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Puck's Blag

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Because they take a little nip from every flower that they sip...



Before I delve into the writing/editing of roughly 95 Elantris wiki entries, I've decided to reward myself for the good work I've done so far. So, I'll be reading the Alcatraz series as well as finally reading the end of the Wheel of Time series. (This reward inspired by a conversation here.)


I once half-listened to the audiobook of the first novel, and really enjoyed it. So, there's that. (I'm also reasonably sure that the characters' voices in my head will inevitably be those of that narrator.) But I remember enjoying the world, the break-every-rule-of-writing style, and the general silliness, so I think I'll be in for a good time.

Wheel of Time

I'll be starting on book 9 with the WoT, since I've read the first 8 several times. 9 is where I always start to get foggy on what exactly happens in any given book; gun to the head, all I could tell you is the climax of the last chapter (I think) of each. I've read all the way through 9 (Winter's Heart) and 10 (Crossroads of Twilight) only once, and got so bored/frustrated that I couldn't bring myself to start book 11 (Knife of Dreams), so it won't be conquering completely new territory. But I'll be damned if I'm not gonna get the best of this series! I'll earn my silver sword and golden dragon yet!


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