Games that take place in the Cosmere, or Starwars, or I hear that Herowannabe is making an MLP game? Seriously, that game will be a lot funner than this one. This one doesn’t have Lightsabers, or Ponies, or even killing! It just has some namby-pamby sleep sticks and weird looking glasses. But, since I can’t discourage you from playing this game, I might as well tell you something about it. My Country, Nallhalla, has been infiltrated by Hushlander Spies. They’re still following Biblioden’s teachings, about how the world is scary, so we should ignore it, and not learn anything. They’re trying to put you to sleep. That’s not a Euphemism, they’re literally going to put all dissenters into Coma’s. But hey, as long as you’re woke, they can’t win. But, they’re not going to lose unless you can capture them, or put them in coma’s. Coma’s are a *very* civilized way of fighting. Much better than the barbarous guns and swords that can only kill people. So, you know. Get your friends together, hold them down, and zap up with a sleep spear. Or just punch them really hard. Or they’ll do the same to you. Luckily for us Free Worlders, we’ve got help. Those rascally, Devilishly handsome Smedry’s are on our side! They’re all talented, and deserve to rule the world, but they’re nice and don’t. Some of them can Dance really badly (I once saw Folsom punch a guy into a Coma on accident once.) While others can do things like trip, or look ugly. Oh! And we have a bunch of knights on our side! An honourable order of Paladins, tinted blue, who are extremely lawful: The Sapphire Guard The Knights of Crystalia! They’re lead by an incorruptible council of three, who can legally capture and hold people for indefinite periods of time. And there’s absolutely no way any of them are Working for the Librarians. Nope! All safe roles them. Definitely. . . Anyway, our last resource are the defectors, who were won over by our beauty and grace, and decided that they wanted to live here in Nallhalla, without elevators, or complex machinery, or video games, or, convenience stores. . . Man, I kind of want to defect to the Librarians now. But Smedries would never defect, so i can’t. Right? *Off-stage whispering* Oh! I’m being told I can defect. That’s cool. Uh, I just remembered, I have to go, uh, bake a casserole, yes. I’ll definitely be back later, and not at the head of a librarian Army. Bye! With love, Sabaneta Smedry Actual Rules: Player List: Bridge Boy (Squirrelmort) A Squirrel wearing glasses and wizard robes. Magestar (Ratsegam the Bold) A man who was Tagged Seonid (Shem Smedry) The master of the Archives. Cloudjumper (Fodder) A hard to distinguish man Ecthelion III (Aaron) A very contradictory man Yitzi2 (Jack) A Videogame Engineer Ornstein (Pavelock) A Physiologist who trains locks. Herowannabe (Herbert) a Micropachycephalosaurus (type of dinosaur) scholar who delights in regaling people with obscure trivia, usually about his own species. DroughtBringer (Master Namer Smedry) A Smedry with a talent for not being around when needed. BrightnessRadiant (Jemma) A Completely not Evil Bibliophile Randuir (Rand) Not the Chosen One of an Ancient world ending Prophesy. TheMightyLopen (Celica) A Seemingly Naive little girl. OrlokTsubodai (Orlok) An average citizen who does his best to ignore politics. Queensteph (Alex) A Girl who despises, and is despised by, Librarians Sart (Thomas) An Occulator with a n extensive collection. _stick_ (Stick) A Mokia native. Unodus (Agent Deuce) A detective, skilled at sleuthing out criminals. Elbereth (Ella) A cute, innocent little girl) Cluny the Scourge (Cluny) A collector of books and Lard Spectator List: (Btw, Spectators have no influence on the game, and cannot be targeted.) Alcatraz Mr. Sanderson himself Little Wilson Signups end: Quick Links: FAQ/Rule Clarifications:
  19. I find this interesting. I have read many commentaries of people relating to one character or the other, but I think this is the first time I read someone stating their relate to Kaladin because they too were forced into a career they didn't want. I have often stated how I felt Kaladin never really wanted to be a surgeon, even when he appeared to have settled for this path, I still didn't believe he truly wanted it, so to hear another reader relating to him for this reason, well, I find it very interesting. This being said, I thought this aspect of Kaladin's life hasn't been given a strong enough focus. I thought it was interesting, but it sort of took a back seat with other stuff which is a shame as I find parents forcing their kids into a given career to be an interesting story arc to have within a work of fantasy. It is a hard phenomenon to explain and I feel it remains hard to comprehend: how can someone so social, so outgoing, so readily talking to everyone have trouble making friends? It defies people's expectation. How can it be true? Even to this day, I dare not make anything more than a superficial contact with others, I am still mindful as to whether or not they like me (or not) and it is quite painful at times. I thought with time, with age, it would all go away, but it remains, it lingers. It just doesn't go away: I still struggle with these things and while I am old enough to be able to talk about it, to phrase it, to analyse it, to write a 10 pages report as to why it happens, I still cannot solve it. So yeah, when Adolin realizes nobody actually likes him, it really gets to me. This being said, having a blunt personality does have advantages. It is terrible when it comes to interpersonal relationships, but it does wonders within the work environment. Being a straight-forward, a get down the basic and a results oriented individual are valuable assets within many professions, providing you can learn to manage people's emotions more efficiently. This being said, I think diversity is what makes those stories appealing: everyone can find a character they can relate to.
