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Showing most liked content on 06/10/13 in all areas

  1. I know it's a bit late, but I ran into him here and managed to get a few Cosmere questions in: Q: In Dalinar's visions, he interacted with people in ways that seemed strange and unexpected to those he was interacting with, and they responded appropriately. Did his actions actually influence the past, or not? For example, did he help influence Nohadon to write The Way of Kings? (Note: This is a very interesting question to ask because both answers reveal something very interesting. A yes says that time travel in some form is possible under Cosmere magic; a no says that the dying Tanavast had enough power and awareness available to him to create some extremely detailed and highly interactive simulations, which is far more capability than Leras had while dying!) A: No, they were just projections sent into his mind. Q: We know that Hoid has a bead of Lerasium, that he obtained during the events of The Well of Ascension. As of the most recent Cosmere book chronologically, (The Alloy of Law, I believe,) has it been used? A: Well, umm... probably not exactly in the way you're thinking... Q: OK, specifically, has it been used either by Hoid burning it or by him giving it to someone else to burn? A: Well, Hoid's a very resourceful person, and he finds uses for most of the things he gets ahold of, though they're not always the expected uses. So yeah, he's found something to do with it, but I'll have to RAFO that one, because it's going to come up in later books and I don't want to spoil things.
  2. Relationship starts with acknowledging the other's existence. I acknowledge you , and I hope you'll return the favor. To make things easier, I'm a published short story and nonfiction article writer whose interests include philosophy, theology, and history. I am also a tabletop RPG and amateur cooking enthusiast. I'm currently seeking representation for my first sci-fi/fantasy novel while finishing a second. Mr. Sanderson has served as a constant inspiration to me. Wishing everyone here success in all their endeavors and Godspeed, Brian
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  3. Just saw this an it reminded me an awful lot if a certain scene with Kabsul. Didn't know it was a real thing.
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  4. We actually DO know that some spren were formed by merging pieces of honor and cultivation, but I'll admit that intentionally creating splinters together is speculation. All Spren are pieces of the one who has gone. All spren are pieces of either Honor or Cultivation or some mixture between the two. This spren is more honor, that spren is more cultivation. Seems pretty solid confirmation that at least some spren have part of both shards inside of them. The spren that appear all over the place are probably a result of Honor's fall, but we know that some Spren existed BEFORE he was splintered. I speculate that spren capable of radiant-bonds are splinters that were intentionally created and are all mixtures of both Honor and Cultivation. EDIT: Shardlet hasn't posted on this forum, but given his choice of avatar I found a deep need to include this picture. Sooooo creepy. Shardlet Double Eye KR symbol Double Eye Double Skull
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  5. I got this idea from a superpower forum, and I thought that I might share it here. So a magical genie that is a big fan of the Mistborn books picks you and 999 other people to take part in a test. Each of the 1000 people can be given an ability from the series (full Mistborn, full Feruchemist, Misting, Ferring, or Twinborn) if they ask for it. Here's the catch: You only get to receive the ability if no one else asked for it. For example, if you wanted to be a Mistborn, you could ask for it, but chances are that another person will ask for the same ability. So you won't get to be a Mistborn. If you manage to get the ability that you want, the genie will supply you with two hours worth of metal burning if you become an Allomancer or Twinborn. If you become a Twinborn or Feruchemist, you don't require metal to store, you can just store it in your own body. I think, considering the possibilities, I would choose to be a Allomantic pewter- Feruchemal iron Twinborn.