  20. I just left. I was the metal head in the second row. That was a lot of fun, it was my first con/signing. When he signed my books I asked in SoS I look forward to doing that again and getting him to sign the rest of my books, which are in storage awaiting a pending move.
  21. The Cosmere character I relate the most to is Adolin. I relate to his outgoing, social personality combined with his inability to form meaningful relationships with his peers: everyone knows him, he knows everyone and yet, he has no friends. I was very touched to see an author attempt at dropping such a character into a work of fiction as, typically, authors wanting to represent hardships into personal relationships will choose to broach it from the awkward introverted character (such as Renarin). The truth is, yes, extroverted talkative individuals can have problems with relationships too: some of us are too intrusive, too blunt, take too much space without intending too and others do not like it. As a result, yes, some of us will just close up onto ourselves, but closing up for an extroverted isn't the same as for an introverted: you are still very talkative and social, but not about the things which are important because important things are weapons to be used against you. Worst, if you were to make a move to actually develop a meaningful relationship with someone you actually enjoy spending time with, then this person might as well reject you and then where would you be? Left with no one to talk to, to spend time with: better to ignore it, to not try and to stay within the blissful ignorance as to whether or not others actually like you. I also relate to his blunt honesty, his straight-forwardness into calling a stone, a stone without attempting to sugar-coating it. I also relate to him not being a blind follower, to question before believing and to him being downright pragmatic. No, Dalinar, even if you think they are true, it does not make sense to base your decision making on visions. So yeah, I loved how Brandon tried to write this character and I found it extraordinarily refreshing.
  22. I'm confused, I thought it was certain her spike was trellium?
  23. You won't be disappointed. ... About the book that is. If the GM is to be trusted this game will surely disappoint.
  24. I'm gonna have a new nephew in November-ish. That's in addition to a niece within a couple weeks and my own son in July (kids in my extended family always seem to arrive in sets of three).
  25. Hey, when a cat decides they're going to push something off a flat surface, no kill squad in the world can stop them.
  26. I' m going to my school prom with my crush.............. I feel electrified.
  27. No, you have to say, "One is an evil, murderous insect, and the other is a chasm fiend."
  28. We know they broke their oaths, trapping their spren in Blade form and abandoning them and their Plate. We know from the in-universe Words of Radiance that some number of the forsworn Radiants were killed after the fact and also that one Order out of the ten did not participate in the Recreance and 'entertained great subterfuge at the expense of the other nine'. The Diagram suggests that there is a secret of some sort which broke the Radiants and could be employed against them in the present day if it becomes necessary to destroy them. What we definitely do not know at this point is why.
  29. Hey, did you see Vasher? Who Zahel you talking about?
  30. Q: How do you get a one-armed herdazian out of a tree? A: Wave! Disclaimer: This joke was told by Brandon to a fan at a signing, so it's not originally mine.
  31. You guys can upvote me for that here, if you want. You know, or not.
  32. Q: What do you call a fight between to coinshots? A: A boxing match!
  33. This is my first (and poor) attempt at a theory. But I was wondering, how likely is it that Wayn could eventually become a worldhopper? I mean after the events of Mistborn era 2. When I first saw a stranger mentioned on Threnody that was wearing a hat, I started thinking that if the person was a worldhopper, he might be Wayne. After all, we all know his obsession with hats is ridiculous. To be fair, we have no reason to believe that that character in Forests of Hell is worldhopper. But he was mentioned by both Silence and Daggon in passing, and wouldn't it just be epic if Wayne actually was a worldhopper. His skills seem to prepare him for life blending in with the cultures of other planets. He's a master of disguises and an excellent actor, allowing him to move efficiently in any society without drawing attention. He's charismatic, and can quickly make friends, so he can learn about various cultures. Also, he's proficiencient with dueling canes, meaning he can be an effective fighter on planets without firearms and gun powder, even if he doesn't have access to bendalloy or gold reserves. Plus, he seems like the kind of character who loves adventure, and I could see him traversing planets for this reason. Now, as for how he would gain access to the cognitive realm, I have no idea. Perhaps Kelsier, who must be extremely knowledgeable on the subject after being stuck there, could play a role. Anyways, this theory is pure speculation, with little evidence to back it. Still, I want to see what other people think about it. If there are any characters that you think SHOULD become worldhoppers (even if they probably never will, like poor Wayne), please share your ideas.
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  34. @TheHunter. Has recordings from the panel and the signing.
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  35. I didn't mean to say it should disappear: I meant to say I didn't fancy the idea it would remain such an integral part of the main narrative. In other words, a great deal lot of page time were spent, in WoR, focusing on Kaladin being depressive. I was hoping the next book would give the focus to other aspects of the story. It isn't I want it to go away, I just don't want, for instance, to read another 4 chapters in a row focusing on Kaladin being depressed in prison. I understand there are readers who relate to Kaladin, but there also are readers who don't. I was hoping the future books would have a better balance in between Kaladin and other characters. My understanding were he picked his beta readers out of the super fans and/or the highly involved members of the 17th Shard and/or other communities. This is what Brandon implied on Reddit the several times he was asked about it. I am surprised he is picking up very casual readers, so casual they aren't aware of Kaladin being depressive... I mean, that's pretty much basic information at this point in time. I would rate is as "entry level" information. I thought being named a beta readers meant you had contribute enough to the community to receive this "advantage" or this "honor", so huh this kind of breaks the "beta reading" magic
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  36. I had an idea on Ishar's insanity earlier. He threatened to "destroy each and every [KR], unless they agreed to be bound by precepts and laws." Now that the Recreance has happened, his addled mind may consider that as the KR not agreeing to be bound by the Ideals, and he needs to keep his word to destroy them and fabricated an idea that Nalan would believe so that Ishar could use him as the instrument of carrying out his threat.
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  38. If the champion thing goes down, I'll be looking for an individual who instinctively draws in stormlight (common to surgebinders), takes to their powers naturally, and is more or less universally hated, possibly even by him/herself (odium will certainly be working on honor's champion). So far in our first 2 books, Szeth is the most universally hated, and Kaladin/Lift has taken to the abilities most naturally. I'll be mostly discounting shard interference in all this. I dont believe either champion will be purely of any one shard. We all saw how much Ruin interfered with Vin. However, Szeth is quite methodical in using surgebindings, but that was with the honorblade. We also haven't really seen many people learning to surgebind, which may (read: Will almost certainly) introduce us to more potential champions along the way.
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  39. Someone's feeling verbose today
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  40. I am not sure from where but Roshar has 0.7 g of gravity. It's One of the features needed to allow GreatShell to exist in it. About the air resistance, I think you understamate It a bit. Flying at 200-300 Km/h would be hard for the G-Force alone. Imagine having the full air resistance in your body. It's not really different than be hit by something
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  41. Why isn't "Khriss brought the gun from Taldain" an option considering there are guns on Taldain when she was on it in White Sand? Baon in her entourage was even carrying one at that point.
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  42. Dalinar was into VR gaming before It was cool
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  43. Another brain blast! What if it's connected to the system of trade that Hoid said Kelsier destroyed in Secret History? The people in the Restaurant can't grow their own food, mine their own metals, or anything like that - they need to import everything from other Shardworlds. When the Pits were destroyed, the Restaurant lost access to its cheap and plentiful metals!
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  44. That moment when something you yelled out in the front row of a Sanderson Q&A shows up as a topic title on 17th Shard. Some good hypotheses here. Is it possible that an uninvested shard could be one who "just wants to survive?" and surrounds itself in worldhoppers? Ultimately, I think that wherever the restaurant is, or as some other con-goes referred to it "DS9 of the cosmere," I imagine the major backer is the recipient of the letter 'old reptile' or whatever we are calling him these days. I don't think that shardic intent would line up too well with the 17th shard, unless it was the intent of laissez faire. My bet is it was facilitated by some original worldhoppers, particularly those who survived the shattering/from Yolen. Particularly with the notion of prolonging one's life through judicious use of forward time travel, I could see having a stable, safe hideout being useful. Trae
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  45. A koloss walks into a bar, the bartender asks: "Why so blue?" Why did the kandra hesitate to take a dog's body? -It gave him paws. Tineyes are funny, but it's a slow burn.
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  46. Marsh Expectation: Infiltrate Inquisitors. Reality: Get spiked and BECOME an inquisitor. Oh the ironeyes.
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  47. Q: What do you call an insect that eats metal? A: An aluminum gnat!
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