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  6. I guess my explanation was poor. End-positive: Energy is gained and used. Most magic systems take Energy from Shards and use it to Create. Once used, the Energy is returned to the Shard. The time it takes for that Energy to return is irrelevant. Even if it take a thousand years for a Burned metal to return, it isn't lost. End-neutral: Energy is simply transferred, temporally (as with Feruchemy, store now use later) or other (assuming there is some other end-neutral system with purpose of moving Energy around without loss). End-negative: Energy is lost and not used. Hemalurgy takes from one and gives to another. In the transfer, the receiver gets less than was taken. What was lost is never retrieved without use of a different system. Biochromatic Breath is interesting. Ultimately, its end-positive. Energy is never lost. Breath isn't Energy, nor is it lost (normally). Breath is a piece of the Soul (Cognitive and/or Spiritual) that can be transferred to others. That transfer can be considered end-neutral since nothing is gaoned or lost, just moved from one place to another. This can also remove any end-negative discussion about Nightblood, since he's destoying souls, not removing Energy. The perks one gains from having more Breaths all deal with awareness. They don't require Energy; better described as having more Soul. The closest thing to Energy in the process is color. To Awaken, color must be drained from nearby. No color to drain, not Awakey. This draining was seen, but its nature was never explained in Warbreaker. I would speculate that lost color gets input in some other form, elsewhere. WoB has mentioned fields of flowers from which lots of dyes are made...
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  7. https://docs.google.com/document/d/11zLjKT0JSSw0oKZ-nQxEpQLHSVO6v_vZkfOt2gp-LoU/edit You usually find these in the Events, Signings and stakings section of the forum.
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  8. IMPORTANT NOTE: The thread title should have read Hoid as a Sliver, not Shardholder. I have since been informed as to the definition of both, and found that Sliver is the appropriate term to refer to Hoid in this theory. I started a topic earlier theorizing about the supposed Survival Shard and the possibility of Hoid having held it at some point. It was brought to my attention that my belief that Hoid having held a Shard seemed like a relatively new idea, or that it hadn't been heard of yet. So I decided to start this thread in order to present that theory first, rather than trying to hold it as a base assumption for a different theory. We know that Hoid was present for the Shattering of Adonalsium, and that he was likely the author of The Letter in Way of Kings (thanks to a recent comment by Brandon stating that the Bead of Lerasium Hoid took is also The Element in The Letter, inevitably pointing to Hoid as the author). This means that Hoid likely has personal knowledge of the names of the Shardholders and the Shards themselves, evident by the fact that he comments on the Shardholders in The Letter by their names, not their Shards, and the effects of their Shards on the different worlds they visited. Now, this is a quote from Hoid's conversation late in Way of Kings. “ 'I began life as a thought, a concept, words on a page. That was another thing I stole. Myself. Another time, I was named for a rock.' 'A pretty one, I hope.' 'A beautiful one,' the man said. 'And one that became completely worthless for my wearing it.' Hoid is fairly well known to have more knowledge than other characters surrounding him, and for speaking in strange and cryptic sentences that make a lot more sense if you have insight as to what he is talking about. He also makes light of situations when talking about huge matters with people who are not directly involved, as his conversations with Dalinar seem to suggest, as well as his entire personality as a witty joker of some sort. Along with that, we know that Hoid is the Liar of Partinel, and that he stole his name from someone else. I believe that is what he is referring to when he says he stole himself. The next line is the one that interests me. He claims to have been named for a beautiful rock, which sounds silly and light coming out of Hoid's mouth. I believe it must be much deeper than that, due to Sanderson's propensity for hiding big secrets in relatively simple phrases or conversations, as well as Hoid's tendency to make light of all of the massive issues going on around him. If we think seriously about it, the only time someone in the Cosmere has been named for any kind of 'rock' that we know of is when they pick up a Shard. The Shard has a personality or an Intent of its own that it impresses upon the wielder, changing them over time. Ruin and Preservation caused Ati and Leras respectively to lose grasp on themselves and to become more like the Shards they held. Ati was not always a destroyer of some kind, but he was altered by Ruin's intent and therefore became the embodied force of entropy, as did Leras and basically all of the other Shardholders. Rayse has been said to emulate the Intent of his Shard, Odium, and therefore the two meshed well to embody the Shard's Intent. He is only referred to as Rayse by the author of The Letter (likely Hoid), and Odium by all others who know of him. My point is this: Hoid says that he was once named after a Rock. Shardholders are named after their Shards. Therefore, it seems that Hoid was admitting to having held a Shard out loud to Kaladin. Here's my justification as to why he once held it, but does no longer. Hoid is on some sort of worldhopping journey, supposedly to fix the Splintered Shards that Odium had broken. He appears on Scadrial and helps free Ruin from his prison, which eventually results in the restoration of both Shards' full power and Sazed becoming their bearer, uniting them into Harmony, a supposedly more powerful incarnation of both Shards. I believe Brandon is quoted as having said that this is what Odium feared would happen. He was also present on Nalthis and Sel, as well as Roshar most recently. Now, if Hoid has some quarrel with Rayse/Odium and is trying to oppose him, uniting the other Shards against him would be his best use of time. This begs the question: Why not take one of the Shards for himself and use its power against Rayse? If the above quote is an admission to being a Shardholder, it also suggests that Hoid was terrible at using it, as he says that it "became completely worthless for my wearing it." This might mean that Hoid did try to use a Shard against Rayse and that it didn't go well, and thus he is searching for other ways to accomplish his goals besides bearing a Shard. At this point, I believe that if Hoid had really wanted to take Preservation and Ruin for himself, he would have just showed up at the right moment at the end of HoA and grabbed them, as he hasn't showed any trouble in being in the right place at the right time before then to further his goals. All that said, this is mostly speculation and conjecture with little total evidence to back it up. But, I believe wholeheartedly that it has a lot of merit and realism behind the claim. Feel free to argue against me or present evidence of your own that might support this theory as well! I look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks.
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  9. I might as well toss this in as well.
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  10. Sure. You canonically can use hemalurgy to steal a shardblade. They aren't going to discover the metallic arts by accident, though. My answer? Sure, if you had some stormlight to put in it. But you'll have to wait for the next highstorm for that, and that might take a while. They don't have Breaths, so obviously not. Whether or not they're on scandrial is irrelevant - if they went to Nalthis they still wouldn't be able to. If they somehow gained the ability to be an awakener, they still wouldn't *actually* be able to awaken since they don't have Breath.
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  11. Right. I am familiar with the fact that Hoid stole his identity from someone else. However, that doesn't explain why he says that he was once named for a rock, specifically: "A beautiful one,” the man said. “And one that became completely worthless for my wearing it." I can't think that he means anything besides a Shard. All of the characters we know of that held a Shard become known as the Shard, not as themselves. So if Hoid held a Shard, he would have been known as that Shard rather than as Hoid. I might just reformat this point into a Theory post all its own.
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  12. Not exactly. They're using their tiny inner preservation to draw on the powers of creation; big P preservation is hardly involved (though he could step in to fuel it if he wanted).
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  13. A Kandra's hemalurgic spikes wouldn't stop working if they went off-world, hemalurgy isn't region-locked. It has also been used on other planets.
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  14. Most of mine have been covered already, but I remember going crazy over that moment in Alcatraz when he marries his two friends and suddenly the girl gains her husband's power... It was pretty awesome!
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  15. "You created the one thing that could destroy you, Ruin! And you just made one huge final mistake. You shouldn't have killed Elend." "You see, he was the only reason I had left to live." Probably the biggest gut-punch in all of fiction for me. But as a shocking twist, OreSeur being TenSoon all along, Denth being evil, and Reen's voice being Ruin were huge.
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  16. There is a reason. I don't know when I want to get into it, however. Indeed. Hm... What could Sazed be doing with that extra power... Fabrials are part of it. RAFO
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  17. This quote strongly supports Honor and Cultivation merging in some manner. What does it mean for two people without physical bodies to make love? We have been told that Shards inhabit power and energy the way humans inhabit flesh and blood, and I see no more intimate relationship than having these energies merge to create something new.Edit: here is the source: http://theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=985/#5
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